Alpine Spirit Coaches & Snowball Express - Mt Hotham Bus

Alpine Spirit Coaches & Snowball Express - Mt Hotham Bus —- Permanently Closed —- Please visit our website for alternative charter, touring and all snow travel options available. Thank you and all the best!

Permanently closed.

Please stay safe! We are local people who are part of the Alpine business community. We proudly work with our partners and clients in making sure that your experiences with Alpine Spirit Coaches and the SNOWBALL EXPRESS - Mt Hotham Bus is to the highest level of service. We are considered by the local community to be the most experienced charter service provider in the Alpine Regions. Alpine Spiri

t Coaches has the infrastructure, experience and local knowledge to make sure that you get to the Snowfields safely. Repetitive work is the true indication of any business. We invite you to ask around. We believe that "Quantity is something you count - QUALITY is something you count on" - occasionally we mightn't be the cheapest, but we are always the best at what we do...the proof is in our long standing presence and association with the Alpine regions. No one else can genuinely make claim to this....We invite you to try Alpine Spirit Coaches (SNOWBALL EXPRESS - Mt Hotham Bus) for yourself... Thankyou and all the best! - Chris & Nadina Bonacci

Our Commenting Policy:

All conversations and posts should be constructive, respectful, and contain language that is appropriate for all groups and ages. We reserve the right to moderate comments and remove any that:

• contain threats or personal attacks of any kind
• are defamatory - this means to falsely or unjustly damage someone's reputation
• are obscene, indecent, profane, or vulgar
• contain offensive terms that are directed towards ethnic or racial groups
• are false, misleading or deceptive
• promote or endorse a product or service
• are excessively repetitive or constitute SPAM. Comments that do not adhere to the above guidelines will, without exception, be removed. In cases of repeat offences, we will take action to block offenders from the page. Please note: Our moderators do their best to ensure this policy is adhered to fairly and consistently. If you would like to report abuse, spam, fake profiles etc. please refer to Facebook’s policy on this. You can report any individual comment by scrolling over the comment and clicking on the “x” in the upper right corner and clicking “report”.


And that is a wrap! Our last logo painted over as we come to the very final chapter of our time in the bus industry. Alpine Spirit Coaches is now 100% finished.
Next adventure for Chris & Nadina is about to start “somewhere in Australia”. Come May, we are off!
Thank you to all who supported us and shared their experiences with us and our team. Please stay safe and well, be nice to each other and don’t pick on Collingwood supporters! 🤔👍

A couple of well known people from the old Alpine Spirit annual snow team. Muzza and Anette came in to say g’day. Actual...

A couple of well known people from the old Alpine Spirit annual snow team. Muzza and Anette came in to say g’day. Actually, Muzza really wanted to give Chris a big hug!
It is always nice when we have ex employees come in for a visit. For Nadina and I, that is the real success story of Alpine Spirit Coaches when staff not only become part of the family business, but also become long lasting freinds.
All the best Muzza and Annete. 👍🙂


And that’s our very last touring coach gone! It’s been a great reliable coach! 👍
22 vehicles now all sold and gone to good homes. Now just to sell off the remaining safari tents and safari trailer and then hopefully - Western Australia - here we come! 🙏

Goodbye coach number 55. A well recognised coach in the snow industry and the north east of Victoria. All the best to Ja...

Goodbye coach number 55. A well recognised coach in the snow industry and the north east of Victoria. All the best to James and his team from GTC in Melbourne. One more coach to go!

As we finish up our business - Alpine Spirit Coaches, a blast from the past decided to visit. To anyone that knows the b...

As we finish up our business - Alpine Spirit Coaches, a blast from the past decided to visit. To anyone that knows the bus and coach educational touring industry, this fella (Simon) alongside me, was one of the most requested, most experienced, most knowledgeable, most professional and the very best coach captain anyone could work alongside with. For me personally, it was like having the King of England visit Alpine Spirit Coaches. The way Simon delivered his tours was something that not many others came close to matching. School groups would actually not go if they didn’t haven’t Simon driving.
Thank god I had the time to learn from him when I was a young fella. A true gentleman and legend of the Bus and Coach eductional touring industry. Thank you Simon for everything you have done (and Jan for her support over the many years)….

