Tourist Manna Vlogs

Tourist Manna Vlogs ভ্রমণ সম্পর্কে জানাতে, জানতে এবং সমস্?

Chittagong Boat Club (CBC) is a boat club in the port city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Since 1986 the club provided several facilities for the elite to enjoy ...

‘পর্যটনে পরিবেশবান্ধব বিনিয়োগ’ প্রতিপাদ্যে সারা বিশ্বের মতো বাংলাদেশেও বিশ্ব পর্যটন দিবস পালন হচ্ছে। পর্যটন স....


ভ্রমণের কথামালা
ট্রাভেলার মান্না পেইজ, এখন থেকে নিয়মিত আয়োজন করবে বাংলাদেশে ভ্রমণ করা একজন ট্রাভেলারের ভ্রমণের অভিজ্ঞতা। সাথে থাকবে ভ্রমণের আয়োজন নিয়ে ভ্রমণগ্রুপগুলোর ভালো খারাপ লাগার কথাও। আর থাকবে ভ্রমণের সুবিধা অসুবিধা নিয়ে বিশেষজ্ঞদের কথাও। ভ্রমণ নিয়ে আর কি জানতে চান তাও জানাবেন আপনারা। চেষ্টা করবো তা তুলে ধরতে।

Space tourism – Bright futurePublished on : Friday, April 29, 2022The future of space tourism and travel looks quite pro...

Space tourism – Bright future
Published on : Friday, April 29, 2022

The future of space tourism and travel looks quite prospective.
bital Assembly Corporation is developing the technology to set up the first commercially workable space park. Here, facilities for people to work, live and play will happen in space one day. The company has announced that its Pioneer space station will have artificial gravity for people to walk and run in space in a normal manner. It’s expected to be operational as early as 2025.
There will be five modules in stations, each of them up to 14,000 cubic feet of space, made around the rotating Gravity Ring of OAC. For the people on board, it will provide artificial gravity. The station will accommodate 28 guests. Also, it will have both Zero-G and variable levels of gravity up to .57-G. As a comparison, Earth’s gravity is measured at 1-G.
The gravity level will let the visitors to sleep in beds without having to be attached to one physically or drink out of a cup, or eat without food floating in the air. OAC’s goal is to create space parks for space travelers who can come and visit them. Also, include other applications that include military, communications and more.

Japan needs to come up with a definite plan for reopening to foreign touristsPublished on : Saturday, April 30, 2022At a...

Japan needs to come up with a definite plan for reopening to foreign tourists
Published on : Saturday, April 30, 2022

At a meeting held on Wednesday April 27, few government advisors urged Japan to come up with a definite plan for reopening to foreign tourists. Japan has recently relaxed its border restrictions for business travelers, technical interns and students. In spite of that, Japanis stillout-of-bounds for international holidaymakers.
Members of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy have urged the Japanese government toease its daily entry limit further regarding foreign arrivals and other border restrictions if the current policies turn out to be less effective in reducing the spread of Covid-19.
Economic revitalization minister Daishiro Yamagiwa said that the timeline for relaxing restrictions needs to be thought of carefully, and the government needs to provide fixed criteria for further relaxing its travel ban. This will helpoverseas tourists plan their trip to Japan in a better way.

Tourists start coming back to NepalPublished on : Saturday, April 30, 2022Tourists are once again coming back to Nepal w...

Tourists start coming back to Nepal
Published on : Saturday, April 30, 2022

Tourists are once again coming back to Nepal with the Himalayan country dismissing pandemic travel restrictions following a steady drop in corona virus cases. Visitors to Nepal can now benefit from a visa-on-arrival program and no longer need to worry about vaccination in Nepal.
NandiniLahe-Thapa, the Director of Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), said that more tourists have arrived in Nepal since the beginning of this year compared to 2021.
In 2021, the NTB witnessedaround 150,000 foreign visitors. Compared to that, in the first three weeks of April 2022 itself, the NTB recorded almost 50,000 tourists.
However, these arrivals are far lower than the pre-pandemic levels. According to the Nepal Rastra Bank, the tourism sector accounts foraround 20% of Nepal’s workforce,contributing 3% of gross domestic product (GDP).

Sikkim inviting US investors and companies for investing in tourism, agriculture, livestock productsPublished on : Satur...

