
JaguarundiTravel Jaguarundi Travel is a tour operator committed to the promotion and preservation of natural diversit

Jaguarundi Travel is a tour operator committed to the promotion and preservation of natural diversity and cultural life in Colombia.

The Velvet-purple Coronet, a medium-sized hummingbird, appears to be blackish in dim lighting. However, when viewed from...

The Velvet-purple Coronet, a medium-sized hummingbird, appears to be blackish in dim lighting. However, when viewed from the correct angle, it transforms into a stunning gem with a purple belly and crown, turquoise sides, and greenish wing coverts. Observe the bright white flashes in its tail. Like other coronets, this bird raises its wings for a brief moment when it lands, revealing its rich chestnut underwings. Both males and females have similar appearances. The species has a limited distribution in western Colombia and Ecuador, where it is generally uncommon in moist cloud forests and edges within the lower subtropical zone.

The Buff-tailed Sicklebill hummingbird is found in the foothill forests along the eastern slope of the Andes. It has a d...

The Buff-tailed Sicklebill hummingbird is found in the foothill forests along the eastern slope of the Andes. It has a distinctive bill and is often seen near "lobster claw" Heliconia flowers. The bird's song consists of soft chirps, which it sings from a hidden perch. It does not visit feeders.

Join our Southern Colombia tour to watch it live and support its conservation.

Ready once again for the Global BirdfairWhat a great honour to attend this amazing event and keep working for sustainabl...

Ready once again for the Global Birdfair
What a great honour to attend this amazing event and keep working for sustainable and specialized nature tourism in Colombia. Please visit JaguarundiTravel at Robin marquee 28,63

The male Red Headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii),  perched on a cecropia tree. This is one of the Andean Cloud Forest typ...

The male Red Headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii), perched on a cecropia tree. This is one of the Andean Cloud Forest typical scenes you may witness while birding the Colombian andes.
Female is similar to some South American barbet species.

Red Headed Barbets (Eubucco bourcierii), male and female perched on a cecropia tree. Amazing beauty of the Andean Cloud ...

Red Headed Barbets (Eubucco bourcierii), male and female perched on a cecropia tree. Amazing beauty of the Andean Cloud Forest.

Usually found in pairs, often accompanying a mixed-species flock in the forest canopy. Sometimes visits fruit feeders.

The Female Red Headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii), perched on a cecropia tree. This is one of the Andean Cloud Forest ty...

The Female Red Headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii), perched on a cecropia tree. This is one of the Andean Cloud Forest typical scenes you may witness while birding the Colombian andes.
Female is similar to some South American barbet species , but note head pattern: blue cheek, orange side of neck, and black forehead.

Pelecanus occidentalis in the colombian caribbean coast.EN Brown PelicanDE BraunpelikanES Pelícano PardoFR Pélican brun

Pelecanus occidentalis in the colombian caribbean coast.
EN Brown Pelican
DE Braunpelikan
ES Pelícano Pardo
FR Pélican brun

Red Howler MonkeyMono Aullador RojoAlouatta seniculusUn Macho Juvenil en los remanentes de bosque en las cercanías de Tu...

Red Howler Monkey
Mono Aullador Rojo
Alouatta seniculus

Un Macho Juvenil en los remanentes de bosque en las cercanías de Turbaco, haciendo un despliegue visible frente a los otros integrantes de la manada

A Juvenile Male in the remnants of the forest in the vicinity of Turbaco, making a visible display in front of the other members of the herd

Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher, Poecilotriccus ruficeps Seen in Rio Sucio, around a bamboo patch. This thin tiny, plump ...

Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher, Poecilotriccus ruficeps

Seen in Rio Sucio, around a bamboo patch. This thin tiny, plump flycatcher was found in the understory of the subtropical zone in the Andes. You can easily determine the specie because of the distinctive plumage with yellow belly, white throat, rufous crown, black border around cheek, and bold yellow wing bars.

EN: Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher
ES: Tiranuelo Cappirufo
FR: Todirostre bariolé
DE: Rostkappen-Todityrann

Emerald Toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus phaeolaemusThis is a Colombian endemic sub-specie (phaeolaemus) from the weste...

Emerald Toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus phaeolaemus

This is a Colombian endemic sub-specie (phaeolaemus) from the western mountain range, photographed in a coffee plantation in Jardín, Antioquia. Incredible colors and active, usually in groups.

