Tours to Egypt

Tours to Egypt Mr: Refaat Attia Mobil : & whats App +201227226953
Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs
E-mail [email protected]

Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories. Mr: Refaat Attia Mobil : +201227226953

The Valley of The Kings in Luxor 𓋹Valley of Kings & QueensValley of Kings and Queens with interesting and beautiful tomb...

The Valley of The Kings in Luxor 𓋹
Valley of Kings & Queens

Valley of Kings and Queens with interesting and beautiful tombs
A MUST VISIT while in Egypt and Luxor, the Valley of the Kings is located on the West Bank of the Nile. The Valley, contains 63 tombs for Kings and Queens over a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC.
وادي الملوك والملكات بمقابر شيقة وجميلة
يجب أن يزور وادي الملوك في مصر والأقصر على الضفة الغربية لنهر النيل. يحتوي الوادي على 63 مقبرة للملوك والملكات على مدى 500 عام تقريبًا من القرن السادس عشر إلى القرن الحادي عشر قبل الميلاد

Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.
Mr: Refaat Attia Mobil : +2 0122 7226953

Alexandria The second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria, known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean", has an atmosphere th...


The second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria, known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean", has an atmosphere that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern its ambience and cultural heritage distance it from the rest of the country although it is actually only 225 km. from cairo
Alexandria Arabic: الإسكندرية‎ is the second-largest city in Egypt and a major economic center. With a population of 5,200,000, Alexandria is the largest city on the Mediterranean, the sixth-largest city in the Arab world and the ninth-largest in Africa.

ثاني أكبر مدينة في مصر ، الإسكندرية ، والمعروفة باسم "لؤلؤة البحر الأبيض المتوسط" ، لها مناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط أكثر من الشرق الأوسط. أجواءها وتراثها الثقافي يبعدها عن بقية البلاد على الرغم من أنها في الواقع 225 كم فقط. من القاهرة
بدأ العمل على إنشاء الإسكندرية على يد الإسكندر الأكبر سنة 332 ق.م عن طريق ردم جزء من المياه يفصل بين جزيرة ممتدة أمام الساحل الرئيسي تدعى "فاروس" بها ميناء عتيق، وقرية صغيرة تدعى "راكتوس" أو "راقودة" يحيط بها قرى صغيرة أخرى تنتشر كذلك ما بين البحر وبحيرة مريوط، واتخذها الإسكندر الأكبر وخلفاؤه عاصمة لمصر لما يقارب ألف سنة، حتى الفتح الإسلامي لمصر على يد عمرو بن العاص سنة 641


The Egyptian pyramidsThe Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of Novembe...

The Egyptian pyramids
The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of November 2008, sources cite either 118 or 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods
The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence.
أهرام الجيزة تقع على هضبة الجيزة في محافظة الجيزة على الضفة الغربية لنهر النيل. بنيت قبل حوالي 25 قرنا قبل الميلاد، ما بين 2480 و2550 ق. م وهي تشمل ثلاثة أهرام هي خوفو، خفرع ومنكاورع.
والأهرام حسب احد الفرضيات هي مقابر ملكية كل منها يحمل اسم الملك الذي بناه وتم دفنه فيه، والبناء الهرمي هنا هو مرحلة من مراحل تطور عمارة المقابر في مصر القديمة. فقد بدأت بحفرة صغيرة تحولت إلى حجرة تحت الأرض ثم إلى عدة غرف تعلوها مصطبة. وبعد ذلك تطورت لتأخذ شكل الهرم المدرج على يد المهندس ايمحوتب وزير الفرعون والملك زوسر في الأسرة الثالثة

Sound & Light Performance at Giza

Sound & Light Performance at Giza

Ramses IIRamses II is one of the most famous Egyptian kings who ruled Egypt in its golden age. He is the mightiest third...

Ramses II
Ramses II is one of the most famous Egyptian kings who ruled Egypt in its golden age. He is the mightiest third pharaoh of the 19th dynasty of Egypt. King Seti I gave the crown to Prince Ramses who turned to Ramses II. He gave him a house and harem, "prince of Egypt" Ramses participated in military campaigns with his father where he gained a solid military and kingship experience before he was a king.
رمسيس الثاني هو أحد أشهر الملوك المصريين الذين حكموا مصر في عصرها الذهبي. وهو ثالث فرعون أقوى من الأسرة التاسعة عشرة في مصر. أعطى الملك سيتي الأول التاج للأمير رمسيس الذي تحول إلى رمسيس الثاني. أعطاه منزلاً وحريمًا ، "أمير مصر" رمسيس شارك في حملات عسكرية مع والده حيث حصل على تجربة عسكرية قوية وملكية قبل أن يصبح ملكًا.