Sikkim inviting US investors and companies for investing in tourism, agriculture, livestock products
Published on : Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sikkim is inviting US investors and companies for finding out business opportunities in tourism, agriculture, horticulture, and livestock products in the state.
Sikkim’s Minister of Agriculture and Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Departments Lok Nath Sharma is currently visiting the US for discussing the matter with industry leaders and officials.
Sharma said that the US investors and companies need toconsider investing in Sikkim in sectors like tourism, horticulture, agriculture, livestock products and agro-based sectors.
The minister said that he has met many representatives and they have expressed their interest to discover business and investment opportunities provided by the Sikkim government.

Major tourism markets in the Asia-Pacific, including Thailand gradually picking up speedPublished on : Saturday, April 3...

Major tourism markets in the Asia-Pacific, including Thailand gradually picking up speed
Published on : Saturday, April 30, 2022

Major tourism markets in the Asia-Pacific, including Thailand, are gradually finding pace,with international visitors planning their trips again, as per data from Bookaway Group, which is a ground transportation aggregator.
Thailand announced dismissal of restrictions on international visitors from its key source markets in October.
Bookaway Group said that there is a triple-digit month-on-month increase in the volume of tickets sold by operators in Thailand between October and December, including domestic travelers.
However, the emergence of Omicron saw ticket sales go down by 20 per cent between December and January before soaring again, by single digits, in February.
With the declining of Omicron scare, bookings resumed, with March volumes 36 per cent ahead of December. April is already the strongest month up to now in terms of tickets sold.
Site visitor numbers from the UK, France and Germany went up by more than 100 per cent between October and December with the US recording a 54 per cent increase.
Noam Toister, the chief executive of Bookaway Group said, “Our data shows that most markets saw a drop at the start of the year, however, this was a temporary blip and trendlines around the globe are now on the up.Our specific data from Thailand shows that we are selling more tickets every month, and the massive increases in site traffic from major source markets bode well for the summer and beyond.”

নওগাঁর ঐতিহাসিক স্থান বেড়াতে চালু হচ্ছে ‘ট্যুরিস্ট বাস’ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যে ভরা উত্তরের সীমান্তবর্তী জেলা নওগাঁ। জেলার বিভিন...

