Liguria Travel

Liguria Travel Liguria Travel je turistička agencija koja od svog osnivanja 1995. godine sa velikim uspehom radi ovaj predivan program vezan za Azurnu Obalu.

“Liguria Travel" iz Beograda, zajedno sa Turističkim Savezom Opštine Sanremo, organizuju međunarodni festival folklora San-remo -- Igra Evropa! Ovaj festival spada u jedan od najboljih festivala koji se organizuju u Evropi. Najbolji je iz razloga što na njemu učestvuju najbolji ansambli zemalja učesnika, nastup je u čuvenoj dvorani
Casino Sanremo, revijalni nastup u centru Sanrema ispred ogromnog

broja posetilaca, i poseta Kanu, Nici, Eze, Monaku i Monte Karlu.
"Liguria Travel" - Belgrade, along with Tourist Association of the Municipality of Sanremo, are organizing The International Folklore Festival Sanremo -- Dancing Europe! This festival falls into one of the best festivals organized in Europe. It is the best because it gathers the greatest ensembles of the participating countries, the Performance Hall is in famous Casino-Sanremo, spectacular performance in the center of Sanremo in front of the huge number of visitors and includes visits to Cannes, Nice, Eze, Monaco and Monte Carlo.


Azurna obala je još poznata i kao Francuska rivijera. Čuvena je po svojoj lepoti i glamuroznosti. Ukoliko se nađete na Azurnoj obali, postoji velika mogućnost da sretnete neke od najslavnijih pripadnika svetskog džet-seta kako krstare na svojim luksuznim jahtama ili uživaju na žurkama po kojima su poznate azurne noći. Azurna obala obuhvata preko 100 kilometara Mediteranskog bisera - Mondenski Kan, Nica kraljica Azurne obale, Menton simbol Azurnog luksuza, Eze fabrika parfema, Monako sjaj i glamur, Monte Karlo poznat po stazi Formule 1, Đenova “La Superba”, jedna od najvećih luka Mediterana, Seravale poznat po velikom Outlet tržnom centru, San Remo prestonica Rivijere cveća.
Cote d'Azur is also known as the French Riviera. It is famous for its beauty and glamor. If you find yourself on the Cote d'Azur, there is a great chance to meet some of the most famous members of the world's jet set cruising on their luxury yachts or enjoy parties that are known for azure nights. Cote d'Azur includes over 100 kilometers of the Mediterranean pearl - Monden Caanes, Nice Queen of the Cote d'Azur, Menton symbol of Azure luxury, Eze perfume factory, Monaco shine and glamor, Monte Carlo, known for its Formula 1 track, Genoa "La Superba", one of the largest ports of the Mediterranean, Serravalle Outlet is known for its large shopping mall, San Remo the capital of the Riviera of flowers.


