Blue Heaven Travel

Blue Heaven Travel Blue Heaven Travel, Founded on 23 Sept. 2009, Class A License # 2044 by Egyptian Ministry of Tourism

L’icona del Cristo Pantocratore del Monastero di Santa CaterinaQuesta famosa icona del Salvatore fu un dono dell'imperat...

L’icona del Cristo Pantocratore del Monastero di Santa Caterina
Questa famosa icona del Salvatore fu un dono dell'imperatore Giustiniano al Monastero nel VI secolo. L'Imperatore finanziò la costruzione e l'abbellimento della chiesa del monastero, che fu costruita con materiali locali. È molto probabile che l'imperatore abbia commissionato l'invio di questa icona a Costantinopoli e il suo personale contributo alla decorazione del santuario.
L'icona è dipinta con la tecnica della cera calda che richiede una totale padronanza del supporto e una mano sicura. Le spatole vengono utilizzate per manipolare le cere colorate che si fondono mentre si raffreddano. La pittura a encausto era usata in tutto il mondo romano e molti esempi sono sopravvissuti dalle sepolture nell'Egitto di epoca romana.
Dal punto di vista puramente estetico l’icona del Cristo Pantocratore del Monastero di Santa Caterina nel Sinai è di livello assoluto. Lo è per la resa dell’incarnato, del leggero movimento della barba, dello sguardo, della mano benedicente quasi metafisica. Delle ombreggiature sapienti del viso che gli donano profondità.
Encaustic painting on Wood - 84 x 45.5 cm - Mid-6th century - St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai

Dendera Temple ComplexBuilt beginning ca. 1995 BCE.Dendera Temple Complex at Dendera is quite large, boasting a basilica...

Dendera Temple Complex
Built beginning ca. 1995 BCE.
Dendera Temple Complex at Dendera is quite large, boasting a basilica, two birth houses, a sacred lake, and numerous other temples and shrines within its walls. Structures at the site hail from an assortment of different ancient Egyptian eras, with monuments from the Middle Kingdom, the Ptolemaic Era, and the period of Roman provincial rule.
There is evidence that the first building on the site went up around 2250 BCE, but the standing structures mostly date from the Ptolemaic era forward. In 1995 BCE, construction likely began on the Mentuhotep II monument, the oldest existing structure when the site was rediscovered. The Mentuhotep monument has since been moved to Cairo. The oldest structure currently there is from Nectanebo II, built ca. 345 BCE. All that said, it may be more accurate to say the structure as we know it began in 54 BCE, when construction began on the Temple of Hathor, the most prominent structure at the Dendera complex.
The Temple of Hathor is one of the most well-preserved antiquity sites in Egypt today, and is an excellent example of traditional Pharaonic architecture. The Temple of Hathor was built primarily during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which was a period of Greek rule in Egypt. However, construction of the temple was completed under the Roman emperor Trajan, who is seen depicted on the walls of the complex making offerings to Hathor. The temple complex also includes a monumental gateway, constructed by Trajan as well as Domitian, another Roman emperor.
This site was a center of the cult of Hathor. It was believed that during a period known as the Happy Reunion, Hathor would journey from her temple at Dendera to spend some time with her husband, Horus, at his temple in Edfu. This “reunion” was a yearly occurrence, and at the end of the celebration, the return of Hathor to Dendera was thought to signal the official beginning of the flood season of the Nile.
The temple originally housed the famous Zodiac of Dendera. This bas-relief with human and animal figures represented a night skyscape, and was found on the ceiling of a chapel in the Temple of Hathor, where the mysteries of the resurrection of the god Osiris were celebrated. Egyptologists determined it should be interpreted as a map of the sky rather than a giant horoscope or a perpetual astrological tool.
The particular configuration of the planets among the constellations shown in the Zodiac of Dendera occurs only about once every thousand years. Two astrophysicists have dated it to between June 15 and August 15, 50 BCE. Two eclipses are represented on the Zodiac exactly where they occurred at that time.
The representations of the signs of the zodiac as we know them today did not appear in Egypt until the Greco-Roman Period. This monument reflects the way Egyptian cultural elements merged with Babylonian and Greek astronomical and astrological theories, as a result of the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations of the eighth and sixth centuries BCE, and the Persian and Greek invasions of the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.
The Zodiac of Dendera was transported to France in 1821, with the permission of Mohamed Ali Pasha, who was the Turkish viceroy of Egypt at the time. The Egyptian government has asked many times for its return but in vain. It currently is on display at the Louvre in Paris.