নওগাঁর ঐতিহাসিক স্থান বেড়াতে চালু হচ্ছে ‘ট্যুরিস্ট বাস’
ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যে ভরা উত্তরের সীমান্তবর্তী জেলা নওগাঁ। জেলার বিভিন্ন স্থানে ছড়িয়ে-ছিটিয়ে আছে প্রায় অর্ধশতাধিক ঐতিহাসিক স্থাপনা। পর্যটকদের পক্ষে ব্যক্তিগত ব্যবস্থাপনায় এক দিনে একাধিক ঐতিহাসিক স্থান ঘুরে দেখা সম্ভব নয়। তাই স্বল্প খরচে এক দিনে একাধিক ঐতিহাসিক প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক নিদর্শন ভ্রমণের লক্ষ্যে জেলা প্রশাসনের পক্ষ থেকে এই প্রথম ট্যুরিস্ট বাস সেবা চালু হতে যাচ্ছে।
ঈদুল ফিতরের দ্বিতীয় দিন আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ট্যুরিস্ট বাস উদ্বোধন করা হবে। তবে ঈদের আগেই টিকিট বিক্রি শুরু হয়েছে। প্রাথমিকভাবে জেলা প্রশাসনের সার্বিক ব্যবস্থাপনায় নওগাঁ জেলা বাসমালিক সমিতির পক্ষ থেকে একটি বাস প্রস্তুত করা হচ্ছে।
জেলা প্রশাসনের পর্যটন সেল সূত্রে জানা যায়, নওগাঁর প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক নিদর্শনগুলোকে সারা দেশসহ বিশ্বের পর্যটকদের কাছে নতুন করে তুলে ধরতেই এ উদ্যোগ নেওয়া হয়েছে। উদ্বোধনের পর ৪০ আসনের ট্যুরিস্ট বাস শহরের মুক্তির মোড় থেকে প্রতিদিন সকাল নয়টায় যাত্রা শুরু করবে। মুক্তির মোড়ের পদ্মা বাস কাউন্টার থেকে এ প্যাকেজের টিকিট পাওয়া যাবে।
প্রাথমিকভাবে ট্যুরিস্ট ভ্রমণের জন্য ৪৫০ টাকায় একটি প্যাকেজ প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে। এই প্যাকেজের মাধ্যমে একজন পর্যটক সহজেই ভারত সীমান্তঘেঁষা উপজেলা ধামইরহাটের জাতীয় উদ্যান শালবন বিহারের আলতাদীঘি উদ্যান, ঐতিহাসিক জগদ্দল বিহার, বদলগাছী উপজেলার ঐতিহাসিক পাহাড়পুর বৌদ্ধ বিহার ও হলুদ বিহার ভ্রমণ করতে পারবেন।
এ ছাড়া প্যাকেজের ভেতরেই পর্যটকেরা সকাল ও বিকেলের নাশতা এবং দুপুরের খাবার পাবেন। বাড়তি আকর্ষণ হিসেবে থাকবে প্রতিবার বিকেলে পাহাড়পুর বৌদ্ধ বিহারে স্থানীয় ক্ষুদ্র জাতিগোষ্ঠীর শিল্পীদের পরিবেশনায় সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান। এরপর হলুদ বিহার দর্শন শেষে নওগাঁ শহরের মুক্তির মোড়ে এসে ওইদিনের ভ্রমণ শেষ হবে।
এ বিষয়ে জেলা প্রশাসক খালিদ মেহেদী হাসান বলেন, ট্যুরিস্ট বাসসেবা চালুর কারণে পর্যটনকেন্দ্রগুলোয় বেশি বেশি পর্যটকদের আগমনের কারণে ওই এলাকাগুলোর আর্থসামাজিক অবস্থার উন্নতি হবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে। নতুন নতুন উদ্যোক্তাদের মাধ্যমে নতুন নতুন স্থাপনা গড়ে উঠবে। স্থানীয় ব্যক্তিদের কর্মসংস্থানের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি হবে। এ ছাড়া এই সেবা চালুর মাধ্যমে প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক স্থানসমূহে দর্শনার্থী বাড়লে সরকারের বাড়তি রাজস্ব আয় হবে।
জেলা প্রশাসন সূত্রে জানা গেছে, প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে চারটি ঐতিহাসিক স্থান ভ্রমণের রুট হিসেবে নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। ভবিষ্যতে পর্যটকদের চাহিদার ওপর ভিত্তি করে কুসুম্বা মসজিদ, দিব্যক জয়স্তম্ভ (দিবর দীঘি), পতিসরে রবীন্দ্র কুঠিবাড়ি, দুবলহাটি ও বলিহার রাজবাড়ির মতো জেলার অন্য ঐতিহাসিক স্থানগুলোতেও ভ্রমণের প্যাকেজ তৈরি করা হবে।

Japan announces plans to dismiss COVID 19 border restrictions for 106 nationsPublished on : Saturday, April 9, 2022Japan...

Japan announces plans to dismiss COVID 19 border restrictions for 106 nations
Published on : Saturday, April 9, 2022

Japan has announced plans to dismiss COVID 19 border restrictions for 106 nations by eliminating its entry curbs. It includes countries like the US, the UK and France. The Japanese government has shut its borders for majority of foreign nationals from the very onset of the pandemic in 2020.

Although Tokyo has relaxed several COVID-19-related restrictions and is also easing border restrictions, it does not mean a complete reopening for tourists. The Japanese foreign ministry said that foreigners from the 106 countries would not be denied permission to enter Japan from Friday.

However, those willing to enter Japan for tourism purposes will need to wait a while longer since the country is still not allowing an entry.

Many developed nations have already eased their border restrictions and are allowing tourists. However, Japan is still not ready for a full opening. The Japanese government also updated that it will not allow entry permission to 56 countries.

The daily quota on foreign travelers to Japan is 10,000 this month, from 7,000. The latest revision is fully based on the Foreign Ministry dropping the alert level of those 106 countries on April 1. However, Japan will continue to limit who all can get entry inside.

Thailand considers visa rules relaxation for attracting touristsPublished on : Saturday, April 9, 2022Currently, visitor...

