Magic Ecuador

Magic Ecuador Magic Ecuador is a travel agency with more than 15 years of experience with national and international tours. We offer personalized tours and transfers.

In Cayambe there is another monument that’s said to be located in the real center of the world. What do you think?   🇪🇨 ...

In Cayambe there is another monument that’s said to be located in the real center of the world. What do you think? 🇪🇨
En Cayambe hay otro monumento que se dice que se encuentra en el verdadero centro del mundo. ¿Qué piensas? 🇪🇨


Weaving is a core activity in which communities have become experts through countless years. Their incredible work takes time, patience and knowledge. The result is a variety of amazing products. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨
El tejido es una actividad central en la cual las comunidades se han convertido en expertos durante incontables años. Su increíble trabajo requiere tiempo, paciencia y conocimiento. El resultado es una variedad de productos increíbles. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

Los Ríos, famous province for hosting the Cocoa Route. A place with a variety of activities and exquisite gastronomy. So...

Los Ríos, famous province for hosting the Cocoa Route. A place with a variety of activities and exquisite gastronomy. Soon we will explore more of this place. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨

Los Ríos, provincia famosa por albergar la Ruta de la Cacao. Un lugar con una gran variedad de actividades y exquisita gastronomía. Pronto exploraremos más de este lugar. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

The Amazon, the jungle, its forests… walking through them gives you a special feeling, breathing its air provides a clea...

The Amazon, the jungle, its forests… walking through them gives you a special feeling, breathing its air provides a cleansing opportunity for your body. 🇪🇨
El Amazonas, la selva, sus bosques ... caminar a través de ellos te da una sensación especial, respirar su aire brinda una oportunidad de limpieza para tu cuerpo. 🇪🇨


Visiting a rose plantation is an eye opening experience when referring to the process that roses undergo from beginning to an end. Which color of rose is your favorite? 🇪🇨
Visitar una plantación de rosas es una experiencia reveladora cuando nos referimos al proceso que las rosas tienen desde su principio a su fin. ¿Qué color de rosa es tu favorito? 🇪🇨

The beautiful province of Loja. Colors, adventure, breathtaking landscapes. Contact us for more information.   🇪🇨

The beautiful province of Loja. Colors, adventure, breathtaking landscapes. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨

La bella provincia de Loja. Colores, aventura, paisajes impresionantes. Contáctanos para más información. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

The magic of the Historic Center of Quito not only lies on the exterior of its plazas and churches, but on the interior ...

The magic of the Historic Center of Quito not only lies on the exterior of its plazas and churches, but on the interior yards and spaces that make up for unique spots like in this picture. 🇪🇨
La magia del Centro Histórico de Quito no solo radica en el exterior de sus plazas e iglesias, sino en los patios interiores y espacios que conforman lugares únicos como el de la foto. 🇪🇨


Ecuador is worldly known for having the most beautiful roses. This is one of the places where the magic begins, a place we will visit again soon. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨
Ecuador es mundialmente conocido por tener las rosas más bellas. Este es uno de los lugares donde la magia comienza, un lugar que volveremos a visitar pronto. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

The province of Imbabura is a synonym of colors, folklore, culture, nature, beauty and spectacular scenery. Soon we will...

The province of Imbabura is a synonym of colors, folklore, culture, nature, beauty and spectacular scenery. Soon we will explore more of this place. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨
La provincia de Imbabura es sinónimo de colores, folklore, cultura, naturaleza, belleza y paisajes espectaculares. Pronto exploraremos más de este lugar. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

The domes of the majestic churches of the Historic Center of Quito are always seen by the Virgin of Quito from the Panec...

The domes of the majestic churches of the Historic Center of Quito are always seen by the Virgin of Quito from the Panecillo hill. The sight never gets old. 🇪🇨
Las cúpulas de las majestuosas iglesias del Centro Histórico de Quito siempre son vistas por la Virgen de Quito desde el cerro Panecillo. La vista nunca pasa de moda. 🇪🇨


A display, a ritual and a dance filled with colors is an act performed by the male to woo its possible partner. 🇪🇨
Una exhibición, un ritual y un baile lleno de colores es un acto realizado por el macho para cortejar a su posible pareja. 🇪🇨

One of the largest cities of Ecuador belongs to the Province of Guayas: Guayaquil is a city vibing with energy, beauty a...

One of the largest cities of Ecuador belongs to the Province of Guayas: Guayaquil is a city vibing with energy, beauty and adventure. Soon we will explore this area of the country. Contact us for more information. 🇪🇨

Una de las ciudades más grandes de Ecuador pertenece a la Provincia de Guayas: Guayaquil es una ciudad vibrante de energía, belleza y aventura. Pronto exploraremos esta zona del país. Contáctanos para más información. 🇪🇨

A voyage worth repeating every time. The first moment you are there you will be captivated by Quilotoa’s majesty.   🇪🇨 w...

A voyage worth repeating every time. The first moment you are there you will be captivated by Quilotoa’s majesty. 🇪🇨

Un viaje que vale la pena repetir cada vez. El primer momento que estés allí, el Quilotoa te cautivará con su majestuosidad. 🇪🇨


Ecuador is always moving, with happy people all over the 4 realms, ready to give a grand experience. 🇪🇨

Ecuador siempre se está moviendo, con personas felices en los 4 reinos, listos para brindarte una gran experiencia. 🇪🇨

The Galapagos Islands are really like nothing you have ever seen before. The magic that irradiates from this place will ...