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Ramesses the Great, his Long Life and Rule of Ancient EgyptRamesses the Great (also known as Ramesses II, as well as the...

Ramesses the Great, his Long Life and Rule of Ancient Egypt

Ramesses the Great (also known as Ramesses II, as well as the shorter form of his name Ramses) was the third Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, and not only lived for 96 years but reigned for sixty-six of those years between 1279 and 1213 BCE in the period known as the New Kingdom of Egypt. It was during his reign that Egypt fought the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh which resulted in the world’s first peace treaty. Upon his death, there was widespread panic since many of his people, who grew up while he was pharaoh and had never known another, worried that the world would end with the death of their king. Ramesses the Great had his accomplishments inscribed all throughout Egypt, and most ancient sites make mention of him and his achievements as king. Ramesses began construction of a city near the city of Avaris that was so beautifully constructed it rivalled the magnificence of the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, and he named his great city Per-Ramesses, sometimes also called Pi-Ramesses or House of Ramesses. Ramesses built hundreds of temples, monuments, and buildings during his time as king including the vast tomb complex, the Ramesseum, at Thebes, the temples at Abu Simbel, the complex at Abydos, and the great hall at Karnak, just to mention a few monumental highlights which led his reign to be considered by many historians as the pinnacle of Egyptian art and culture. Nefertari, Ramesses first wife and favourite queen, appears on numerous temple walls and in statuary from Ramesses’ reign, and the decoration and construction of her tomb was a work of art, despite the queen seemingly having died quite early in their marriage (perhaps in childbirth).

Temple of Goddess ISIS on the Island of Philae in Aswan, Egypt

Temple of Goddess ISIS on the Island of Philae in Aswan, Egypt

Kalabsha Temple Follow the raised stone path that leads from the shores of the lake to the first portal of the temple; c...

Kalabsha Temple
Follow the raised stone path that leads from the shores of the lake to the first portal of the temple; cross the courtyard with its colonnade and reach the hypostyle hall with eight columns.
Note, the hieroglyphs and reliefs of Greek pharaohs honoring the gods of Ancient Egypt. Among them, it is worth admiring Mandulis, the god dressed in the cloak of vulture feathers.
Built during the late Ptolemaic period and completed during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus, the Temple of Kalabsha was dedicated to the Nubian god, called Mandulis.

Opening hours: 8.00 - 16.00

Visit Luxor and Aswan during your Med-year Vacation Early Booking will get Special PricesWe Book only 5* Hotels

Visit Luxor and Aswan during your Med-year Vacation
Early Booking will get Special Prices
We Book only 5* Hotels

  Pilgrimage Tour for Egyptian Christians, Visit Caesarea, Haifa, Akko, Tiberias, Mount of Beatitudes – Capernaum, Nazar...

Pilgrimage Tour for Egyptian Christians, Visit Caesarea, Haifa, Akko, Tiberias, Mount of Beatitudes – Capernaum, Nazareth –Mt Tabor –Cana and Jerusalem

Visit Abu Simbel Majestic Temples of Ramses II with Blue Heaven Travel

Visit Abu Simbel Majestic Temples of Ramses II with Blue Heaven Travel

Explore Classic Egypt with ab Expert Guide and visit the most famed archaeological sites while you sailing the Nile on board of a Luxury Nile Cruise Ship


Dr. Jenny Yu, Healthline’s Medical Expert and Lonely Planet Travel Health Expert, on the wonder of taking in new places and experiences.

The Egyptian monasteries are a testament to the days that Egypt has passed through since Christianity entered it No gove...

The Egyptian monasteries are a testament to the days that Egypt has passed through since Christianity entered it No governorate was empty of a monastery famous for it and was a destination for religious tourism, but the province of Sohag alone, especially the town of Sohag where many monasteries are located, the most famous ones are known as the White and Red Monasteries

كيف كشف حجر رشيد أسرار الحضارات القديمةفي 19 يوليو 1799 تم اكتشاف هذا اللوح الحجري البسيط عندما هدم بعض جنود الحملة الفر...