A great organisation and wonderful people. All our children regularly visited you over the years. “Thank you” -  Myrtlef...

A great organisation and wonderful people. All our children regularly visited you over the years. “Thank you” - Myrtleford Toy Library.


Coach captain Chris. One of the most experienced snow drivers on Hotham. Everyone knows him from the day shift Hotham shuttle bus service. Now a coach captain!

Another successful tour on board with Alpine Spirit.  On its way back home with a quick stop in Cooby Pedy. Thanks to th...

Another successful tour on board with Alpine Spirit. On its way back home with a quick stop in Cooby Pedy.
Thanks to the great young adults and their support staff from Gleneagles Secondary College (and Worldstrides), who entrusted us to show them around outback Australia.
A special thanks to Linda (coach captain) and our fantastic safari cooks Sheryl and Kristen. We love what we do and are so proud of our team!


Another one off to the snow. First of many! Hotham here we come! 👍


And here we go to the other extreme! To the snow with our boy Nathum. This guys loves the snow! You’ll see him and our other team members either on Hotham, Fall Creek and Buller! Even Perisher! All in the next 3 weeks! 🥶


Goodbye guys!


Our first Darwin tour this month of several to still come. Merv, Trace, and Boonie! And I’m stuck in the cold again! Lucky buggers. I bet Merv is going to miss the snow - not!


End of an era for us. Hotham and Dinner Plain snow buses have been sold. Thank you to everyone who used our services on Hotham and Dinner Plain over the years. It’s Back to basics for now at Alpine Spirit coaches and the snowball express.
We still proudly offer our professional snow charter services to all north east Victorian snow fields, educational tours Australia wide, school camps and much, much more. Please ring our friendly staff for more info. Good luck to the new bus operator on Hotham and Dinner Plain. Please support them well. They are good people who are also passionate like us in offering the best service. Thank you, stay safe and well.
See you on one of our charters soon! Regards - Chris & Nadina

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Alpine Spirit Coaches would like to wish Rob, Paddy and their entire team from "4Site industries", all...

Alpine Spirit Coaches would like to wish Rob, Paddy and their entire team from "4Site industries", all the very best for the upcoming 2023 snow season on Mt Hotham & Dinner Plain. 4Site industries will be operating the Hotham Village bus service and we are very sure they will continue to build further the travelling experiences to all visitors and guests to the snow fields. *Due to personal reasons, Alpine Spirit Coaches could not continue on with our commitments in operating Village Snow buses in 2023 and beyond.
Chris, Nadina, our children (Kaitlin, Tyler & Jonah), and the entire team at Alpine Spirit Coaches wish the "4Site" team a very successful first year and beyond, on Hotham and Dinner Plain. We trust it all goes well.
Thank you to all our wonderful Hotham & Dinner Plain staff over the years who made up part of our snow bus team on Hotham & Dinner Plain. Words just can't express how grateful we are for your contribution to our Australian family business. The improvements to the snow bus services on Hotham & Dinner Plain over the years has no doubt set higher standards and greatly improved the snow experiences for many people. We have also made many friends, had many laughs and created many memories along the way.
***ALPINE SPIRIT COACHES continues to offer many travel options for private snow charters for individuals and groups, plus all school groups. The Snowball Express - Mt Hotham Bus continues to be the preferred direct route bus service to the snow fields because of our experiences, sincerity and knowledge. Thank you to all who continue to support Alpine Spirit Coaches. Our proud reputation in the snow travel industry is paramount and we do not take this for granted. All the best.... Please Stay Safe

Alpine Spirit Coaches supplying bus transport to the Brighter days festival. “Bikes, Cars and Music”Great crowd! Fun tim...

Alpine Spirit Coaches supplying bus transport to the Brighter days festival. “Bikes, Cars and Music”
Great crowd! Fun times.
Thank you to all the festival volunteers and event organisers.
Alpine Spirit is proud to be part of this great weekend.


The Brighter Days Festival is here again! Alpine Spirit Coaches is proud to offer all visitors to the northeast, our local community, friends and families safe travel to the FRONT GATE ENTRY! Check out the Brighter Days Festival website for all your transport info.
Say G’day to Chris, Nadina and our great team of friendly LOCAL drivers while getting around the Bright region over the weekend. Please remember to thank the festival volunteers too! A great team of people. Without them we would be stuffed.
A great weekend or music, food, drink, dance, singing and relaxation in our area is guaranteed.
(Sorry about Chris’s singing) …..

