Soul Journeys Healing & Companioning

Soul Journeys Healing & Companioning Reiki Energy Healing Treatments, Usui Reiki Level I, II and III/Master Classes, Palliative Massage, Welcome to Soul Journeys Healing & Companioning.

I offer Reiki Healing Energy Treatments, Bereavement Support and End of Life Care. What is Reiki? Reiki (ray-key) is a form of energy therapy that heals on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, helping to achieve overall wellness. Reiki can help promote feelings of deep relaxation, stress reduction, overall balance and centredness. Regular Reiki treatments can also help to

reduce anxiety, mild depression and chronic pain. A Reiki Treatment includes Aura Healing, Chakra Balancing, Reiki Energy and an Angel Message to take home. One hour session - $55

Grief Companioning is for anyone who has lost a loved one, recently or not, who is either feeling 'stuck' in their grief or simply needs some guidance on their journey. Companioning is a term borrowed from Dr. Alan Wolfelt and his model of journeying with the bereaved. Following his model, I will create a safe and loving space for clients to grieve, I will walk alongside rather than lead, and I will help empower clients to discover the strength and courage to accept and embrace their 'new normal'. A new client session begins with a complimentary consultation (approximately 30 minutes) to meet, assess needs and discuss goals. Should we both feel that this is a good fit, each session after that will be one hour in length. Please call or email for more detailed information.
30 minute consultation is complimentary
One hour session $55.

I am not a Social Worker, Psychotherapist or Psychologist. I am trained specifically in Bereavement Education and Grief & Trauma Counselling and am certified in both.

Card of the Month: ACCEPTANCE "I am learning to accept the things that I cannot change."Right now your soul is learning ...

Card of the Month: ACCEPTANCE

"I am learning to accept the things that I cannot change."

Right now your soul is learning acceptance. This may force you to feel out of control in a situation or with another person in your life. Just realize that the Universe has given you this incredible opportunity to release control. Perhaps doing so will help you realize that there is a rhythm - a rhyme or reason - to everything in life. Rather than thinking that there are "accidents" that are occurring, refer to these conditions as moments of "Divine Design."

Maybe it is a person or a situation that you do not agree with right now. For the moment, instead of having a knee-jerk reaction based on an emotional response, stop, step back, observe, and make an attempt to understand both sides of the equation - which is an incredible gift for you to practice tolerance, grace, and patience. Realize that although you have come to accept a situation or a condition, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are condoning a behavior or that you support it. You see it for what it is and recognize that there is something rich to learn from it.

Card of the Month: FRIENDSHIP"I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason."All humans are created from the sam...

Card of the Month: FRIENDSHIP

"I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason."

All humans are created from the same Source, but there are some souls that share a unique kinship. Friendship can be the most exciting and beautiful experience on Earth, but it can also be frustrating and heartbreaking. Understand that everyone in your path is here to teach you something. It may be for a year or a lifetime. Together you will teach each other various lessons of the heart such as trust, love, loyalty, and admiration.

The bonds of friendship are often stronger than those of family. You have formed a bridge of understanding between the two of you that has stood the test of time - and of lifetimes. A true friend will illuminate your path instead of dim it. He or she will give advice with your best interests at heart. To be able to communicate at a soul level with another human being is the biggest treasure of the physical dimension.

(From The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh)

When I read this passage, I was flooded with love and gratitude for the friends and the soul connections I have had in my life. I know that everyone crosses our path to teach us something. Sometimes they stay, and sometimes they move on. In my life, on more than one occasion, I have had friends who I have had a long period of separation with - sometimes for a specific reason, and sometimes not - who came back into my life after 2, 10, 15 and 25 years, and our friendship is deeper, better, and stronger than it was before. We are the same people, but we aren't. The experiences we have had during that time have shaped and impacted us, and yet we still gravitate back to each other. I find that fascinating.

"Friends are the family we choose" is a quote that has been in my consciousness for many years. While I have always found it to be true, I have also realized that I have friends who are family and family who are friends, which feels very much like the best of both worlds.

I am blessed. πŸ’›πŸ™

Funny Friday 😁 Hahaha! THIS is why I don't wear sports bras. I felt so claustrophobic trying to get the darn thing off t...

Funny Friday 😁

THIS is why I don't wear sports bras.
I felt so claustrophobic trying to get the darn thing off that I nearly choked myself out once!

Never again. πŸ™ƒ

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Card of the Month: CHANGE "I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement."There is a certain comfort in ...

Card of the Month: CHANGE

"I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement."

There is a certain comfort in the idea of living a life without surprises. The status quo has an appeal, but you will never learn or grow if your circumstances stay the same. Everybody wants life to be better, but that requires change. You have chosen to incarnate into this physical dimension called Earth because of the myriad of opportunities. If you don't take advantage of them, what was the point?

Staying within your comfort zone is overrated. With change comes transformation, and with transformation comes evolution.