كيف كشف حجر رشيد أسرار الحضارات القديمة
في 19 يوليو 1799 تم اكتشاف هذا اللوح الحجري البسيط عندما هدم بعض جنود الحملة الفرنسي جدارًا تم بناؤه باستخدام مخلفات المواقع الأثرية المصرية القديمة القريبة أثناء قيامهم بعمل بعض التحصينات لتعزيز دفاعاتها من أجل معركة وشيكة مع قوات الإمبراطورية العثمانية القادمة للدفاع عن ولايتهم علي مصر.
الحجر مغطى بثلاثة أنواع من الكتابة لنفس النص ، بما في ذلك الكتابة اليونانية القديمة. تساءل علماء اللآثار المشاركين في الحملة عما إذا كان الحجر يكرر النص نفسه لكن بثلاث لغات مختلفة.
بالرغم من أن العلماء الفرنسيين الذين أتوا إلى مصر مع الحملة كانوا قد أتوا في الأساس بحثًا عن الكنوز الأثرية ال أنهم حصلوا على أكثر مما توقعوا. كانت اللوحة عبارة عن حجر رشيد ، وكانت الحروف و الرموز المنحوتة بعناية على وجهها المظلم تلقي الضوء على مجد الحضارة المصرية القديمة. لكن أولاً ، كان يتعين على العلماء فك شفرتها ليصبح هذا الحجر المفتاح لفك شفرة الكتابة الهيروغليفية المصرية الذي من شأنه أن يغير العالم.
**مرسوم أعلان الولاء**
يبلغ ارتفاع ذلك اللوح الحجري الشبيه بالجرانيت أربعة أقدام وعرضها 2.5 قدم ، وهو مجرد جزء من لوحة حجرية أكبر مفقودة الآن. ولكن على الرغم من أن النص غير مكتمل ، إلا أنه عبارة عن مرسوم يؤكد أحترام الكهنة و رجال الدين للعبادة الملكية لبطليموس الخامس إبيفانيوس ، وهو أحد ملوك البطالمة وقد تولى العرش عام 204 قبل الميلاد.
في ذلك الوقت ، كانت المملكة البطلمية في حالة حرب مع ثورة داخلية. و قد صدر المرسوم من قبل مجلس الكهنة لتكريم الفرعون وإعلان ولائهم له. تم تسجيله على هذه اللوحة الحجرية بالهيروغليفية البطلمية ، و الخط الديموطيقي المصري ، والخط اليوناني القديم. تم وضع لوحات مماثلة في كل معبد في مصر.
لكن البريطانيين بدورهم أرادوا السيطرة علي مصر و لم يكن من الممكن السماح للفرنسيين بالسيطرة علي البلد الذي يقطع علي بريطانيا الطريق الي مستعمراتها في آسيا، وفي عام 1801 انتصروا على القوات الفرنسية بالأسكندرية و أجبروا الفرنسيين على الجلاء ،كما طالب البريطانيين أيضا من الفرنسيين تسليم مجموعة الآثار المصرية المنهوبة اليهم قبل السماح لهم بالمغادرة. لذلك في عام 1802 ، تم إرسال حجر رشيد إلى لندن ، حيث تم عرضه في المتحف البريطاني فور وصوله تقريبًا.
**كود حجر رشيد**
فيما بعد أكتشف العلماء أن الحجر كان له أكثر من قيمة جمالية. و لطالما حير العلماء حول معنى تلك العلامات الشبيهة بالصور ، والمعروفة باسم الهيروغليفية ، المنحوتة على معظم الآثار المصرية القديمة.
نظرًا لأنه يحتوي على نص متطابق بثلاث لغات ، اعتقد العلماء أن فك رموز حجر رشيد قد يكون قادرًا على المساعدة في حل اللغز التاريخي الخاص بالحضارة المصرية القديمة.
تسابق العلماء لترجمة حجر رشيد. على الرغم من أن مجموعة متنوعة من العلماء في جميع أنحاء أوروبا كانوا يساهمون في العمل ، إلا أن أهم مساهمتين جاءتا من إنجلترا وفرنسا.
تعامل توماس يونغ ، وهو عالم بريطاني متعدد الثقافات اشتهر لإسهاماته العلمية ، مع اللغز على أنه مشكلة رياضية. بعد ترجمة اليونانية القديمة ، قام بتدوين ملاحظات مستفيضة عن الهيروغليفية وحاول بشكل منهجي مطابقة كل واحدة بترجمتها. كما قارن الصور الرمزية بتلك الموجودة على التماثيل الأخرى. كان يونغ قادرًا على تحديد الأصوات الصوتية التي تمثلها بعض الحروف الرسومية ، ومعرفة بعض الأحرف ، وكيفية جمع الكلمات معًا.
ولكن جان فرانسوا شامبليون ، الفرنسي المعروف باسم مؤسس علم المصريات ، هو الذي قام في النهاية بفك الشفرة في عام 1822. حيث لم يكن لدى يونج خبرة في اللغة المصرية ، كان شامبليون يجيد اللغة القبطية ولديه معرفة واسعة بمصر. اكتشف أن الخط الديموطيقي - نظام الكتابة الثالث على الحجر - ينقل المقاطع وأن الحروف الهيروغليفية تمثل الأصوات القبطية.
**إرث حجر رشيد**
استخدم Champollion الكتابات الموجودة علي الحجر لإنشاء أبجدية من الأحرف الهيروغليفية الصوتية ، ثم قام علماء آخرون بتمويل بحثه لترجمة الحجر بالكامل. تم التحقق من صحة عمل عالم المصريات الفرنسي في النهاية من خلال اكتشاف وترجمة مرسوم كانوب ، وهو لوح حجري آخر مكتوب بالهيروغليفية و الخط الديموطيقي واليوناني القديم.
أصبحت ترجمة حجر رشيد العمود الفقري لعلم المصريات ، ويُنسب الفضل إليه كأحد أهم الأكتشافات في التاريخ.
مع ذلك ظل الحجر نفسه مثيرا للجدل باعتباره غنيمة حرب فترة التوسع الاستعماري. وهل نقل حجر رشيد إلى إنجلترا يعتبر سرقة قام بها البريطانيون؟ هذا يعتمد على من تسأل.
على مر السنين ، كانت هناك دعوات متكررة لإعادة الحجر إلى مصر ، لكنه لا يزال في المتحف البريطاني ، حيث يستقبل أكثر من ستة ملايين زائر سنويًا.
لماذا يحتفظ حجر رشيد ذو المظهر البسيط بهذا البريق اليوم ، بعد قرنين من كسر شفرته؟ قال عالم المصريات جون راي بي ليبرمان لمجلة سميثسونيان في عام 2007 أن الحجر "هو حقًا المفتاح ، وليس فقط لمصر القديمة ؛ إنه مفتاح فك التشفير نفسه. كنا نعلم أن هناك حضارات كبيرة ، مثل مصر ، لكنهم صمتوا. ومع تكسير شفرة حجر رشيد ، تمكنوا من التحدث بصوتهم وفجأة تم الكشف عن مناطق كاملة من التاريخ " بعد أكتشاف و فك رموز هذا الحجر.