Thailand considers visa rules relaxation for attracting tourists
Published on : Saturday, April 9, 2022

Currently, visitors to Thailand need to pre-book a RT-PCR test along with a one-night hotel accommodation for getting a visa. Hotel operators have said that the rules would deter visitors to Thailand.
Thailand will think about scrapping a compulsory polymerase chain reaction test on arrival for foreign visitors, by relaxing its visa rules further to attract tourists.
Deputy Prime Minister AnutinCharnvirakulsaid that theThai Health Ministry will suggest replacing the RT-PCR tests with a rapid antigen test. The Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration, led by Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha, will think about the relaxation at a meeting on Friday.
As per the proposed rules, visitors might have to take the rapid antigen tests at the airport or any other designated venues from May 1, said Thai government spokesman ThanakornWangboonkongchana.
Thailand was among the first tourism-dependent nations to end quarantine requirements for vaccinated visitors. This month, it waived a pre-travel Covid test directive; however, arrival numbers have failed to meet the expectations. Thai Hotels Association and the Federation of Thai Industries want the government to end the so-called Test & Go visa program for stabilizing the economy.

India targeted as new arrivals marketPublished on : Monday, April 11, 2022Around 500,000 Indian tourists are expected to...

India targeted as new arrivals market
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

Around 500,000 Indian tourists are expected to visit Thailand this year generating revenue of 24 billion baht, supported by the national carrier Thai Airways International after an air travel bubble (ATB) agreement was concluded in March.

Thanet Phetsuwan, Deputy Governor of Marketing for Asia and South Pacific at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) said that India is an important market to offset the loss of Chinese tourists.

It has a sizeable population and a large number of passport holders.

The TAT’s target for Indian arrivals is 500,000 this year, with an average load factor of 70% on every airline.

The TAT signed a letter of intent with Thai Airways and Thai Smile Airways, a wholly owned subsidiary of Thai Airways, to boost this market.

The country might see at least 13,000 Indians per month via these two carriers, he said. The overall number from all airlines should increase to 80,000 from May, said Mr Thanet.

Meanwhile, the TAT will continue to promote marketing campaigns using influencers to attract the millennial segment, along with joint promotions targeting the luxury segment, he said.

The agency also plans to lead private sector tourism operators to join the South Asia Travel and Tourism Exchange 2022 during May 18-20 in New Delhi.

Mr Thanet said there are 200 Indian wedding groups with around 100 guests per group planning ceremonies in Thailand starting from this month.

Each wedding has an average expenditure of at least 5 million baht per trip.

Nond Kalinta, Thai Airways’ Chief Commercial Officer, said its summer schedule has 34 international routes, accounting for roughly 60% of its operations in 2019.

In terms of India, Thai Airways offers direct flights to New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru, while Thai Smile Airways is scheduled to start connections with Kolkata from April 11, with a triangular route, Bangkok-Phuket-Mumbai, set to commence tomorrow.

Mr Nond said the cabin factor for key cities like New Delhi was 60-65% in April, up from 20-30% previously, as there has been growing pent-up demand. Some Indian tourists also booked connecting flights from Bangkok to Melbourne.

The airline plans to add more frequent flights to this route from four flights per week at present.

He said the cabin factor in the second and third quarters is expected to reach 50-60%, then gradually rise to 75% in the fourth quarter.

Cargo service has high potential as its revenue has already soared 30% above the level tallied before the pandemic, said Mr Nond.

Datai Langkawi welcomes international guests back with new nature experiences and enhanced facilitiesPublished on : Mond...

Datai Langkawi welcomes international guests back with new nature experiences and enhanced facilities
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

Iconic Malaysian resort, The Datai Langkawi is delighted to welcome back international guests after two years of border closures due to the pandemic. The Datai’s renowned standards of service and extraordinary guest experiences have been enhanced with an extended nature programme and new facilities, reflecting the resort’s commitment to sustainability, conservation and ecotourism. The reopening also coincides with the continuation of the resort’s signature The Chef Series; with this year’s edition showcasing the best of eclectic Malaysian dining experiences by some of the country’s most distinguished chefs.