Proud to be an Aussie! Alpine Spirit Coaches respects all people of different race, colour, faith and sexuality.  We liv...

Proud to be an Aussie!
Alpine Spirit Coaches respects all people of different race, colour, faith and sexuality. We live in a great country.
Be nice to one another, respect each other and stay safe. Life is good! 😀
We are gearing up for the upcoming 2023 SNOW SEASON... Snowball Express - Mt Hotham Bus ONLINE BOOKINGS now open. Travel with experience and a quality service, which means your safety. We are the best at what we do.

Bastoni pizza and a few drinks to welcome back a legend. Our Jono….

Bastoni pizza and a few drinks to welcome back a legend. Our Jono….


Our snow driver “Jono” is finally back home and continuing to recover well from his car accident last year on Hotham.
The Alpine Spirit is alive and well with Jono. We found his beloved snow board and the reunion between the both finally happened today. We love ya mate. Great to have Emily and you back home where you belong - amongst the mountains and fresh water….
Thank you to everyone who expressed their best wishes to Jono and Emily since the accident. It was very comforting for the entire Alpine Spirit team to witness the kindness and support of the Alpine community.
Having people like “Jono” working at Alpine Spirit Coaches where they are loved and respected so much by the Local community, Hotham and Dinner Plain visitors and businesses - is the biggest achievement a business can achieve. We are so proud of you Jono.
Welcome home!
Onwards and upwards from here!



Bright Police would like to speak with the male in this photo as he may be able to assist with the investigation into an assault and criminal damage that occurred on a bus at the Mount Hotham Alpine on the 4th September 2022.

If anyone has any information on who this male is could they please call Senior Constable Stewart - Bright Police - 03 5755 1444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Reference Number: 220252024.

So true!  We have said this for years…..👍😀

So true! We have said this for years…..👍😀

The alpine spirit never fades at Hotham. 🙌

Our Jono......Hotham Snow Bus Driver... Jonathan Evans (Jono) was the car occupant who was rescued on Friday 16th Septem...

Our Jono......Hotham Snow Bus Driver...
Jonathan Evans (Jono) was the car occupant who was rescued on Friday 16th September night on Mt Hotham – an Alpine Spirit Coaches experienced Snow Driver. Jono is well respected in the bus & snow industry, a true gentleman with the kindest soul and character. Always willing to jump in and help someone out. Never a problem.

Nadina, our entire Alpine Spirit Coaches team, myself and Jono’s partner (Emily) cannot thank everyone enough who were involved in assisting Jono’s rescue on Friday night.
Jono was on his way home to have his rostered weekend off. We know he left the mountain, all excited to spend some quality time with his loved ones back in Myrtleford. A trip back home he has done many times before.
For me (Chris) to get the call from the Police on Friday night and then to inform his partner of the distressing news was the most upsetting thing to do as an employer and as a friend. It absolutely wrecked me to hear the suffering, angst and confusion in Emily’s voice!

However, we stayed up all night with Emily giving her the support, love and cuddles she needed until Jono was safely airlifted to Melbourne ex Wangaratta Base Hospital.

We are wanting to send a message to everyone involved in the rescue
Expressing our sincerest gratitude and blessing to the:
Resort staff and,
Mt Hotham Ski Patrol.

We know they all worked in very dangerous & trying conditions. Conditions that I have (Chris), personally experienced many times, during my time working in Hazardous Alpine conditions. I know exactly what they went through and the emotions that follow. It is very tough!
An absolutely amazing outcome in the worst possible conditions you can experience in the Alpine areas and all by the most professional caring people you could imagine.

The Alpine Spirit Coaches team continues to be very emotional and upset to what has happened to our Jono. He is much loved by everyone at work and throughout the Hotham Resort & the Dinner Plain Village.

A very special thanks to Paddy (Hoys Ski Centre), Nathan (Stadlemann), and Corey (MHRMB) for their initiative, real life experiences and wonderful character from knowing there were signs of an accident in the first place in the midst of a snowstorm, and the prompt response to calling it all in, and then looking after Jono until helped arrived. Not very often you can say you saved a person’s life today while at work! A very honourable thing to achieve.