We are going to arrange a visit to the White & Red Monasteries of Upper Egypt - Would you like to be with Us ?Get in Tou...

We are going to arrange a visit to the White & Red Monasteries of Upper Egypt - Would you like to be with Us ?
Get in Touch

Let's visit the Red & White Monasteries in Sohag, Egypt

Let's visit the Red & White Monasteries in Sohag, Egypt

**Secret Egyptian Tombs (Valley of the Kings)**_--_--_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_Many aspects of anci...

**Secret Egyptian Tombs (Valley of the Kings)**
Many aspects of ancient Egypt have been a mystery for thousands of years. Among them are the secret tombs, ordered and built in the Valley of the Kings by a pharaoh from a later dynasty to secure his predecessors’ remains. Let us try to learn about these tombs.
The tombs of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.
The Valley of the Kings, situated near Luxor, is the location of the secret tombs of ancient Egypt. (Image: Anton Belo/Shutterstock)
The Need for the Secret Tombs
During one of those periods when Egypt was sliding again and wasn’t the great power it used to be, the Valley of the Kings where the royal tombs of many kings and queens were located was no longer being closely guarded. Hence, there were a series of tomb raids by thieves.

A later king, from the 21st dynasty, ordered the damaged and defiled mummified remains of his predecessors from the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties to be reburied in a safe, secret, and hidden place. Secretly, he got a tomb constructed, and reburied the remains of his predecessors.

*By Bob Brier, Ph.D., Long Island University*

Il motivo per nominare le strade e i quartieri dell'antico Cairo - Egitto======================Distretto di Al-Darb Al-A...