EN: Emerald Toucanet
ES: Tucancito esmeralda
FR: Toucanet à gorge blanche
DE: Weißkehlarassari

Contact us for further information and private nature experiences throughout

Slate-crowned Antpitta, Grallaricula nanaThis picture was taken during one of our birding tours in Colombia throughout t...

Slate-crowned Antpitta, Grallaricula nana

This picture was taken during one of our birding tours in Colombia throughout the Colombian western andes with

Contact us for your private and specialized birding and nature tours throughout Colombia, we designe Tailor-made trips with the best value.

EN: Slate-crowned Antpitta
ES: Tororoi enano
FR: Grallaire naine
DE: Graukappen-Ameisenpitta

Small and fairly bright antpitta found in subtropics from Venezuela to extreme northern Peru. Typical antpitta shape, but smaller: plump and short-tailed with long legs. Warm tawny below and duller brown above with contrasting gray crown. Messy buffy face and eyering. Breast usually looks somewhat scalloped. Sexes similar. Shy and difficult to see; stays on or near the ground in montane forest, usually within bamboo thickets. More arboreal than the larger antpittas; often seen perched several feet off the ground. Listen for song, a descending series of high-pitched whistles “pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi.”

Green Kingfisher, Chloroceryle americanaThis beauty was perched on a branch over a creek near the Amazon River during a ...

Green Kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana

This beauty was perched on a branch over a creek near the Amazon River during a throughout Colombia with

Contact us to design your private birding, nature and wildlife tour throughout

EN: Green Kingfisher
ES: Martín Pescador Verde
FR: Martin-pêcheur vert
DE: Grünfischer

Small kingfisher with disproportionately long bill. Dark glossy green above with white throat, collar, and spots on wings. Tail often held cocked up. White outer tail feathers spotted with green conspicuous in flight. Male has rufous breast; female breast white with spotted green double-collar. Found along rivers or ponds. Less conspicuous than some other kingfishers, often perching on overhanging branches close to water's surface. Low flight with quick wingbeats.

Tropical Screech-Owl, Megascops cholibaEN: Tropical Screech-OwlES: CurrucutúFR: Petit-duc cholibaDE: TropenkreischeuleTh...

Tropical Screech-Owl, Megascops choliba

EN: Tropical Screech-Owl
ES: Currucutú
FR: Petit-duc choliba
DE: Tropenkreischeule

This portrait was taken during the with

As with all screech-owls, much easier to identify by voice: a short rapid trill with a pop at the end. If you’re lucky enough to see one, look for an overall grayish-brown or rufous bird with fine markings, including thin streaks on underparts. Black border to face. Sexes alike. Found in wooded habitats, sometimes coming out into open shrubby fields or gardens with only a few scattered trees. Usually the most common screech-owl in range.

Caracara Plancus / Crested CaracaraThis picture was taken during one of our nature photo tours. Contact us for private b...

Caracara Plancus / Crested Caracara

This picture was taken during one of our nature photo tours. Contact us for private birding and nature expeditions at your own pace throughout diverse Colombia. Experts in the field

EN: Crested Caracara
ES: Guaraguaco Común
FR: Caracara huppé
DE: Schopfkarakara

Large, long-legged raptor of open habitats. Often walks on the ground or perches conspicuously on a fence post or telephone pole. Note dark cap, pale neck, and dark body. Face color varies from orange-red to pale pink, contrasting with pale grayish bill. In flight, look for conspicuous white flashes in wings and tail. Feeds mainly on lizards and snakes. Widespread from the southern U.S. to the southern tip of South America, typically in open fields, deserts, or beaches. Formerly considered two species, Crested and Southern Caracara.

Opisthocomus hoazin, HoatzinSeen during one of our   explorations in the Arauca region in colombia with Contact us for p...

Opisthocomus hoazin, Hoatzin
Seen during one of our explorations in the Arauca region in colombia with

Contact us for private nature and birding tours in Colombia with the best value.

EN: Hoatzin
ES: Pava Hedionda
FR: Hoazin huppé
DE: Hoatzin

Large, dumpy bird found around lake edges and slow-moving streams. Head looks too small for its large brown body. Its orange mohawk, blue facial skin, and stubby bill make this bird extremely distinctive. Usually found in groups or pairs. Moves clumsily around waterside vegetation, making loud huffing noises.

