♬ ★ 澳洲假期新聞報★ ♬
Brisbane 每週限制500名乘客入境,每個入境航班限定30位旅客,但出境不在此限制。
☎+61 7 3236 1688
79 Millers Road, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113
A limited number of international flights continue to operate to Australia, to bring Australians home, allow foreign visitors to depart, and maintain essential freight connections.
Quarantine arrangements for international arrivals remains one of the most effective measures to protect against the spread of COVID-19 in the Australian community.
The suspension of international arrivals into Melbourne, and an increase in overall travel demand, has resulted in considerable pressure on quarantine capacity throughout Australia.
In order to maintain the integrity of the quarantine system, the Government has agreed a national framework to manage incoming passenger arrivals.
Airlines will be limited to bringing in:
o Melbourne – no incoming passenger arrivals until further notice
o Brisbane–nomorethan500arrivalsperweek(withacapof30passengersper
o Perth – no more than 75 passenger arrivals per day, on average (with a cap of 50
passengers per flight)
These arrangements will be in place initially from 13 July - 8 August.
For Sydney, the cap of no more than 450 passenger arrivals per day with a cap of 50
passengers per flight will continue to apply to 18 July and subject to review.
For affected passengers
Passengers with upcoming flights to Australia are advised to contact their airline or travel agent in the first instance for information on any changes to their flight.
Some travellers may experience delays in returning to Australia, or need to make alternate arrangements to arrive at a different Australian airport.
There may be charges for quarantine arrangements. More states and territories may introduce charges – this is a matter for individual jurisdictions to determine and manage.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through Australia’s overseas diplomatic network, will continue to provide consular assistance to Australians overseas via critical consular services.
Australians who remain overseas are advised to subscribe to Smartraveller for the latest advice and follow the social media account of their closest embassy, consulate or high commission for regular updates.
o Youareencouragedtobepatient;toensureyouhaveasafeplacetostay;tofollow the advice of local authorities and to minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19
Alternatively, Australians can contact the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 from anywhere in the world.
For airlines/industry
All airlines operating scheduled passenger services to Australia have been notified of their passenger cap requirements by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (the Department). Any questions should be directed to [email protected]
Requests for exemptions to the cap or for additional services will be considered by the Department on a case-by-case basis, subject to the overall quarantine capacity in the State/Territory of arrival.
o Airlinesshouldbeawarethattheavailabilityofexemptionswillbelimited.
Passenger caps do not include:
o Aircrew(includingoff-shiftcrewwhoaretravellingaspassengersonanaircraftto subsequently operate another international service or reposition at another location);
o Infants (children less than two years of age); o Unaccompaniedminors;
o Foreigndiplomats;or
o PassengerstransitingAustraliatoathirdcountry-providedthosepassengershave the necessary transit exemptions AND remain airside for the duration of their transit (less than 8 hours).
Freight-only flights and outbound passenger services are unaffected.
It is ultimately a matter for each airline to determine which passengers are boarded on a
flight in accordance with the cap arrangements.
The arrangements will initially apply from 12 July to 8 August. The Australian Government will determine closer to that time as to whether they will be extended.
The Department welcomes any feedback on the implementation of these arrangements.