Il motivo per nominare le strade e i quartieri dell'antico Cairo - Egitto
Distretto di Al-Darb Al-Ahmar:
Il nome della regione si riferisce al famoso incidente del massacro del castello dopo che Muhammad Ali uccise tutti i mamelucchi in quel momento, e si dice che l'area fosse piena di sangue e ci volle molto tempo per sbarazzarsi dei suoi effetti, e ecco perché si chiamava Al-Darb Al-Ahmar.

I quartieri di Maghreblin, Sarroujia, Khayameya, Qarbiyya, Al-Sagin
Che si trova uno vicino all'altro, sifters, ed era abitato da profumieri che setacciavano sempre la loro profumeria fino a quando non era priva di impurità, quindi veniva chiamata sifters. Quanto allo srouje, era famoso per la fabbricazione di tutto ciò che riguardava i cavalli da ferri di cavallo e da selle, e quindi era chiamato sroujeh, come per i fabbricanti di tende, così come al-Qarbiyya, chiamato anche con quel nome perché i suoi abitanti erano famosi per fare ciambelle e venderle alle gambe.

Piscina degli elefanti:
La sua storia risale all'era dei faraoni, dove vivevano numerosi elefanti e le persone delle zone circostanti li adoravano, e quando la terra era asciutta pregavano per questo e chiedevano che l'acqua cadesse, quindi questa zona era ha chiamato la benedizione dell'elefante dall'apertura del ba, e con il passare del tempo il pubblico l'ha chiamata
"Barakat elefante" rompendo il Baa.

Collina degli Scorpioni:
Situato nella signora Zainab, il segreto del suo nome è dovuto al fatto che questa zona era una zona montuosa contenente migliaia di scorpioni e serpenti, quindi era chiamata la collina degli scorpioni.

Mostri zingari:
Questa zona si trova a ridosso del muro del torrente El-Ayoun in un luogo semi-sommerso, e per questo motivo alcune tribù Rom che venivano espulse dall'Alto Egitto, fuggirono al Cairo per esercitare il loro mestiere e fecero questa parte della città un campo per loro
Stretto Degli Idioti:
Questa zona era chiamata con questo nome per la presenza di alcune gelaterie che venivano accettate dalla gente della regione, che le facevano ubriacare la maggior parte del tempo, e quindi si chiamava Darb Al-Mhabil.

Sentiero dei barbari:
Prendeva questo nome dalla tipologia dei suoi abitanti barbari, originari del Maghreb, del Sudan o dell'Africa, ed erano caratterizzati da estrema povertà e lavoravano per la gente del "Darb Al Aghawat" quartiere, abitato dagli Agha e dalla maggior parte degli uomini della corte reale.

Quartiere di Abbasiya:
Quell'Abbaside era chiamata "la terra di al-Tabbalah", ed era una delle zone più ricche e più belle del Cairo. Nel 1849 dC, Abbas Helmy creò la prima caserma per l'esercito, e da allora fu chiamata " Abbasiya ", quindi vi furono costruiti e costruiti edifici e divisi in quartieri.

Quartiere di Fustat:
Il libro "L'origine delle cose" menzionava un'altra storia per lei: "Dopo che Amr ibn al-Aas conquistò l'Egitto, aveva una storia divertente che risale al nome di al-Fustat. Quando i musulmani decisero di andarsene, trovarono un nido di colomba sulla tenda di Omar al-Aas, così ordinò ai soldati di andarsene. In "Al-Fustat", costruì la prima moschea in Africa nel nome di Amr ibn al-Aas.

Quartiere di Khan al-Khalili:
Prende questo nome dal suo fondatore, l'emiro "Jahirkas al-Khalili", uno dei principi del sultano Barquq. Khan al-Khalili comprende moschee, monumenti e mercati e si trova sopra le tombe dei califfi fatimidi in precedenza.

Distretto di Helwan:
È stato menzionato nel libro "L'origine delle cose" che Helwan fu fondato da Abdul Aziz bin Marawan nell'anno 67 AH, 686 CE, e che dovette trasferirsi a Fustat nell'anno in cui apparve la peste. Ibn Marawan ha scelto per lei il nome Helwan, perché credeva che la sua posizione fosse simile a quella della città di Helwan in Iraq.

Quartiere di Agouza:
Uno dei quartieri di Giza, il suo nome risale a "Nazli Hanim Bint Suleiman Pasha Al-Fransawi", il fondatore dell'esercito egiziano durante l'era di Muhammad Ali. È stata chiamata "l'Agouza", perché ha supervisionato la costruzione della Moschea Al-Agouza anche se aveva 90 anni, cosa che ha fatto chiamare la moschea e l'intera regione "l'Agouza".

