Sand Dollar F-10

Sand Dollar F-10 Newly renovated unobstructed ocean front condo on the best reef on Bonaire ocean front

Here we go again with a big smile to support this cultural initiative from Sobremesa Bonaire!!!
We will be there, just like regularly open with our recent upgraded menu and 3 added specials: Saskia's, Casper's and Hendrik's specials that we are brainstorming about!!!
We are really looking forward !!!!!
If you would like to pre-order please wattsap us on 701 2782

Guess what? There's a New Bird Species On Bonaire! 🐤

The new kid on the block is a called White-eyed Vireo(Vireo griseus). This small, vocal songbird which is usually found in the Eastern US, Mexico, Northern Caribbean and Northern parts of Central America was discoverd and photographed by local bird monitor and STINAPA board member Steve Schnoll through our Washington Park Bird Monitoring Program and was verified by experts with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Since this is a new species for Bonaire as well as the ABC and BES islands, there isn't a name for it in Papiamentu yet. This gives us the opportunity to name it! Help us pick a name in the comments below with your best ideas. 💡


Atenshon! Tin un espesie nobo di para na Boneiru!🐤

E chikitin nobo yama White-eyed Vireo(Vireo griseus). A deskubrí e para kantadó aki na Parke Washington pa Steve Schnoll, observadó di para, i miembro di direktiva di STINAPA, pa medio di nos Programa di Monitoreo di Para. Generalmente ta lokalisá e para aki den e parti oriental di Merka, Mexico, Nort di Karibe i parti nort di Amerika. E informashon a ser verifiká pa ekspertonan di 'Cornell Lab of Ornithology'.

Komo ku esaki ta un espesie nobo pa Boneiru, manera tambe pa islanan ABC i BES, ainda no tin un nòmber p'é na Papiamentu. Esaki ta duna nos e oportunidat pa dun'é un nòmber! Yuda nos skohe un nòmber p'é, laga un komentario atras ku bo ideanan.💡

We have had partly to mostly cloudy skies in the last couple of days in combination with hazy skies and it seems that these conditions will continue in the coming days, but the mass of Saharan dust will gradually diminish during the weekend and early next week. Between tonight and Sunday morning, the instability over the local islands (ABC islands) could temporarily increase a bit and lead to the possibility of the formation of a few localized showers. Winds will be generally moderate with a tendency to diminish during the weekend and become light to moderate. Next week, the weather is expected to be variable and sometimes unsettled as a disturbance could influence our local weather conditions with more cloudiness, variable winds and the possibility of some shower activity, mainly around and during midweek. We will follow this possibility and inform you about it.

Hemos tenido cielos parcial a mayormente nublados en los últimos días en combinación con cielos brumosos y parece que estas condiciones continuarán en los próximos días, pero la masa de polvo sahariano disminuirá gradualmente durante el fin de semana y principios de la próxima semana. Entre esta noche y el domingo por la mañana, la inestabilidad sobre las islas locales (islas ABC) podría aumentar un poco temporalmente y dar lugar a la posibilidad de que se formen algunos chubascos localizados. Los vientos serán generalmente moderados con tendencia a disminuir durante el fin de semana y volverse de flojos a moderados. La próxima semana, se espera que el tiempo sea variable y a veces inestable, ya que una perturbación podría influir nuestras condiciones del tiempo locales con más nubosidad, vientos variables y la posibilidad de alguna actividad lluviosa, principalmente alrededor y a mediados de la semana. Seguiremos esta posibilidad y les informaremos al respecto.

12 nieuwe gevallen van dengue op Bonaire, belangrijk om verdere verspreiding te voorkomen

In de week van 22 tot 30 januari van dit jaar zijn er 12 bevestigde gevallen van dengue bij gekomen, zo laat de afdeling Publieke Gezondheid weten. Er zijn nu sinds 1 januari 2024 tot eind vorige week in totaal 18 gevallen van dengue op Bonaire vast gesteld. Bij de huisartsen is het aantal mensen met klachten die op dengue lijken iets gestegen. Dit was te verwachten omdat het de laatste tijd veel heeft geregend, de denguemug legt eitjes in stilstaand water.

De afdeling Publieke Gezondheid roept iedereen op om te voorkomen dat dengue zich verder verspreidt. Dat kan door b.v. alle voorwerpen met stilstaand water erin leeg te maken. Het is ook belangrijk dat mensen ervoor zorgen dat de denguemug geen kans krijgt om hen te prikken. Bij voorbeeld door zich in te smeren met een antimuggenzalf met DEET erin.

Lees verder:

Mass of Saharan dust over the region!
¡Masa de polvo sahariano sobre la región!

The first mass of Saharan dust of the year has reached the eastern Caribbean as well as the ABC islands. This mass will be more prominent today and this weekend before dissipating by early next week. The presence of the mass is causing whitish skies and lower visibility. People with allergies and respiratory problems are advised to take this into account.

La primera masa de polvo sahariano del año ha llegado al Caribe oriental así como a las islas ABC. Esta masa será más prominente hoy y este fin de semana antes de disiparse a principios de la próxima semana. La presencia de la masa está provocando cielos blanquecinos y menor visibilidad. Se le recomienda a las personas con alergias y problemas respiratorios que lo tengan en cuenta.


Hamlets. Long but interesting story ahead.

These are potentially the weirdest fish on the reef in the Caribbean. There are at least 11 recognized species of hamlets, they have distinctive coloration and patterns which is how they are commonly identified. But are they actually different species? That definitely seems to be up to debate. Several of the scientific papers actually call them morphospecies because they may not actually be different species, at least how a species is normally defined. If they are different species, they may represent the best example of recent species diversion on the planet; Darwin's finches potentially are tens of thousands of years more divergent than the hamlets of the Caribbean. Hamlet morphospecies actually share mitochondrial DNA and the species differentiation in actual DNA is less than the differentiation between individuals of most species. If I translated the gobblygook of the research papers I read (man do scientists love their gobblygook) the difference between a shy hamlet and a black hamlet may actually be less than the difference between a redhead and a blonde human (food for thought, are redheads a different species possibly?). Hamlets are also known to interbreed between morphospecies (scientific observations say that on the studied reefs this happens in about 2% of matings), it is entirely possible that what is currently recognized as a unique species is actually a cross-breed, or maybe they are all crossbreeds.

Add to the fun that adult hamlets are simultaneous hermaphrodites, they are both fully functioning male and female at the same time. Out of the 20 species of vertebrates on the planet known to exhibit this trait hamlets represent 11 of them. They mate EVERY single evening (busy little bunnies), and it isn't unusual for one individual to emit s***m and to then emit eggs less than a minute later. In many locations hamlets exhibit pairing behavior, the same two hamlets will mate every day often traveling hundreds of yards across the reef to a specific coral head to do so. This mating behavior means that the mating of hamlets is perhaps one of the most easily studied mating behaviors of any western Atlantic fish.

That brings us to this picture. From what we have been able to determine and read the individual here is a sub-adult hamlet. They all look like this, every single one of the very divergent morphospecies of hamlets has this coloration and pattern before it takes on its adult coloration. What "species" of hamlet is this? Come back in a few more months and we'll know. Or it is entirely possible that pretty much everything we think we know about hamlets is crap, science is like that. Which is why it is so cool. 🤩



79 Kaya Gob. N. Debrot


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