Nyctibius griseus, Common PotooThis interesting bird was perched on a tree, during one of our birding tours throughout C...

Nyctibius griseus, Common Potoo
This interesting bird was perched on a tree, during one of our birding tours throughout Colombia.

Explore Colombia with experts in nature and wildlife trips in Colombia. Contact us and schedule you private tour with the best value.

EN: Common Potoo
ES: Bienparado Común
FR: Ibijau gris
DE: Klagetagschläfer

Strange nocturnal bird like a mix between an owl and a nightjar. Large head and huge yellow eyes. Overall grayish-brown with splotchy patterning. Black mustache stripe helps distinguish from Great Potoo, along with smaller size. Spends the daytime perched on the end of a snag, where it blends in perfectly and becomes very difficult to spot. At night, hunts mainly for flying insects from an exposed perch. Found in open forested habitats with scattered trees, such as forest edges, along rivers or roadsides, or even in disturbed patchy woodland. Listen for mournful series of whistles, descending in pitch: “POO, POO, Poo, poo, poo.”

Buff-tailed Coronet, Boissonneaua flavescensA beautiful hummingbird photographed during one of our birding tours in the ...

Buff-tailed Coronet, Boissonneaua flavescens

A beautiful hummingbird photographed during one of our birding tours in the Colombian Andes with

Let us know your interests and we will give you the best choice and value. Private nature tours throughout Colombia with the best staff and service.

EN: Buff-tailed Coronet
ES: Colibri Chupasavia
FR: Colibri flavescent
DE: Fahlschwanzkolibri

Medium-sized hummingbird, mostly dark green with obvious buffy underwing and mostly buffy tail. Fairly short, straight bill. Sexes similar. Found in cloud forest from Venezuela to Ecuador, mostly from 1,500–2,400 m. Usually forages in middle to upper levels of trees. Visits feeders, where it aggressively defends its territory against other hummingbirds.

Paroaria gularis, This lovely bird was perched in a water vegetation leaf in the amazon region, during one birding tour ...

Paroaria gularis,

This lovely bird was perched in a water vegetation leaf in the amazon region, during one birding tour with Contact us for more information about our private birding tours throughout

EN: Red-Capped Cardinal
ES: Cardenal Pantanero
FR: Paroare rougecap
DE: Schwarzkehltangare

Small, boldly colored tanager found in vegetation around lakes and rivers. Bright red head and black-and-white plumage are instantly recognizable. Quite social and often found in pairs or groups as they forage low in waterside vegetation. Frequently perches on branches sticking out of the water.

Psarocolius angustifronsTaking a sun bath and cleaning its plumage...This photo was taken during one of our birdwatching...

Psarocolius angustifrons
Taking a sun bath and cleaning its plumage...
This photo was taken during one of our birdwatching tours in the Colombian Andes.
For exploring Colombia and the nature diversity, please contact

EN: Russet-backed Oropendola
ES: Oropéndola Común
FR: Cassique roussâtre
DE: Breithauben-Stirnvogel

A medium-sized oropendola; fairly common in lowlands but seems to be scarce in montane forest. Can occur up to around 2,500m in the Andes, where it is usually the only oropendola and unlikely to be confused. Generally olive overall with warmer rufous tones on back and rump. Variable bill color: dark blackish in the Amazonian lowlands; usually yellowish in Andes. Yellow outer tail feathers like other oropendolas. Typically in flocks that forage in the canopy, sometimes in mixed flocks with other oropendolas or caciques.

Momotus aequatorialisEN: Andean MotmotES: Barranquero AndinoFR: Motmot d'ÉquateurDE: HochlandmotmotAndean Motmot during ...

Momotus aequatorialis

EN: Andean Motmot
ES: Barranquero Andino
FR: Motmot d'Équateur
DE: Hochlandmotmot

Andean Motmot during a Colombia Birding Andes Tour with

Large motmot found in forests and edges from foothills into subtropical zone; typically at higher elevations than other motmots. Green overall with blue wings and tail, black mask, and shining blue crown with black center. Long tail with rackets. The name “motmot” comes from the double-hooting call, which can sound like an owl, and is mainly uttered around dawn. Seen singly or in pairs, usually perched quietly in the midstory of mossy subtropical forest.