Distretto di Al-Azbakeya:
Attribuito al principe Azbek Atabek, l'esercito egiziano durante il regno del sultano Al-Ashraf Qaitbay.

Distretto di Al-Zahir:
Attribuito al sultano Zahir Baybars. Distretto di Husseiniya e al-Zahir

Quartiere di Bab Al-Louk:
Era conosciuto in passato, nella scrittura ismailita, dopo Khedive Ismail. All'inizio dell'era mamelucca, il terreno agricolo era chiamato "Luuq" perché veniva scaricato "Luq" quando la sua coltivazione iniziò dopo l'alluvione che lo stava inondando. Rimase terreno agricolo fino all'anno 1261 fino a quando Zahir Baybars costruì case per i mongoli in arrivo, e in seguito si trasformò in terreno agricolo fino al 1858 quando Khedive Ismail vi costruì edifici, case e palazzi e vi apparvero strade e piazze.

Quartiere di Boulaq Dakrour:
La parola Dakrour è distorta dalla parola "Takrur", e si tratta di tribù dell'Africa nera dell'Africa occidentale. In passato era conosciuta con il nome yemenita Bulaq, e dopo che vi abitava uno sceicco di nome Abu Muhammad Yusuf bin Abdullah al-Takruri nell'era fatimide era conosciuta come Bulaq al-Dakrur. Nel 1863 il corso del Nilo fu trasformato e lo Stato demolì le abitazioni che si trovavano a Bulaq Dakrur nel 1868 e le persone si trasferirono nell'attuale luogo in direzione del Museo dell'agricoltura.

L'impatto del profeta:
È stato chiamato con questo nome a causa della presenza di un'antica pietra con la forma di un piede che la gente crede sia un'impronta del piede del Profeta Muhammad. Successivamente, la pietra è stata spostata nella moschea costruita da Al-Zahir Baybars e sopra di essa è stata costruita una cupola che ancora esiste. In questo quartiere c'è anche un noto monastero cristiano chiamato Monastero dell'Angelo.

Relativo a Khedive Ismail. È uno dei vecchi quartieri del Cairo e si estende a ovest del quartiere di Al-Azbakeya, Abdin Street e il canale di Ismailia, che iniziava a nord del sito del Museo delle antichità egizie, ma è stato distrutto. Khedive Ismail ha costruito il quartiere in stile europeo e ha concesso le sue terre gratuitamente a chiunque si impegni a costruire una casa il cui valore non sia inferiore a 1200 sterline in un periodo di 18 mesi. Il quartiere era caratterizzato da alberghi, chiese, case e castelli e consolati dei notabili. Conteneva i campi di Qasr al-Nil che furono distrutti e rimossi negli anni '40, e al loro posto c'erano i giardini di Tahrir Square, il Nile Hilton Hotel, la sede dell'Unione socialista e della Lega degli Stati.

Si trova sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo verso Bulaq, a 10 chilometri da Giza, e la raggiunge dalla via 26 luglio e dal ponte Zamalek. Era conosciuto come Anbaba, poi il nome fu distorto e divenne Imbaba. Si svolse una battaglia tra l'esercito di Napoleone Bonaparte e i resti dei Mamelucchi in epoca ottomana (1798).
Quartiere di Al-Kharunfash:
Un nome digitato dalla parola "ca****fo". Ai tempi dei Fatimidi era il lato quadrato del palazzo

Remains of Four historical eras are present at  Luxor Temple.  In the foreground are the remains of two churches from Co...

Remains of Four historical eras are present at Luxor Temple. In the foreground are the remains of two churches from Coptic era, and a Roman colonnade, while beyond stand the colossal columns in the form of flowering papyrus plants started by Amenhotep III and finished by his successors, time of New Kingdom. To the left is the mosque of Islamic era.

Royal Cartouches of King Thutmose IIISunken relief depicts the nomen (birth name) and prenomen (throne name) of King  Tu...

Royal Cartouches of King Thutmose III

Sunken relief depicts the nomen (birth name) and prenomen (throne name) of King Tutmose III, detail of a carving in Temple of Amun at Karnak.

Tomb Complex of Sennofer, TT96ASen-Nofer was the Mayor of the "Southern City", ThebesThe Tomb Located in a prominent pos...