*** (Barring the emergency services and supporting services who of course do this each and every day – thank God for these professional people).

Words cannot express enough how we all feel. The biggest thank you from the bottom of our hearts… We are so proud to be associated with each and every one “in and around” the Mt Hotham Resort, the emergency services and their supporting agencies, contractors, friends and the Victorian Snow industry.
What happened on Friday night will be something we will never forget.
Jono is doing as good as can be expected with the injuries he received as a result of the accident. Since arriving in Melbourne, he has now had several operations with some positive results. He is expected to make a full recovery over a period of time.

We know that we also speak on behalf of Jono & Emily that they too, are overwhelmed and very appreciative of the love and support they have received from everyone.

With all the bad news surrounding this unfortunate accident, it does have a positive.
It reiterates that the human spirit, kindness and goodwill is still alive and well in the community.
We really do all live, work and play in a great region of Australia.

*We hope we haven’t left anyone out in the safe rescue of Jonathan Evans. Everyone involved that night deserves our acknowledgement of their efforts and commitment.

Thank you again… 😊

Kind Regards - Chris & Nadina Bonacci and the entire Alpine Spirit Coaches team...

Get well soon Jono!

URGENT Update: 2022 HIGH season "Dinner Plain - Mt Hotham Shuttle Bus Services"

URGENT Update: 2022 HIGH season "Dinner Plain - Mt Hotham Shuttle Bus Services"

Businesses everywhere are being impacted by shortages in staff. The same challenges apply to our mountain communities and their staff with specialist qualifications to work above the snow line.

To manage ongoing staffing challenges, from Monday August 1st The Dinner Plain to Mount Hotham Shuttle Bus is undergoing a change to its scheduled services. The new schedule will merge some existing services during the day, whilst maintaining the high frequency of buses required during peak times.

We understand this change is happening with little notice, but ask that you prepare ahead to be ready for the change. Most of all, please be mindful to be kind and patient with businesses and their staff as they continue to provide the snow season we have all been longing for.


Good morning from Mt Hotham!
Jump on our Snow Bus and enjoy the fun.


4 Buffalo River Road
Myrtleford, VIC


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Our Story

100% Aussie owned and operated. We are local people who are part of the Alpine business community. We proudly work with our partners and clients in making sure that your experiences with ALPINE SPIRIT COACHES, SNOWBALL EXPRESS - Mt Hotham Bus, MT HOTHAM Village Bus Services, DINNER PLAIN Shuttle Bus Services are to the highest level of service. We are considered by the local community to be the most experienced charter service provider in the Alpine Regions. Thus why we are everywhere on Hotham & Falls Creek. Alpine Spirit Coaches has the infrastructure, experience and local knowledge to make sure that you get to the Snowfields safely. Repetitive work is the true indication of any business. We invite you to ask around. We believe that "Quantity is something you count - QUALITY is something you count on" - occasionally we mightn't be the cheapest, but we are always the best at what we do...the proof is in our long standing presence and association with the Alpine regions. No one else can genuinely make claim to this....We invite you to try Alpine Spirit Coaches (SNOWBALL EXPRESS - Mt Hotham Bus) and any of our other professional services for yourself... Thank you and all the best! - Chris & Nadina Bonacci Our Commenting Policy: All conversations and posts should be constructive, respectful, and contain language that is appropriate for all groups and ages. We reserve the right to moderate comments and remove any that: • contain threats or personal attacks of any kind • are defamatory - this means to falsely or unjustly damage someone's reputation • are obscene, indecent, profane, or vulgar • contain offensive terms that are directed towards ethnic or racial groups • are false, misleading or deceptive • promote or endorse a product or service • are excessively repetitive or constitute SPAM. Comments that do not adhere to the above guidelines will, without exception, be removed. In cases of repeat offences, we will take action to block offenders from the page. Please note: Our moderators do their best to ensure this policy is adhered to fairly and consistently. If you would like to report abuse, spam, fake profiles etc. please refer to Facebook’s policy on this. You can report any individual comment by scrolling over the comment and clicking on the “x” in the upper right corner and clicking “report”.

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