Stop viewing change as good or bad because all change nourishes your soul. Don't equate it with a lack of control. Life happens, and it's supposed to happen. You can direct how it plays out, and you always have the power to accept a change that redirects your path.

From The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh

Ah, change! The one constant in life and what we humans seem to resist the most.

I get it...change is scary. We know what we know, and we find comfort in that, even when it's not where we want to be.

If nothing ever changes, then everything stays the same. Including us.

Change can be hard, but here's the thing; growth comes from the hard stuff.

And because change is the one constant in life, when we learn to embrace it instead of fear it, we often surprise ourselves. And that's beautiful.

When I reflect on my life, particularly my young life, I can see so many times when I resisted change...when I was kicking and screaming against it. And that made no difference. All it did was waste my energy and time. My life changed anyway. And guess what? It was better for it.

As was I.

The same has been true time and time again. And so, I have learned to embrace change rather than fight it. And each time I lean into it, I grow. And I still surprise myself sometimes at how well I can adapt to what's happening around me.

When you embrace change, you learn, and you grow.

And that is where your power is. β€οΈπŸ™

"Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became a butterfly." πŸ¦‹

Happy Canada Day, everyone! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦β€οΈπŸ™If you know, you know 😁

Happy Canada Day, everyone! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦β€οΈπŸ™

If you know, you know 😁

Funny Friday 😁

Funny Friday 😁

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›Forgiveness is always for us, not for the other person. When someone upsets us or we feel wronged some...

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Forgiveness is always for us, not for the other person.

When someone upsets us or we feel wronged somehow, and we feel angry or hurt, often the person who has upset us isn't giving it a second thought. They aren't dwelling on what happened - we are. And in doing so, we are carrying that around.


It is heavy and burdensome and often perpetuates anger, which is toxic to our bodies.

In forgiving someone, we aren't saying, "What you did is okay." We are saying,"I choose not to dwell on the past, and I release the heaviness attached to that experience. "

Forgiveness is a choice.
And it is a very empowering one.

Set yourself free. πŸ’›


Mindful Monday πŸ’›When working with my clients, we often talk about hope and how it is always appropriate, but it often sh...

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

When working with my clients, we often talk about hope and how it is always appropriate, but it often shifts.

For example, when someone receives a diagnosis, there is hope for a cure. Failing that, there is hope for good quality of life, which shifts to hope for pain and symptom management, which shifts to hope for a peaceful death.

Hope is always appropriate, and it can be the anchor that tethers us while we learn to ebb and flow with it. πŸ’›

Funny Friday 😁 Have a great first weekend of SUMMER β˜€οΈπŸ’›

Funny Friday 😁

Have a great first weekend of SUMMER β˜€οΈπŸ’›

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›I believe that when we come here,  we are wise.We are all knowing.A spark of God/Source/Creator/Univer...

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

I believe that when we come here, we are wise.
We are all knowing.
A spark of God/Source/Creator/Universe.

We have everything we need inside of us.
Yet, we are not taught that.

This is your reminder that everything you need is right there, inside of you.

Right where it has always been.
Right where it will always be.


Mindful Monday πŸ’›Life is busy. For everyone. It seems that from the moment we open our eyes each morning, there is someth...

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

Life is busy.
For everyone.
It seems that from the moment we open our eyes each morning, there is something to do or somewhere to be.

I invite you to check in with yourself throughout your day. You could be driving, sitting at your desk, doing the doesn't matter. Wherever you are, check in with yourself.

How are you doing?
What do you need in this moment?
Listen to that.
Then carry on.

Always with love. ❀️

Funny Friday 😁 This explains why I love houseplants so much - they're my kin!!! πŸ˜‚

Funny Friday 😁

This explains why I love houseplants so much - they're my kin!!! πŸ˜‚

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Mindful Monday πŸ’›We rarely know the effect we have on others, but everything we do ripples out.

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

We rarely know the effect we have on others, but everything we do ripples out.

Funny Friday 😁 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Funny Friday 😁


Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›As we 'wake up', we realize that we are a soul and we have a body.We learn that over our lifetime, we ...

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

As we 'wake up', we realize that we are a soul and we have a body.

We learn that over our lifetime, we have developed so many layers of 'story' through the experiences we have had, and our soul has been buried under all of it.

Awakening brings us back to our true essence.

Awakening inspires us to discard those layers and layers of 'story' and remember who we TRULY are.

It can be joyful, AND it can be painful.

Painful because not everyone awakens, which often includes people we love; family, friends, spouses, etc.

When we awaken and they don't, they will often fall away.

Not because we are imposing our truth on them, but because they don't resonate with us anymore.

It's like they don't recognize us even though we look the same.

But our frequencies have changed.

When we awaken, our energy (soul) vibrates at a higher frequency, and those who have not awakened no longer align with us.

It's like 2 different radio stations...89.1 and 105.7, for example.