The Galapagos Islands are really like nothing you have ever seen before. The magic that irradiates from this place will give you experiences you’ve never thought you could have. 🇪🇨

Las Islas Galápagos realmente no se parecen a nada de lo que hayas visto antes. La magia que irradia este lugar te dará experiencias que nunca pensaste que podrías tener. 🇪🇨

City lights: Quito. The Historic Center of the capital brings you these type of sceneries.   🇪🇨 Luc...

City lights: Quito. The Historic Center of the capital brings you these type of sceneries. 🇪🇨

Luces de la ciudad: Quito. El Centro Histórico de la capital te trae este tipo de escenarios. 🇪🇨


Ecuador is also music, traditions, culture and folklore. Listen to this small piece of a song. 🇪🇨

Ecuador también es música, tradiciones, cultura y folklore. Escucha este corto pedazo de esta canción. 🇪🇨

The Ecuadorian coast presents several amazing, warm, and relaxing beaches from Esmeraldas in the North, to El Oro in the...

The Ecuadorian coast presents several amazing, warm, and relaxing beaches from Esmeraldas in the North, to El Oro in the south of the country. 🇪🇨

La costa ecuatoriana presenta varias playas increíbles, cálidas y relajantes desde Esmeraldas, en el norte, hasta El Oro en el sur del país. 🇪🇨

This small iguana of the Galapagos Islands is passing by to wish you a great week!   🇪🇨 Esta pequeñ...

This small iguana of the Galapagos Islands is passing by to wish you a great week! 🇪🇨

Esta pequeña iguana de Galápagos está pasando por aquí para desearte una excelente próxima semana! 🇪🇨


This is Ecuador, one of the most biodiverse places in the world. Travel from the Amazon to the Galapagos Islands passing by the incredible Andes mountain range and the Coast’s beautiful beaches. 🇪🇨

Esto es Ecuador, uno de los lugares con mayor biodiversidad del mundo. Viaja desde el Amazonas a las Islas Galápagos pasando por la increíble cordillera de los Andes y las hermosas playas de la costa. 🇪🇨

Ecuador, the 4 realms of its world. Which one will you like to visit first?   🇪🇨 Ecuador, los 4 rei...

Ecuador, the 4 realms of its world. Which one will you like to visit first? 🇪🇨

Ecuador, los 4 reinos de su mundo ¿Cuál visitarías primero? 🇪🇨

Closing in to a sunset in the Historic Center of Quito. A place filled with history and must see churches, plazas, small...

Closing in to a sunset in the Historic Center of Quito. A place filled with history and must see churches, plazas, small streets and corners. 🇪🇨

Nos acercamos a una puesta de sol en el Centro Histórico de Quito. Un lugar lleno de historia, de iglesias, plazas, pequeñas calles y rincones. 🇪🇨


Deep in the forest, in the Yasuni National Park, find yourself completely surrounded by one of the most biodiverse places in the world. 🇪🇨

En lo profundo del bosque, en el Parque Nacional Yasuní, te encontrarás completamente rodeado por uno de los lugares con mayor biodiversidad del mundo. 🇪🇨

Cotopaxi, one of the highest, most active volcanoes in the world has given the opportunity for extraordinary landscapes ...

Cotopaxi, one of the highest, most active volcanoes in the world has given the opportunity for extraordinary landscapes and life to emerge. We will explore more, soon. 🇪🇨

Cotopaxi, uno de los volcanes más altos y activos del mundo ha dado la oportunidad de que surjan paisajes y vida extraordinarios. Exploraremos más, pronto. 🇪🇨

Everyone looks good in a hat, its just about finding the hat that fits! New tours coming soon!   🇪🇨

Everyone looks good in a hat, its just about finding the hat that fits! New tours coming soon! 🇪🇨

Todos se ven bien con un sombrero, ¡solo se trata de encontrar el sombrero que mejor te quede! ¡Nuevas experiencias próximamente! 🇪🇨


There is something about the sounds of the instruments of the Andes, they transport you somewhere. Are you ready to listen to them live? 🇪🇨

Hay algo sobre los sonidos de los instrumentos de los Andes, te transportan a algún lado. ¿Estás listo para escucharlos en vivo nuevamente? 🇪🇨

Carchi is one province that will definitely surprise you. Have you seen a cemetery like this one in the picture?   🇪🇨 ww...

Carchi is one province that will definitely surprise you. Have you seen a cemetery like this one in the picture? 🇪🇨

Carchi es una provincia que definitivamente te sorprenderá. ¿Has visto un cementerio como este en la foto? 🇪🇨

Pick your favorite picture of the province of Cañar, home to the Ingapirca Ruins. Our favorite picture is the second one...

Pick your favorite picture of the province of Cañar, home to the Ingapirca Ruins. Our favorite picture is the second one, which one is yours?

Elige la foto que más te gusta de la provincia de Cañar. Aquí encontramos a las ruinas de Ingapirca. Nuestra foto preferida es la 2da, ¿cuál es tu preferida? 🇪🇨

The moment is coming, the time to explore again. Where do you want to go?   🇪🇨

The moment is coming, the time to explore again. Where do you want to go? 🇪🇨


Diego De Almagro E7-59 Y Cordero

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 19:00
Martes 09:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 19:00
Jueves 09:00 - 19:00
Viernes 09:00 - 19:00
Sábado 09:00 - 19:00
Domingo 09:00 - 19:00




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Magic Ecuador

Magic Ecuador is a travel agency with more than 15 years of experience with national and international tours. We offer personalized tours and transfers.

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