From 1 April 2022, Malaysia reopened its borders to all travellers, with no quarantine on arrival for fully vaccinated people. General Manager, Arnaud Girodon, said “Welcome back to The Datai Langkawi! We are all looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces at our rainforest resort after more than two years. We have taken the opportunity during this time to enrich our services, maintain the property, and improve our offerings. As with everything we do, a key focus has been working further towards our sustainability goals with our programme, The Datai Pledge, and adding even more inspirational as well as educational activities to our nature experiences. We are very excited to show you what we have done when we welcome you back to our little piece of paradise!”

Nestled in the heart of an ancient rainforest, The Nature Centre at The Datai Langkawi is a rallying point for nature enthusiasts and passionate environmentalists, offering unique opportunities to participate in conservation and scientific research. New for 2022, guests can now participate in reef protection activities at the centre’s new Coral Nursery, learn about the resort’s reforestation efforts at the Native Tree Nursery or discover how to harvest the unique Trigona itama honey from the resort’s stingless beehives with a new “Bee a Beekeeper” activity. The resort’s sustainable craft-making centre, The Lab – built from over 9,000 used wine, champagne, and liquor bottles – has also been extended with an open-air annex to conduct upcycling workshops, and the resort’s inspirational Poet’s Trail has been relaunched with a series of poems by Max Wallis, Khalil Gibran and The Datai’s Resident Naturalist, Irshad Mobarak.

Many of these new nature activities are offered in support of The Datai Pledge, the resort’s ambitious conservation programme that aims to protect nature’s beauty with a focus on the resort’s operations, as well as the wildlife, marine environment, and communities of Langkawi island. Guest experiences such as hornbill observation excursions up Gunung Raya mountain, dolphin spotting boat trips, and educational talks at The Nature Centre are regularly hosted in partnership with local NGOs, with all proceeds funding the manifold initiatives under The Datai Pledge. The resort’s passion and dedication to sustainability has been the driving force behind several recent award recognitions including becoming the first organisation in the world to receive EarthCheck ECO Certification for terrestrial tourism projects in 2019 and 2021*, and the most recent achievement of being named Sustainable Spa of the Year at the World Spa & Wellness Awards.

The Datai Langkawi has also introduced two new room categories: the Canopy Garden and the Rainforest Premium Villa. The five new Canopy Garden rooms are ideal for families offering direct access to an outdoor private patio and seating area; whilst the Rainforest Premium Villa offers enhanced privacy and tranquil views of the Anak Datai and Sungai Datai rivers. The Datai’s Rainforest Pool Villas also now feature pump heated pools using a system that reduces energy consumption by 30-50 per cent compared to conventional electrical heaters, minimising the resort’s energy use and carbon emissions.

Continuing its legacy with new enhancements, The Datai Langkawi welcomes back its revered The Chef Series, a signature chef residency dining experience that welcomes culinary stars to its kitchens throughout the year. In previous years, guest chefs have included such luminaries as Michel Roux, Nils Henkel and Michel and Sebastien Bras. The focus for this year is ‘Eclectic Malaysian’ Dining, spotlighting the country’s diverse culinary talents. From 22-23 April, Chef Azli Ahmad, from OpenHouse KLCC, will champion Malaysian flavours based on beloved recipes handed down by mothers and grandmothers.

The Chef Series sees each chef deliver an intimate dining event to guests of the resort, creating specially crafted menus that fully embody their unique culinary style and philosophy. For their exclusive menus, the chefs focus on local ingredients – especially those they can hand-pick from the resort’s own permaculture garden, where the resort team grows turmeric, chilli, lemongrass, pandan and many more fundamentals of authentic Malaysian fare. Fresh fish and seafood are predominantly sourced from Langkawi’s fishermen and organic chicken is available from a kampung (transl: local village) farm. Some of the chef residencies are accompanied by cooking demonstrations and a cooking class, where guests are able to enjoy a unique hands-on gastronomic experience creating and enjoying their very own culinary creations, under the guidance of the chefs themselves.

