You may be wondering why we haven't yet made a call...
Some of you may even be thinking that the solution is simple, and therefore think... "why hold out on an announcement any longer?!"
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. However, we understand your desire for answers. So, we write to you this week with transparency, as we always endeavour to keep you as informed as possible.
The COVID-situation in NSW is at large, once again. This time with a strain that has increasingly been more difficult for state governments to contain. And as the clusters begin to pop up in more places and continue to grow exponentially, a reschedule of our October event is becoming ever more likely.
But, what does it take to firstly know that we can achieve a reschedule, have the resources necessary to do so, and then publicly announce this?
To put it simply, A LOT.
We value you and all of the support you have given us.
We know you're hungry for a festival and for live music - nothing can replace it... and the last thing we want to do is reschedule. However with the current situation, we are not confident that we can deliver a safe and successful event in October - and, in the end, that's the bottom line.
We're not giving up - we want to put on Bluesfest SO BAD! But we cannot until we know that we can achieve this at a standard worth presenting.
We said it last week, and we'll say it again - we do not want anyone to experience a repeat of what happened earlier this year. So, please know that we are working tirelessly towards the future and an announcement is imminent.
Till then, stay tuned, stay informed - and keep believing in the return of live music.
Yours truly,