Key Of LifeKey Of LifeSo many things that you still want to see, Even if you know the best in life is free. You can run ...

Key Of Life
Key Of Life
So many things that you still want to see, Even if you know the best in life is free. You can run away and think you'll find the treasure, I can ease your pain and give you all the pleasure. If you use the key of life you can open every treasure Don't have to go around the world, just go inside, it's in your heart. If you use the key of life, that's the way you'll feel the pleasure. You won't get it somewhere else, just go inside, it's in your heart.
مفتاح الحياة
الكثير من الأشياء التي لا تزال تريد رؤيتها ، حتى إذا كنت تعرف أن أفضل ما في الحياة مجاني. يمكنك الهرب وتعتقد أنك ستجد الكنز ، ويمكنني أن أخفف ألمك وأمنحك كل المتعة. إذا كنت تستخدم مفتاح الحياة ، يمكنك فتح كل كنز ليس عليك الذهاب حول العالم ، فقط اذهب إلى الداخل ، إنه في قلبك. إذا كنت تستخدم مفتاح الحياة ، فهذه هي الطريقة التي ستشعر بها بالسعادة. لن تحصل عليه في مكان آخر ، فقط اذهب إلى الداخل ، إنه في قلبك.

Wine preparationTomb of Nakht (TT52), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, West Thebes.

Wine preparation
Tomb of Nakht (TT52), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, West Thebes.

Abu Simbel Sun Festival    Abu Simbel Sun Festival (21 February & 21 October)Twice a year, we gather celebrate the ancie...

Abu Simbel Sun Festival

Abu Simbel Sun Festival (21 February & 21 October)
Twice a year, we gather celebrate the ancient Egyptians and all that they accomplished. The aptly named Sun Festival happens every February 22nd and October 22nd when the sun reaches the innermost temple room. Thousands of people father to celebrate this perfect joining of human intelligence and natural phenomena.
They must have been effective in this capacity because the great statues of Ramesses and his wife Nefertari that adorn their facades are still awe inspiring today. The four statues guarding the doorway to the larger of these temples are the largest sculptures that survive from the pharaonic era
The Sun Festival

During the Sun Festival a large crowd gathers around the temple to witness the sunrise and to meditate. After seeing the spectacular solar phenomenon and having a good look at the statutes, tourists can then participate in the dancing and singing shows. The festival is a fun-filled one for any person to enjoy music, dance, food, drinking, shopping the market and much more. When here, it’s always advised to eat the local cuisine as well to enjoy the full experience.

On the two days of the year of the Sun Festival, that is 22nd February and exactly 8 months later, 22nd October, the Tourism sector in Egypt sees the coming of many visitors, flocking from all across the globe. Witnessing this phenomenon is a feast for all the senses, considering the knowledge of astronomy and technology that ancient Egyptians used for making such a construction and event possible. During the festival the Ministry of Tourism teams up with the people of Aswan to make arrangements and ensure everything goes smoothly as tourists enjoy this incredible solar and cultural experience.

مرتين في السنة ، نجتمع للاحتفال قدماء المصريين وكل ما أنجزوه. يحدث مهرجان الشمس الذي يحمل اسمًا مناسبًا كل 22 فبراير و 22 أكتوبر عندما تصل الشمس إلى غرفة المعبد الأعمق ، ويحتفل الآلاف من الناس للاحتفال بهذا الانضمام المثالي للذكاء البشري والظواهر الطبيعية..



Egypt’s Ministries of Environment and Tourism are cooperating to implement a sustainable tourism strategy and transform ...

Egypt’s Ministries of Environment and Tourism are cooperating to implement a sustainable tourism strategy and transform Sharm Sharm El-Sheikh into a green city, according to a Sunday Cabinet statement.

This came during a meeting between Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad and Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled El-Anany on the preparations for the 27th Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Fouad said that the meeting tackled measures to implement environmental standards in hotels, restaurants, and the eco-hostel guide.

