Jewish Berlin

Jewish Berlin Jewish Berlin Tours offer tours in English, Hebrew and other languages in Berlin and its vicinity.

This is how we finish the Jewish Year... with complimentsHad a super great time in each tour with each guide. Each guide...

This is how we finish the Jewish Year... with compliments

Had a super great time in each tour with each guide.
Each guide was very interesting, gave us good tips on Berlin, and made us discover the city in a fabulous way.
I had a great and fun time despite the hard history of Berlin.

I really recommend those tours to know better or discover Berlin!


KAJ Koscher
Frosta Fischstäbchen 15, produziert in Bremerhaven, können nunmehr als koscher gelten.
Rabbiner Shlomo Afanasev und Rabbiner Daniel Fabian besuchten im Auftrag der ORD (Orthodoxe Rabbinerkonferenz Deutschland) die Fabrik in Bremerhaven, untersuchten den Produktionsablauf und konnten feststellen, dass die Standards denen der ORD genügen.
Rabbiner Afanasev erklärt, dass alle Zutaten zertifiziert sind. Die Linie wird ausschließlich für dieses Produkt benutzt. Die einzige Frage sind die Filets, die schon enthäutet und gefroren ankommen. Diese werden aber auf dem Schiff von einer Behörde kontrolliert, per Hand und dann maschinell aussortiert. Später werden sie dann an die Fabrik gescannt und ab und zu DNA Proben gemacht. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass andere Fische (außer Seelachs) reinkommen, ist verschwindend gering (zumeist wären dies dann ohnehin Kabeljau oder andere koschere Fische).
Für nähere Fragen bitte direkt an Rabbiner Shlomo Afanasev wenden.
Vielen Dank an Rabbiner Shlomo Afanasev für den Einsatz!

Ernst Litfaß was born today, 200 years ago. Litfaß, a Berliner of Jewish Origin, is well known for his "invention": The ...

Ernst Litfaß was born today, 200 years ago. Litfaß, a Berliner of Jewish Origin, is well known for his "invention": The Litfaßsäule. Before Litfaß, advertising was everywhere and nowhere, not one place where you can read your news/announcements, but a mess on the city walls. Inside the columns, Litfaß placed utilities (such as vents for the U Bahn or brooms for street cleaners). The Litfaß-Columns are still quite common in Berlin, and have also made Aliyah in the 1920s/1930s, when German emigrants brought the idea with them to what is known today as Israel.


We had a wonderful private tour with Ronen, who was extremely knowledgeable. We had a fabulous tour of all the main sights and he gave us plenty of ideas of what else to see and where to go. He was very friendly and helpful as were all the staff that we dealt with at Gablinger while we arrange this tour. Highly recommend them!!!

The foundations of a synagogue were discovered in the past few weeks in Berlin. The synagogue, built at the Reformtempel...

The foundations of a synagogue were discovered in the past few weeks in Berlin. The synagogue, built at the Reformtempel in 1854 was a revolutionary synagogue, where men and women sat together and an organ played. It was destroyed in WWII

בחפירות ארכיאולוגיות ברובע מיטה התגלו שרידיו של בית כנסת שנחרב במלחמת העולם השנייה. כרגע התגלו רק יסודות של הבניין, עם סימנים ברורים היכן עמדה הבימה, אבל ללא סימנים דתיים או שרידים פולחניים/קישוטיים כלשהם. בתמונות - מלבד אתר החפירות, גם תמונה של בית הכנסת בימים שפעל, ושל החורבן במלחמה.

Fred Mayer died at the weekend (on Friday, April 15th, Erew Schabbat) . Mayer was not a Berliner, in fact it is possible...

Fred Mayer died at the weekend (on Friday, April 15th, Erew Schabbat) . Mayer was not a Berliner, in fact it is possible he has never been to Berlin, but he was one of those rare and few people, to whom so many people owe so much. Mayer was born in Freiburg in 1921. When he was 17, his family managed to immigrate to the US. In 1941 Mayer enlisted in the US Army, but was soon recruited by the OSS (the early version of the CIA). In 1945 he was part of the three men team sent to the Innsbruck area in Austria to spy on the Germans. He first disguised himself as a N**i Officer (using uniform given him by an Austrian nurse at a military hospital who resisted the N**is), gathering information from the other officers at the hospital, including exact plans of Hitler's Offices in Berlin (so we do have a Berlin angle!). He later disguised himself as a French electrician and gained access to military installations. After being caught, he was horribly tortured by the Gestapo, but even after they saw he was circumcised, they refused to believe that a Jew could return to Europe and operate as a spy. One of the local doctors, personal GP for the N**i governor, understood that the end of the war is near and stopped the torture - he passed Mayer's message to American troupes, in order to prevent to destruction of the city during occupation. And so, the city of Innsbruck practically surrendered to a Jew. After the war, Mayer lived in West Virginia.

Pictures: Fred disguised as a N**i officer, Fred a few years before a passed and the three main operatives in "Operation Greenup": Mayer, Dutch-born Hans Wijnberg who served as the radio-operator, and Austrian Franz Weber, a former Wehrmacht officer who switched sides. Tell Tarantino to make another movie, real life is as exciting...

