Mullbrook Zayna was born on the 2nd of December 2015. She is an Age B foal out of Fardou fan Teakesyl (imp). Fardou is a Maeije 440 foal with amazing sport movement which Zayna has inherited.
Zayna has the sweetest of temperaments, she can be a little shy but once she gets to know you will be your best friend for life. She loves nothing more than being brushed in the paddock and will stand for hours. She is halter trained, is happy to stand quietly for the farrier and is easy to do absolutely anything with.
Zayna is for sale to only the best of homes. Please PM us for more information or to make a time to come and visit.
We'll add more photo's and videos tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a pic of her beautiful mum and a brief video (Zayna is the foal at the back of the group).