Whether you are on welfare, disability, or working for low wages, women need affordable child care, affordable housing, and training and education to get good jobs.
“Bringing in Women’s Voices from the Margins” is a project lead by Campaign 2000 and the Income Security Advocacy Centre who are working alongside 11 community partners to find out the best ways to involve women across Ontario in dis
cussion around economic security. The project also seeks to engage low income women in public policy decision making. If you are woman and concerned about issues around economic security - this is a place for you to find out information on upcoming events, surveys, current political affairs, ongoing consultations and advocacy work.
Comment Policy
To ensure the page is a progressive and safe space for women to gather information and leave comments - any hateful, demeaning and disrespectful posts will not be permitted and will be removed. Racism, sexism, homophobia and posts demeaning or disrespecting individuals because of their poverty, disability or other circumstances have no place on this page. We encourage members to be respectful of other’s suggestions and ideas when responding to posts. Women in the group come from different circumstances and experiences. All messages to the list should promote our ability to learn and organize together. We understand that sometimes members may respond impulsively or unintentionally post something others find offensive or disrespectful. We are committed to helping members learn from these situations, but reserve the right to ban members from the page who repeatedly break this policy or have little regard for others. Please contact us if you have questions about this policy.