Arno Philippsthal , died today in 1933,

Arno Philippsthal , died today in 1933,

ארנו פיליפסטל היה רופא יהודי תושב הפרבר ביסדורף שבמזרח ברלין. הוא הקים שם מרפאה שבה טיפל בעניי הרובע לפי יכולתם הכלכלית והיה רופא אהוב ומוערך. זאת, עד עליית הנאצים לשלטון. פיליפסטל היה אחד הקורבנות היהודיים הראשונים של המשטר הנאצי: לאחר שנעצר במרץ 1933 (ללא צו מעצר או האשמה כלשהי), הוא עונה למוות ונפטר בבית החולים ב-3 באפריל אותה שנה. הוא נטמן בבית העלמין היהודי בווייסנזה, ובהלווייתו השתתפו רבים מחוליו שהעריכו אותו. היום, יום מותו. ברובע ביסדורף כיום נקרא בית אבות סיעודי ורחוב על שמו.


Die Synagoge Fraenkelufer und das Jüdische Museum Berlin suchen eure Schätze 🔎!
Im September steht das 100-jährige Jubiläum der Synagoge an. Zu diesem Anlass bereitet die Synagoge eine kleine Ausstellung vor. Wir suchen deshalb Objekte, Dokumente, Fotos, Film- und Tonaufnahmen, welche mit der Synagoge Fraenkelufer in Verbindung stehen. Ein Teil davon wird in die Sammlung des Jüdischen Museums Berlin aufgenommen.
Und hier kommt ihr ins Spiel: Falls ihr etwas besitzt, das für diese Ausstellung von Interesse sein könnten, würden wir uns sehr freuen, wenn ihr uns eine kurze Nachricht auf Facebook schreibt oder eine Email an [email protected].
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
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The Fraenkelufer Synagogue and the Jewish Museum Berlin search for your treasures!
In September, the synagogue will celebrate its 100th birthday and is preparing a small exhibition to mark this occasion. We are therefore looking for objects, documents, photographs, film and sound recordings which are connected with the Fraenkelufer synagogue. Some of these will be taken up in the Jewish Museum Berlin collection.
And this is where you come in – should you have something that could be of interest for this exhibition, we would be very grateful if you write us a brief message on Facebook or by email to [email protected].
Thanks for your help!

How was your first night of Hanukkah? Pictures from Hashomer Hatzair Ken Berlin, from the Jüdisches Bildungszentrum Chab...

How was your first night of Hanukkah? Pictures from Hashomer Hatzair Ken Berlin, from the Jüdisches Bildungszentrum Chabad Berlin event in Brandenburg Gate and from the Jüdisches Museum Berlin | Jewish Museum Berlin

praise from Maccabi GB for our guided tours during the European Maccabi Games 2015

praise from Maccabi GB for our guided tours during the European Maccabi Games 2015


Während wir unsere freudigen Feste feiern, sind unsere Gedanken auch bei all denjenigen, denen es weniger gut geht. Den vielen geflüchteten Menschen, denen es am Nötigsten fehlt, die in Notunterkün...

On Erev Rosh Hashana, which was September 5, 1866, the Neue Synagoge was inaugurated.

On Erev Rosh Hashana, which was September 5, 1866, the Neue Synagoge was inaugurated.

Leo Baeck was born yesterday, 142 years ago Leo Baeck Institute

Leo Baeck was born yesterday, 142 years ago Leo Baeck Institute

Leo Baeck (geboren am 23. Mai 1873 in Lissa, Provinz Posen, Königreich Preußen; gestorben am 2. November 1956 in London, Vereinigtes Königreich) war Rabbiner, zu seiner Zeit der bedeutendste Vertreter des deutschen liberalen Judentums sowie jahrelang unbestrittene Führungsfigur und Repräsentant der…

First Seder in Berlin after the Holocaust, spring 1945. Happy Passover to all Jewish Berlin followers, fans and subscrib...

First Seder in Berlin after the Holocaust, spring 1945. Happy Passover to all Jewish Berlin followers, fans and subscribers.

A film based on the 1947 novel "Every Man Dies Alone" by Hans Fallada began shooting on Friday. The book is based on the...

A film based on the 1947 novel "Every Man Dies Alone" by Hans Fallada began shooting on Friday. The book is based on the true story of Otto and Elise Hampel, who spread anti-N**i information and became, while acting alone, part of the resistance movement. The film will feature Emma Thompson, Daniel Bruhl and Brendan Gleeson.

ביום שישי החלו בברלין צילומי הסרט "לבד בברלין", המבוסס על ספרו המפורסם של האנס פאלאדה. בסרט ישתתפו בין היתר אמה תומפסון, ברנדן גליסון ודניאל ברוהל. קרדיט לקולאז' (שמציג בין היתר את לוח הזיכרון לזוג המפל, הזוג האמיתי עליו מבוסס הסרט): archivastrolibrium

Places to celebrate the Seder together

Places to celebrate the Seder together


Slovak-born Israeli Emil Farkas toiled at a milder version of slave labor. Only now are people linked to the German firm apologizing.


LehderStr. 66a


Montag 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag 09:00 - 18:00
Samstag 09:00 - 18:00
Sonntag 09:00 - 18:00




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