We use the greenest of building concepts and products to build safe and affordable homes that are environmentally positive and completely self-sustainable. The beautiful dome shape is one of the strongest architectural forms; our homes can withstand wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and mudslides. Our systems and products offer safe, low-cost, environmentally-positive and hi
gh-efficiency construction that significantly reduces time and labour. Construction cost savings translate to greater profitability for the builder, easier access to investment capital while providing high-yield ROI, as well as a spectrum of savings for clients- home owners and tenants. Our safe, fast and effective construction systems and materials put new and exciting build-to-market opportunities in your hands. The attention-grabbing dome architecture with its graceful curves complemented by the natural beauty of rooftop gardens are sure to be received with interest and enthusiasm. Isn't it time to step "outside the box" into a whole new universe of architectural possibilities? Visit our website: http://www.greencretedomes.com/
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