Endemic Melanerpes pulcherEN: Beautiful WoodpeckerES: Carpintero bonitoFR: Pic splendideDE: SchmuckspechtDuring a birdin...

Endemic Melanerpes pulcher

EN: Beautiful Woodpecker
ES: Carpintero bonito
FR: Pic splendide
DE: Schmuckspecht

During a birding tour on the Mid Magdalena area in Colombia with

Medium-sized woodpecker endemic to northern Colombia. Strikingly patterned: black above and buffy below with bright red crown, yellow nape, black mask, barred flanks, and a white stripe down the back. Found in dry woodlands and edges, usually in pairs. Compare with Black-cheeked Woodpecker, which lacks a yellow nape and has white spots on the wings.

Dendrocygna autumnalisEN: Black-bellied Whistling-DuckES: Iguaza ComúnFR: Dendrocygne à ventre noirDE: Rotschnabel-Pfeif...

Dendrocygna autumnalis

EN: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
ES: Iguaza Común
FR: Dendrocygne à ventre noir
DE: Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans

A lovely group near the dry forest of the Cauca Valley during a andes birding tour.

Gangly duck with long neck and legs. Unmistakable adult has chestnut-and-black body with electric pink legs and bill. Look for the bold white wing stripe, especially visible in flight. Juvenile is duller brownish overall with gray bill and legs. Young birds could be confused with Fulvous Whistling-Duck, but juvenile Black-bellied has a white wing stripe and typically shows some black coming in on the sides and belly. Flocks gather in marshes, lakes, rice fields, and swamps, sometimes by the hundreds. Active day and night. Occurs throughout Middle and South America. Vocal and conspicuous; listen for wheezy whistles and chirps.

Tachyphonus rufusEN: White-lined TanagerES: Parlotero MalcasadoDE: SchwarztangareFR: Tangara à galons blancsThis male ta...

Tachyphonus rufus

EN: White-lined Tanager
ES: Parlotero Malcasado
DE: Schwarztangare
FR: Tangara à galons blancs

This male tanager was perched on a dry palm tree during one of latest explorations in the Colombian Andes

Large tanager with strikingly different male and female plumages. Male is all black; the white shoulder patch is rarely visible, and even then it’s just a sliver. Female is uniformly rufous with no distinguishing features. On both sexes, look for the stout pointed bill. Usually found in pairs, sometimes following a mixed-species flock. Not a forest bird; usually in more open areas, shrubby edges, and second growth.

Cyanocorax affinisEN: Black-chested JayDE: Schwarzbrust-BlaurabeFR: Geai à poitrine noirStriking jay with mostly black h...

Cyanocorax affinis
EN: Black-chested Jay
DE: Schwarzbrust-Blaurabe
FR: Geai à poitrine noir

Striking jay with mostly black head and throat, deep indigo upperparts, and contrasting white belly. Long tail with white tip. Pale eye. Sexes alike. Usually found in small family groups. Occurs in forested habitats, including shrubby second growth and forest edge. Calls include a harsh doubled “chee-chee” and other mechanical and musical notes.

Cinnycerthia unirufa unibrunneaEN: Rufous WrenDE: Einfarb-ZaunkönigFR: Troglodyte rouxA medium-sized, uniformly-colored ...

Cinnycerthia unirufa unibrunnea
EN: Rufous Wren
DE: Einfarb-Zaunkönig
FR: Troglodyte roux

A medium-sized, uniformly-colored wren found in the upper subtropical and temperate zone of the Andes from western Venezuela to extreme northern Peru. Bright rufous-brown overall (brightest in the northern populations) with black lores and indistinct dark barring on wings and tail. Similar to Sharpe’s Wren, but brighter brown and typically found at higher elevations. Occurs from around 2,200-3,800m. Small parties forage in the understory of forest, often around bamboo thickets. Can be skulky and difficult to see well. Sometimes follows mixed-species flocks. Listen for the harsh chattering calls.

Icterus chrysaterEN:Yellow-backed OrioleDE: SchwarzflügeltrupialFR: Oriole noir et orHaving some breakfast, bugs and nec...

Icterus chrysater
EN:Yellow-backed Oriole
DE: Schwarzflügeltrupial
FR: Oriole noir et or

Having some breakfast, bugs and nectar from the banana flowers!!