Bringing such culinary delights to the guests of The Datai Langkawi on a daily basis is newly appointed Chef Chai, Senior Chef de Cuisine for The Dining Room, the resort’s fine dining restaurant. Hailing from Malaysia, Chef Chai has trained in Michelin-star restaurants around the world, including 2 Michelin-starred ABaC restaurant in Barcelona and 3 Michelin-starred Oud Sluis in the Netherlands. Chef Chai has taken inspiration from the rich produce of Langkawi island and created an exclusive nine-course degustation menu, paired by the resident Sommelier with a selection of fine wines and Champagne from the resort’s Wine Spectator award-winning walk-in wine cellar, holding more than 450 labels of the best New and Old World vintages. Savour the 48 hours slow cooked oyster blade with parmesan cream, charred aubergine pegaga shade and Andaman aromatic juice, expertly paired with a Château Sociando-Mallet from Haut Médoc that brings out the aromas of the meat with its leathery deep cru notes.

Czech Republic is 9th among the 10 most peaceful countries in the globePublished on : Monday, April 11, 2022When traveli...

Czech Republic is 9th among the 10 most peaceful countries in the globe
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

When traveling and choosing a destination, apart was the offerings of the destination, one of the very important factors taken into consideration especially over the past few years has been safety. Whether the person is a family traveler, a solo traveler, a millennial, young adults or even an elderly traveler choosing a destination that is safe and peaceful is a priority.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) measures more than just the presence or absence of war. It captures the absence of violence or the fear of violence across three domains: Safety and Security, Ongoing Conflict, and Militarisation.Europe remains the most peaceful regions in the world and it is one of 3 regions to see an improvement in peacefulness on the 2021 GPI.

According to the Global Peace Index (GPI) published recently, the Czech Republic is the ninth most peaceful country in the world and in Europe Czech Republic the eighth most peaceful country.

The country’s strongest points were safe communities, low crime rates, difficulty of accessing weapons and the low impact of terrorism.Furthermore, the capital city of Prague is considered one of the safest and most beautiful cities in the world, too.

Passport rule which has left travellers confused and could see you unable to flyPublished on : Monday, April 11, 2022Tra...

Passport rule which has left travellers confused and could see you unable to fly
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

Travel restrictions are the most relaxed they’ve been since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic in March 2020 and people are jumping at the chance of a trip abroad.
However, some holidaymakers have been caught out by a passport rule that came into force as a result of Brexit. Especially as advice from the UK Government and major airlines is not consistent.
When the UK was still part of the European Union (EU), your passport simply had to be in date in order to travel across the continent.
However, since Brexit, rules around how long your passport needs to be valid have changed.
The UK Government website states that UK citizens should have a passport with an expiry date ‘valid for at least three months after the day you plan to leave.’
However, travel association ABTA, warns that how much time needs to be left on your passport depends on where you’re travelling to.
It also seems that the required length of time left on your passport depends on which airline you choose to fly with. British Airways, EasyJet and Ryanair all state different policies.
This has led some people to take to social media to get some clarity and ask airlines whether they will be allowed to fly.
One asked Ryanair if they’ll be fine to travel as the airline stated six months till expiration is required while the Government website says three months.
Another asked EasyJet if she would be able to travel to Portugal with the date six months prior to her passport expiring falling during her trip to Portugal.
The Post Office website states while most countries such as Australia, Canada and the USA, just need someone’s passport to be valid for the length of your stay, other countries such as China, Thailand, Egypt and Turkey need at least six months.
One needs to have at least six months left on an adult or child passport to travel to most countries in Europe (not including Ireland).
Passport rules for different countries
All countries will have their own rules concerning passport validity and expiration rules. Here’s a list of the most common ones:
Australia – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay.
Barbados – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay.
Canada – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay, but if you have less than six months of validity it may take longer to pass through immigration control.
China – Your passport should have at least six months of validity.
Egypt – Your passport should have at least six months of validity.
European Union – For most European countries, HM Passport Office recommend that on the day you travel you have at least three months left on your passport.
Those countries are:
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
India – Your passport must be machine-readable, with two blank pages for your visa and valid for a minimum of 180 days at the time of entry into India.
Japan – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay.
Mexico – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay.
New Zealand – Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of one month from the date of exit.
Singapore – Your passport should have at least six months of validity.
South Africa – Rules state that your passport should be valid for at least 30 days from the date of exit, but it’s recommended that you have at least six months on your passport before it expires.
Your passport should also have at least two blank pages when you enter or leave South Africa.
Thailand – Your passport should have at least six months of validity.
Turkey – Your passport should have at least six months of validity.
USA – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay.
However, your passport must be a biometric e-Passport with the silver camera symbol on the front.
There are also a number of other rules concerning entry to the USA, which you should check before travelling.
Passport rules for different airlines

