Hyppolite Tours Africa

Hyppolite Tours Africa Agence de tourisme en Afrique de l'Ouest

Dear friends, May this new year, like the one we have just spent alongside you, be sparkling with joy, with lovely surpr...

Dear friends,

May this new year, like the one we have just spent alongside you, be sparkling with joy, with lovely surprises and bursts of laughter.

Hoping that you can fulfill all your wishes and make your most secret dreams come true,

With all our friendship, Hyppolite Tours Africa we send you all our best wishes for this new year.

Chers amis,

Que cette nouvelle année, à l’image de celle que nous venons de passer à vos côtés, soit étincelante de gaieté, avec de belles surprises et des éclats de rire.

En espérant que vous pourrez réaliser tous vos souhaits et rendre réalité à vos rêves les plus secrets,

Avec toute notre amitié, Hyppolite Tours Africa nous vous adressons tous nos vœux pour cette nouvelle année.


As your light increases, you invite teachers and other spirit guides into your life and they all protect your path in this life in one way or another...

Where in another form your light increases, the evil intentions of some other people barely reach you. But don't just watch them go


Hi everyone, how are you going to start the work week on your side? With us here, things are going very well in Benin


Traveling West Africa to Benin to watch traditional horse dances


Voyager en Afrique de l'Ouest au Bénin pour assister à des danses traditionnelles des cheval

WhatsApp: +229 64005425

[email protected]


Voodoo dance in Benin


The voodoo circuit in Benin, the voodoo market and the meeting of the pope of voodoo in his palace, a family dinner with him and taking part in the FA consultation. You are welcome at our place

Le circuit du vaudou au Bénin,le marché du vaudou et la rencontre du pape du vaudou dans son palais un dîner familiale avec lui et participer à la consultation du FA. Vous êtes les bienvenus chez nous


The National Voodoo Day is celebrated every year on January 10 in Benin, especially in Ouidah on the beach between the Mono River and the Gulf of Guinea. You are welcome at Hyppolite Tour Benin for your stay in Benin

La fête nationale du vodoun est célébrée chaque année le 10 janvier au Bénin, notamment à Ouidah sur la plage entre le fleuve Mono et le golfe de Guinée. Vous êtes la bienvenue chez Hyppolite Tour Bénin pour votre séjour au Bénin


Are you traveling alone and need company? Do you want to expand your network of contacts or spice up your daily life a little? Whatever type of meeting you want to have, bonding (both intimate and friendly) is a fun way to create unique memories and deepen your knowledge of a culture, whether it's local culture or that of a travel partner

The beauty of travel is being able to choose how you present yourself to people. At home, with those around you and your daily life, it is sometimes difficult to get out of your comfort zone or to experiment with new techniques. Abroad, no problem! You'll probably never see the people you meet again so there's no need to fear ridicule. Cook a few extra portions and offer to share them with other travellers. Ask them about their favorite visits so far. Compliment a piece of clothing or an accessory. Engage in conversation with hostel staff in your spare time. Chat with the locals while waiting for the bus, in a café, in the park… Talk to everyone! In the best case, you will meet an interesting person with whom you can share a conversation, a meal, an excursion… in the worst case, you spend a few embarrassing minutes and then the page is turned! Having the audacity to approach people and accept invitations is a great strength when traveling and spontaneity often leads to memorable adventures.


Travel to discover West Africa Togo with us 🇹🇬

Voyager pour découvrir l’Afrique de l’Ouest le Togo avec nous 🇹🇬

The Vodoun Festival, called Traditional Festival of Religions, is a public holiday in Benin.  It allows to celebrate the...

The Vodoun Festival, called Traditional Festival of Religions, is a public holiday in Benin. It allows to celebrate the African religion of Vodoun. So you are welcome to share our religion, our culture with us in West Africa in Benin

La Fête du Vodoun, appelée Fête traditionnelle des religions, est un jour férié au Bénin. Il permet de célébrer la religion africaine de Vodoun. Donc vous êtes les bienvenus chez nous pour partager notre religion,notre culture avec nous en Afrique de l’Ouest au Bénin


The visit of Ganvié, the Venice of Africa, Republic of Benin in West Africa with us. We are at your service, do not forget to contact us you will be welcome at our place

La visite de Ganvié,la Venise de l’Afrique,République du Bénin en Afrique de l’Ouest avec nous. Nous sommes à vos services, n’oubliez pas de nous contacter vous serez la bienvenue chez nous


The Republic of Benin, former Kingdom of Dahomey, is a country with an important cultural and historical heritage. Land of tradition and Vodoun par excellence, Benin today represents a set of highly valued cultural assets. For the young generations of Benin, in the age of globalization, Benin, endowed with diversified cultural wealth, must assert itself on the international stage by highlighting its different cultural potentialities. Among the latter are traditional music inspired by the Vodoun religion, important elements from ancestral practices.

West Africa 2022 Benin with Hyppolite Tour Benin which offers you a good stay on Beninese territory in the south💚💛❤️L’Af...

West Africa 2022 Benin with Hyppolite Tour Benin which offers you a good stay on Beninese territory in the south💚💛❤️

L’Afrique de l’Ouest 2022 le Bénin avec Hyppolite Tour Bénin qui vous propose un bon séjour sur le territoire béninois dans le sud💚💛❤️

Benin is an incredible destination in West Africa.  Benin welcomes you you are welcomeLe Bénin est une destination incro...

Benin is an incredible destination in West Africa. Benin welcomes you you are welcome

Le Bénin est une destination incroyable de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Le Bénin vous accueille vous êtes les bienvenue

Benin, land of Vodoun ” Guaranteed departure from January 6 to 12, 2022 07 days / 6 nights We create our trip in an Afri...

Benin, land of Vodoun ”
Guaranteed departure from January 6 to 12, 2022
07 days / 6 nights
We create our trip in an African setting and rhythm, in accordance with our sensitivity and in tune with the populations encountered.
A 07-day stay in the South of Benin, accompanied by local guides. Why Benin? Because it is a country where some fifty ethnic groups live in harmony, most of whom have retained their ancestral customs. The voodoo cult is celebrated and respected there like nowhere else. The country offers every January 10 of the year a voodoo festival rich in traditional music, dances and rites. Our doors are already open for your reservations please contact us to reserve, you will be welcome with us

Le Bénin, terre du Vodoun”
Départ garanti du 6 au 12 Janvier 2022
07 jours / 6 nuits
Nous créons notre voyage dans un cadre et au rythme africains, en accord avec notre sensibilité et au diapason des populations rencontrées.
Un séjour de 07 jours dans le Sud du Bénin, accompagné par des guides locaux. Pourquoi le Bénin? Parce que c’est un pays où vivent en bonne entente une cinquantaine d’ethnies, qui ont pour la plupart conservé leurs coutumes ancestrales. Le culte vodoun y est célébré et respecté comme nulle part ailleurs. Le pays propose chaque 10 janvier de l’année un festival vodoun riche en musiques, danses et rites traditionnels. Nos portes sont déjà ouvert pour vos réservations veuillez nous contacter pour réserver, vous serez les bienvenus chez nous


Benoît XVI


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