
mintus:heyn We are experts for design and consultancy of living spaces. We are passionate about the emotional treatment of spaces, their organisation and functionality.

Als Designer im Spannungsfeld zwischen Objektdesign, Innenraumgestaltung und Architektur
interessieren wir uns für die Organisation und Funktionalität von Räumen und deren Emotionalität. Nach intensiver Erfahrung in unserer Tätigkeit in renommierten Plangungsbüros im In- und Ausland widmen wir uns leidenschaftlich dem Möbeldesign, der Effizienzsteigerung von Grundrissen und der Planung von Um- und

Neubauten. Wir entwickeln, ausgehend von den Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden, maßgeschneiderte Konzepte, ausführungsreife Planungen und begleiten bis zur Fertigstellung. Coming from a design background, we thrive on the challenges derived from object and interior design as well as architecture. Intense experiences working for renowned offices within and outside of Germany inspired us to focus on tasks ranging from furniture design to increasing the efficiency of floor plans to complete projects in the field of renovations or new built spaces. We consider the needs of our clients seriously and develop made-to-measure concepts, as well as delivering plans for building and support through to the projects realisation.


Our own home-project in Berlin is finally done!


Hello Karlshorst


Waiting dir DEEP WEB this summer in Berlin!!!

We couldn’t wait to share this news with you: we are bringing back DEEP WEB to Kraftwerk Berlin in July 2019!

DEEP WEB is a monumental immersive audiovisual installation and live performance created by light artist Christopher Bauder and composer and musician Robert Henke (Studio Robert Henke). First presented shortly in 2016 during CTM Festival and La Fête des Lumières, DEEP WEB became one of our most significant productions.

From 12 of July, DEEP WEB will be presented in the spectacular industrial space of Kraftwerk Berlin. Join us on a sensory journey through space and time, and immerse yourself in the luminous patterns of early digital communication.

For further updates please follow DEEP WEB
For further infos and tickets visit

Photos by Ralph Larmann


Hallo golden apartment 😁




3 looks for our new project in Poznań...


Altbau Apartment in Berlin


Untitled Album



🌟Golden Xmas🌟




Timeline Photos


the golden kitchen in our Polish boarding house is almost ready


we have the building permit & now it's time for construction


Our new project Casa Alessandra in Berlin Prenzlauerberg


Photos from mintus:heyn's post


We are ready. now Mr. Piotr will make it real


New masterpiece is comming


Für unsere eigene Wohnung setzten wir uns zum Ziel den Charakter, die Patina und die Historie der Räume des Altbaus zu wahren, aber gleichzeitig in unsere Zeit zu überführen. Alte Türen und Beschläge wurden erhalten und aufgearbeitet, das Mauerwerk wurde freigelegt und die bestehen Dielen, als durchgängiges Bodenmaterial, wurden zum gestalterischen Thema für integrale Einbauelemente wie Kleiderschrank und Küchenmobiliar. Erweiterte Verbindungen zwischen den Räumen und der großflächige Einsatz verspiegelter Flächen und Objekte verleihen dem Raum Leichtigkeit, Größe und Transparenz.

When we designed our own apartment, our aim was to maintain the character, the patina and the history of the existing traditional building but at the same time make it a part of today. Old doors and fittings were kept, the brickwork was exposed and the old floorboards, being the continuous flooring material, were retained and became a theme for the built in elements like the wardrobe and kitchen furniture. Extended connections in between rooms and the wide use of mirrored surfaces donate lightness, spaciousness and transparency to the space.


our new polish development is ready and waiting for a new tenant.


mintus:heyn's cover photo


Profile Pictures




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