SANREMO ~ Najčuvenije mesto na „obali cveća“ sa italijanske strane je festivalski Sanremo, omiljeno mesto kraljevskih porodica, ali i kompozitora Čajkovskog, naučnika Alfreda Nobela, pesnika Edvarda Lira, koji su odsedali na aveniji uz samo more. Stari grad je metež uskih ulica i srednjovekovnih zgrada. Turisti koji ovamo stignu posredstvom beogradske agencije „Liguria Travel“ boraviće u ovom prestižnom mestu. MONAKO ~ U ovoj luksuznoj monarhiji će posetioci videti čuvenu kockarnicu u Monte Karlu koju je projektovao Šarl Garnijer, arhitekta Pariske opere. Sagrađen na izvanrednom mestu, sa pogledom na Monako, to je istinski hram sreće, luksuza i razmetanja. Državu grad karakteriše to što je dinastija Grimaldi od Monaka najstarija vladajuća porodica na svetu, još od kada je 1297. Fransoa Grimaldi, prerušen u čuvara, osvojio je dvorac i vlast. NICA ~ Grad koji blista sunčevim sjajem i glamurom. Nica je postala odredište filmskih zvezda, što je ovom gradu dalo dodatni glamur. Umetnici, poput Matisa, Šagala i drugih, inspirisani Nicom, ostavili su ovde trag svojim delima. Osim ove raskoši, postoji i jedna druga stara Nica ukorenjena u istoriji Mediterana i odlučna da sačuva svoj identitet. Spajanjem ovih različitosti, nastala je današnja fascinantna Nica. KAN ~ Poznat po filmskom festivalu. Više od 30.000 filmskih profesionalaca poseti najveću svetsku filmsku smotru. Kažu da je to „krem krema“ filmske industrije. Turisti obavezno prošetaju Kroazetom, idealnim mestom za razgledanje izloga sa poznatim markama. Skupoća zaustavlja dah, a raskoš zaslepljuje.
SAN REMO ~ The most famous place on the "shore of flowers" from the Italian side is the festival Sanremo, the favorite place of royal families, as well as the composer Tchaikovsky, the scientist Alfred Nobel, the poet Edward Lir, who stayed on the avenue along the sea. The Old Town is a pother of narrow streets and medieval buildings. Tourists who arrive here through the Belgrade agency "Liguria Travel" will stay in this prestigious place. MONACO ~ In this luxury monarchy, visitors will see the famous casino in Monte Carlo, which was designed by Charles Garnier, the architect of the Paris Opera. Built in an extraordinary place, with a view to Monaco, it is a true temple of happiness, luxury and flaunt. The city is characterized by the fact that the Grimaldi dynasty of Monaco is the oldest ruling family in the world, since 1297, when Francois Grimaldi, disguised as a guard, won the castle and power. NICE ~ A city that shines with sunshine and glamor. Nice has become a destination for film stars, which gave this city an additional glamor. Artists such as Matisse, Chagall and others, inspired by Nice, here have left their mark with their deeds. Apart from this splendor, there is another old Nice rooted in the history of the Mediterranean and determined to preserve its identity. By combining these differences, today's fascinating Nice emerged. CANNES ~ Known for the film festival. More than 30,000 film professionals visit the world's largest film festival. They say it's a "cream cream" of the film industry. Tourists always take a walk to The Promenade de la Croisette, the ideal place for sight seeing a shop window with famous brands. Expensiveness are breathtaking and lavish dazzle.


Liguria Travel je turistička agencija koja od svog osnivanja 1995. godine sa velikim uspehom radi o


International Folklore Festival Sanremo 2017 - Dancing Europe!


Spectale in front of a red carpet in Cannes and much more

"Liguria Travel" - Belgrade, along with Tourist Association of the Municipality of Sanremo, are organizing The Internati...

"Liguria Travel" - Belgrade, along with Tourist Association of the Municipality of Sanremo, are organizing The International Folklore Festival Sanremo -- Dancing Europe!
This festival falls into one of the best festivals organized in Europe. It is the best because it gathers the greatest ensembles of the participating countries, the Performance Hall is in famous Casino-Sanremo, spectacular performance in the center of Sanremo in front of the huge number of visitors and includes visits to Cannes, Nice, Eze, Monaco and Monte Carlo.


“Liguria Travel" iz Beograda, zajedno sa Turističkim Savezom Opštine Sanremo, organizuju međunarodni festival folklora San-remo -- Igra Evropa!
Ovaj festival spada u jedan od najboljih festivala koji se organizuju u Evropi. Najbolji je iz razloga što na njemu učestvuju najbolji ansambli zemalja učesnika, nastup je u čuvenoj dvorani
Casino Sanremo, revijalni nastup u centru Sanrema ispred ogromnog broja posetilaca, i poseta Kanu, Nici, Eze, Monaku i Monte Karlu.
"Liguria Travel" - Belgrade, along with Tourist Association of the Municipality of Sanremo, are organizing The International Folklore Festival Sanremo -- Dancing Europe!
This festival falls into one of the best festivals organized in Europe. It is the best because it gathers the greatest ensembles of the participating countries, the Performance Hall is in famous Casino-Sanremo, spectacular performance in the center of Sanremo in front of the huge number of visitors and includes visits to Cannes, Nice, Eze, Monaco and Monte Carlo.




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