Ryanair states that you need a valid passport to travel anywhere in the world.
For travel outside the EEA (European Economic Area), the passport must be valid for the period of the intended stay, except for the below countries:
For travel to Jordan, the passport must be valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay.
For travel to Turkey, the passport must be valid for six months from the date of entry.
For travel to Montenegro, the passport must be valid for at least three months.
For travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the passport must be valid for at least three months.
All non-EU passport holders travelling into a Schengen member country must make sure that their passport is valid for at least three months from the date they will leave the Schengen member country unless the person has a Schengen-issued residence permit or long-term visa.
All customers travelling on international flights must hold either a valid EU/EEA/Swiss National Identity card or Passport, and, where required, a valid Visa.
Your passport needs to be in good condition and signed. Some countries require that passports are valid for a minimum period beyond your trip, usually three or six months.
For UK passport holders travelling to the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, please note that on your day of travel you’ll need your passport to both: Have at least six months left on it (the requirement of most European countries is to have a minimum of three months left on your passport on the day after your intended departure from the EU); and GBR Passports must be no more than 10 years old on the date of travel.

British Airways
If you’re travelling on an international flight, you’ll need a passport or an equivalent travel document that is valid for the full duration of your trip.
Your children will also need their own passports, even infants under two years.
All UK passport holders should check the updated government advice regarding passport validity requirements.
You are responsible for ensuring you have valid documentation for travel.

As heat rises in plains, Manali witnesses huge rush of touristsPublished on : Monday, April 11, 2022Tourists in India ha...

As heat rises in plains, Manali witnesses huge rush of tourists
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

Tourists in India have started making a beeline for Kullu-Manali with the rising summer heat in the plains. The taking away of the restrictions on adventure sports has added advantage to the stakeholders of the sector. This weekend, Manali, Kasol and the Banjar valley were thronged by visitors. Due to rising temperatures in the low land, tourists visit the district in huge numbers from April to July.
For Indians, stakeholders claim that Kullu-Manali has become the most preferred hill-station of the country. In recent years, compared to Kullu, Shimla has also been lagging behind in terms of number of tourists flocking to the hotspot. Kullu saw three lakh tourists than Shimla in 2018.
The number of tourists starts increasing in April and May-June, as per the statistics of the Tourism Department. It’s the peak season of the year. From 2015 to 2019, after analysing the data of five years, 17,52,742 tourists have come to the district in April, 21,31,096 in May, 22,99,923 in June and 17,91,598 in July. This was 50 per cent more than the tourists coming in other months of the year.
Kullu Deputy Commissioner Ashutosh Garg explained that Kullu with rising number of tourists have compelled the police administration and other related departments to make additional preparations. He said better facilities would be provided to tourists.

Tourism on the right path of revival, says Datuk Seri Nancy ShukriPublished on : Monday, April 11, 2022In terms of reviv...

Tourism on the right path of revival, says Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri
Published on : Monday, April 11, 2022

In terms of revival, the tourism industry of Malaysia is on the right track with more than 250,000 tourist arrivals and departures in the first four days of reopening process of the border.
Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, the Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister of Malaysia, explained that as some countries are yet to opened their borders for travel, there had been no rush of tourists in the country.
“As of April 4, there are about 252,000 tourist arrivals and departures in Malaysia, and while a majority of them are Malaysian citizens coming back from overseas, from there we can expect that our figures (of international tourists) will be higher.”
“Borders for countries like China and Japan, among our biggest markets, are still closed due to their governments’ restrictions, so we’ll monitor our progress in three months and review our targeted figures,” she said after launching the Ola & Oli Kids’ Safe Travel campaign here, today.
As per the statistics of April 4th, a total of 252,730 arrivals and departures happened through the international points of entry of the country.
Roughly 126,392 were Malaysians of the total, returning from overseas. Also, the country recorded 55,121 international tourist arrivals, comprising Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and the United Kingdom.
Nancy in her earlier speech mentioned that the reopening of Malaysia was good news for tourism and culture to regenerate their income.
She also added that her ministry was aiming around two million international tourists into the country and receipts of RM8.6 billion.


West Shewrapara, Mirpur


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