Tomb Complex of Sennofer, TT96A

Sen-Nofer was the Mayor of the "Southern City", Thebes
The Tomb Located in a prominent position on the southern hillside of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, close to several other tombs from the time of Amenhotep II (of the 18th Dynasty, about 1439-1413 B.C.). It is usually referred to as the "Tomb of Vines", because a large part of the ceiling of the burial (or coffin) chamber and all of that of its antechamber are decorated to give the impression of standing under an overhanging vine arbor, hung with large bunches of grapes.
TT96B was opened to the public soon after its discovery and still receives several thousand visitors each year. However, the painting of the walls and pillars are now protected and secured behind glass, with fairly good lighting, although only placed at floor level. This addition of protection and lighting made good photography difficult, even when it was still allowed. Visitors are only allowed in the underground part of the complex, the burial chamber and its antechamber, accessed being made via the steep passage stairway from the courtyard. Fortunately, these two chambers, unlike most of the other private tombs of 18th Dynasty, are beautifully decorated. Access to the upper cult chambers has been unavailable, mainly due to its dangerous condition and the fact that they were used as store rooms.

The tomb of Meket-Re belonged to Mentuhotep’s chancellor and was located in cliffs above that of his master. It was of t...

The tomb of Meket-Re belonged to Mentuhotep’s chancellor and was located in cliffs above that of his master. It was of the rock-cut type common to the period with a steep approach ramp leading to a monumental entrance and a long passage. The tomb had been plundered a number of times over the course of the centuries and the painted decoration of the interior was deliberately vandalized but one small chamber escaped notice until 1919 when it was discovered by Herbert Winlock.
Herbert Winlock couldn't believe what he was seeing. After all, the tomb was looted in antiquity, and Georges Daressy examined these rocks in 1895 However, on March 17, 1920. an expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of art was re-clearing tomb # 280 of Thebes
The Archaeologists were going to make some sketches-when the light of flashlights pointed to a crack in the wall of a partially collapsed corridor flashed an amazing picture - in front of Archaeologists the whole life of the Royal steward Meketre, who lived in The middle Kingdom era. During his time in Meket-Re, created an entire room at the back of his tomb with elaborate models made of polished and painted wood, which were to magically become his domain in the afterlife. Among them were two models of houses with three-line pools in the courtyards, where an official could indulge in idle bliss, a pottery and a weaving workshop,
which would provide the mansion with household utensils and fabrics, a bakery and brewery, and a nearby barn-Meketre would definitely not suffer from hunger in the next world. On the 1.75 meter porch with columns MeketRe himself sits, surrounded by scribes, counts the cattle that will be fattened in the "stall “and sent to the”slaughterhouse".
In 1915, a joint expedition of Harvard University and The Boston Museum of Fine Arts found the largest collection of wooden figurines in a tomb in the United States. Deir El-Berche. Although tomb 10A was damaged by looters, 103 original models were found in it, including figures of gift-bearers, soldiers, scribes and administrators participating in the solemn procession, eight models of barns and three models of bakeries and Breweries.
This group of models depicts the perfect afterlife.

It contained twenty-five wooden models depicting all sorts of aspects of the life of Meketre. There are model houses along with granaries and cattle sheds so Meket-Re would be well-provided with shelter and food. The latter was prepared in model breweries, bakeries and butcher shops. There were also workshops where carpenters and weavers provided a permanent supply of manufactured goods. Meket-Re evidently owned a number of boats—including fishing boats, skiffs formal barges and even a kitchen boat. He would need all of these in the Afterlife, especially to make the pilgrimage to Abydos.

Amenhotep IV is the first Egyptian pharaoh to adopt a monotheistic religion, Aten, even if it means denying the various ...

Amenhotep IV is the first Egyptian pharaoh to adopt a monotheistic religion, Aten, even if it means denying the various Egyptian gods. Pharaoh during the heyday of ancient Egypt, husband of Nefertiti.
Title: Fragment of the pillar of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) from Karnak
Location: Egyptian Museum
City: Cairo, Egypt
Period / Style: New Kingdom (XVIII-XXV dynasty)
Genre: Sandstone Sculpture, h. cm. 153

Have you ever been in Luxor and Aswan??Would you like to visit Great Monuments of Egypt?? How do you want to do it??How ...

Have you ever been in Luxor and Aswan??
Would you like to visit Great Monuments of Egypt??
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4 Mazloum Street/Bab El Louk

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