Icterus is found along forest edges, in wooded areas, and shrubland.
This colombian resident Icterus chrysater giraudii, forages in pairs, and has a very melodious songs with distinctive whistles. Both sexes have a yellow head and body with a small black mask and throat patch, black wings and tail. Bill is straight and pointed.

Cyanocorax yncasEN: Green JayDE: InkarabeFR: Geai vertCyanocorax yncas galeatus, endemic subspecies for West and Central...

Cyanocorax yncas

EN: Green Jay
DE: Inkarabe
FR: Geai vert

Cyanocorax yncas galeatus, endemic subspecies for West and Central Colombian Andes, during one of our Colombia Birding tours throughout Colombia

The Inca jay, known as well as green jay in some areas, is 29.5–30.5 cm (11.6–12.0 in) in length. The crown can appear mostly white, with blue limited to the frontal crest and nape. A black bib forms a broad band up to the sides of the head as well as a stripe through the eye line and one above it. The breast and underparts typically are bright yellow. The upper parts are rich green. The color of the iris is bright yellow.
The range extends southwards in the Andes from the Colombia and Venezuela through Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

Sporophila nigricollisEN: Yellow-bellied SeedeaterDE: GelbbauchspelzerFR: Sporophile à ventre jauneThe yellow-bellied se...

Sporophila nigricollis

EN: Yellow-bellied Seedeater
DE: Gelbbauchspelzer
FR: Sporophile à ventre jaune

The yellow-bellied seedeater (Sporophila nigricollis) is a species of bird in the family Thraupidae, formerly placed with the American sparrows in the Emberizidae.
The yellow-bellied seedeater is found in Central and South America from Costa Rica to Bolivia. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland, pastureland, and heavily degraded former forest. One study in Brazil, estimated that 16,800 yellow-bellied seedeaters are illegal caught and sold as pets annually.

Anhinga anhinga EN. AnhingaDE. AmerikanischerFR. Anhinga d' AmériqueStarting the flight in one of our trips Birding thro...

Anhinga anhinga

EN. Anhinga
DE. Amerikanischer
FR. Anhinga d' Amérique

Starting the flight in one of our trips Birding throughout Colombia

Sometimes called snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of the Americas. The word anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means "devil bird" or "snake bird". The origin of the name is shown when swimming: only the neck appears above water so the bird looks like a snake ready to strike. They do not have external nares (nostrils) and breathe solely through their epiglottis.

The anhinga is placed in the darter family, Anhingidae, and is closely related to Indian (Anhinga melanogaster), African (Anhinga rufa), and Australian (Anhinga novaehollandiae) darters. Like other darters, the anhinga hunts by spearing fish and other small prey using its sharp, slender beak.

The international community of nature travelers, trust in jaguarundi travel. With more than 10 years of experience, in t...

The international community of nature travelers, trust in jaguarundi travel. With more than 10 years of experience, in the operation of specialized nature trips in Colombia and with a priority sense in conservation and sustainability.

Birding Tours in Colombia offered by Jaguarundi Travel range from custom itineraries upto 21 day tours. Read Reviews. Enquire Directly

Cinnamon FlycatcherPyrrhomyias cinnamomeusReady for some birding!

Cinnamon Flycatcher
Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus

Ready for some birding!

Thanks to 10,000 Birds for supporting the birding community.!!

Thanks to 10,000 Birds for supporting the birding community.!!

10,000 Birds is running a series of articles by and about tour guides, tour companies, eco-lodges, and other birding travel organizations. We want to help the birding tourism industry come back strong from the COVID pandemic. Please consider using the services described in this post or any of the ot...


We are close to the end of this campaign! Please help the most needed colombian birding local guides with your donations

Thanks to all the international birders community

In one of our three mountain ranges tour in  .

In one of our three mountain ranges tour in .

Today   at mid magdalena  valley

Today at mid magdalena valley

Today we had an incredible experience.One of the best   day for many in the group.Full day looking for   in    Best   in...

Today we had an incredible experience.
One of the best day for many in the group.
Full day looking for in
Best in Colombia with
@ Eco lodge Montezuma


Finca MonteSer Jardín

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 9am - 7:30pm
Martes 9am - 7:30pm
Miércoles 9am - 7:30pm
Jueves 9am - 7:30pm
Viernes 9am - 7:30pm
Sábado 9am - 7:30pm




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