Awakening can be hard. But if it is part of your journey in this lifetime, there is a reason for it.

Discard all that you are not.

Embrace who you truly are.

Trust the process. πŸ™

Mindful Monday πŸ’›So many people struggle with having a consistent meditation practice because they believe it means they ...

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

So many people struggle with having a consistent meditation practice because they believe it means they have to sit in silence for an hour every day.

That's simply not true.

I always suggest starting with 5 minutes a day - sitting quietly with a clear mind. Then work up to 10 minutes, then 15, then 20.

Some days will be easier than others to quiet your monkey mind and connect within. And that's okay.

It's called a practice for a reason. πŸ˜‰

Failing that, meditation can be anything you enjoy doing that your mind gets 'lost' in.

Mindless = Soulfull

For me, that's gardening. When my hands are in the soil, or I'm weeding or watering, I am most connected to myself (and all that is).

What is meditation for you?

Card of the Month: HUMOR"I choose to focus on the lighter side of life."There are definitely parts of life that require ...

Card of the Month: HUMOR

"I choose to focus on the lighter side of life."

There are definitely parts of life that require your serious attention, but you have to learn to have fun. Don't neglect things that bring you joy or make you laugh. Besides the health benefits to your physical body, your emotional and mental bodies reap huge rewards from the art of joy.

Seek out the people who make you feel good about being alive. Avoid cynicism and pessimism. Always look at your cup as being half-full instead of half-empty. The endless chatter of this physical dimension can seep into your conscious mind, so do your best to listen to happy music, read soul-enriching fiction, and be wary of movies or TV shows that can darken your mood. Happy people attract happy people.

(From The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh)

There is an expression, "Laughter is the best medicine," and I have found that to be absolutely true.

I can honestly say that it has been humor that has gotten me through the last (nearly) 2 years; the darkest days of my life.

The profound grief and the intensity of it I experienced since the love of my life died can only be described as 'otherworldly'.

There were many days that I HAD to scream cry to release the pain because it felt like it would tear me in half if I didn't. Afterward, I would lay on the floor to out of pure exhaustion with hopes of regrounding.

Sometimes, it worked. Sometimes, it didn't.

But what always worked was humor.

I would go on Instagram and watch funny reels; scares, pranks, and animals.

It was then I would laugh, sometimes for hours on end! And I would feel gratitude for laughter because it was the only thing that could take me from a place of deep grief to experiencing JOY. Humor became my saving grace. Humor became the bright spot in my day until I was finally able to find light in my days on my own.

When working with grief clients, we often talk about humor and how it can be helpful.

And often, if not always, we share laughter in our sessions. I will ask them to share a funny memory of their loved one, which they do, and we laugh together.

Not only does that provide me the opportunity to get to know their loved one, but it helps them to remember the joy and not just the pain.

Where can you use humor more in your life?

I invite you to try it. πŸ™πŸ˜

Funny Friday 😁 I mean... πŸ˜‚

Funny Friday 😁

I mean... πŸ˜‚

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›Our thoughts create our reality.Imagine the best possible outcome, and make it yours. It already is. 😘...

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Our thoughts create our reality.
Imagine the best possible outcome, and make it yours.

It already is. 😘

Mindful Monday πŸ’›If she can do it, so can you. 😘You've got this. πŸ™Œ

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

If she can do it, so can you. 😘

You've got this. πŸ™Œ

Funny Friday 😁 And yet... this is no joke πŸ™ƒAnyone else???

Funny Friday 😁

And yet... this is no joke πŸ™ƒ

Anyone else???

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›This. πŸ’›All of this. πŸ’›

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

This. πŸ’›

All of this. πŸ’›

Mindful Monday πŸ’›So true. Change is hard. But it is the one constant in life. The more we resist change, the harder we ma...

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

So true.

Change is hard. But it is the one constant in life.

The more we resist change, the harder we make life for ourselves.

Be kind to yourself - and others - and we all grow and evolve.

And take some time to reflect after each transformation.

It is all a gift. πŸ’›πŸ™

Funny Friday 😁 This about sums up my 2024 so far...I mean, it's great, but hard, but important, but difficult, but beaut...

Funny Friday 😁

This about sums up my 2024 so far...

I mean, it's great, but hard, but important, but difficult, but beautiful, but devastating, but inspiring, but challenging....

This. πŸ˜‚

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh...πŸ™πŸ₯°What can you give?

Wisdom Wednesday πŸ’›

Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh...πŸ™πŸ₯°

What can you give?

Mindful Monday πŸ’›There is more to self-care than one might think. And that's okay.

Mindful Monday πŸ’›

There is more to self-care than one might think.

And that's okay.

Funny Friday 😁 Hahahahaha! Anyone else??!!

Funny Friday 😁


Anyone else??!!


3653 Netherby Road
Fort Erie, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 10:30am - 7pm
Thursday 10:30am - 5pm
Friday 10:30am - 7pm


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