Apartmani " Stari Grad " Sarajevo su novi apartmani, moderno opremljeni, sa najnovijim namještajem i tehnologijama. Tri različita urbana apartmana, a svaki ima svoju temu i motive. Glavni cilj nam je da se naši gosti osjećaju ugodno i zadovoljno, i da nam se ponovno vrate. Apartmani se nalaze u samom centru starog grada, 100 metara od Sebilja i Baščaršije, okružen stanicama javnih prevoza, restora
na, kafića, muzeja, vjerskih obilježja, pozorišta, kina...
Ovo je ujedno i najinteresantniji dio grada, pun historije i historijskih znamenitostosti i pravi raj za oči i dušu. U našim apartmanima ćete se zasigurno osjećati kao da ste centar svemira ! Apartments " Old Town " Sarajevo are new apartments designed in modern style, with latest furniture and technologies. There are three different apartments, each with its own theme. Our main goals are pleasure and satisfaction of our guests. Apartments are placed in epicenter of Sarajevo, 100 meters from Sebilj in Baščaršija, surrounded with public transport stations, restaurants, cafes, museums, religious symbols, theaters, cinemas...
At the same time this is the most interest part of Sarajevo full of history and historical sights, and true heaven for eyes and soul. It is for sure, in our apartments you will feel like center of universe.