The minister explained that the meeting also dealt with the measures that will be taken to raise the efficiency of hotels within Sharm El-Sheikh and the steps for them to obtain the green mark.
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, the Red Sea

Sharm El Sheikh (Arabic: شرم الشيخ‎, is an Egyptian city on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, in South Sinai Governorate, on the coastal strip along the Red Sea. Its population is approximately 73,000 as of 2015. Sharm El Sheikh is the administrative hub of Egypt's South Sinai Governorate, which includes the smaller coastal towns of Dahab and Nuweiba as well as the mountainous interior, St. Catherine and Mount Sinai.
شرم الشيخ هي مدينة سياحية مصرية، تقع عند ملتقى خليجي العقبة والسويس على ساحل البحر الأحمر. تبلغ مساحتها 480 كم، وتعد أكبر مدن محافظة جنوب سيناء. تضم المدينة منتجعات سياحية يرتادها الزائرون من جميع أنحاء العالم، وتشتهر بأنها أحد مراكز الغوص العالمية التي تجتذب هواة ومحترفي هذه الرياضة، كما تشتمل على مطار دولي، وأمام ساحلها تقع جزيرتا تيران وصنافير، ومن أهم مناطقها رأس نصراني، رأس أم سيد، رأس جميلة، رأس كنيسة، شرم الميه، نخلة التبل إلى جانب محمية رأس محمد الواقعة جنوبها ومحمية نبق بينها وبين دهب، وخليج نعمة عند ملتقى قارتي أسيا وأفريقيا، وتحتوي على أكثر من 200 فندق ومنتجع بخلاف المطاعم والمقاهي والأسواق التجارية والمدن الترفيهية والملاهي الليلية

The Temple of Philae !Temple of PhilaePhilae Island was a rocky island in the middle of the River Nile, south of Aswan. ...

The Temple of Philae !

Temple of Philae

Philae Island was a rocky island in the middle of the River Nile, south of Aswan. It was called in Hieroglyphic "Apo" which means Ivory. It was also known by the Greek "Elephantine", most probably because it was an important center of trade, especially for ivory.The Ancient Egyptians built a beautiful and magnificent Temple on this island for the Goddess Isis, but it became submerged after the first Aswan dam was built in 1906, and it was not until the seventies that many nations attempted to save the Temple. All these countries, together with UNESCO, selected a suitable place, but they had to wait until the completion of the High Dam, in 1971, which would stabilize the level of the water.

the date 22/02/2022 seems exceptional, which will hardly be repeated, so a fascinating celebration at Abu-Simbel Temple ...

the date 22/02/2022 seems exceptional, which will hardly be repeated, so a fascinating celebration at Abu-Simbel Temple in Aswan will celebrate the sun alignment.
The year 2022 will be full of surprises that will dazzle the world, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled El-Anany told Daily News Egypt in an interview. The interview touched on the Tourism Ministry’s plans and prospects for 2022, revealing the events that Egypt will dazzle the world with this year.
Why do you consider 2022 to be a special year?
The year 2022 is a very distinguished period, as it will mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb, the 200th anniversary of deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, and the inception of Egyptology as a field of academia.
The year will also witness the inauguration of many major archaeological projects.
Abu Simbel Sun Festival
Abu Simbel Sun Festival (21 February & 21 October)
Twice a year, we gather celebrate the ancient Egyptians and all that they accomplished. The aptly named Sun Festival happens every February 22nd and October 22nd when the sun reaches the innermost temple room. Thousands of people father to celebrate this perfect joining of human intelligence and natural phenomena.
They must have been effective in this capacity because the great statues of Ramesses and his wife Nefertari that adorn their facades are still awe inspiring today. The four statues guarding the doorway to the larger of these temples are the largest sculptures that survive from the pharaonic era
The Sun Festival
During the Sun Festival a large crowd gathers around the temple to witness the sunrise and to meditate. After seeing the spectacular solar phenomenon and having a good look at the statutes, tourists can then participate in the dancing and singing shows. The festival is a fun-filled one for any person to enjoy music, dance, food, drinking, shopping the market and much more. When here, it’s always advised to eat the local cuisine as well to enjoy the full experience.
On the two days of the year of the Sun Festival, that is 22nd February and exactly 8 months later, 22nd October, the Tourism sector in Egypt sees the coming of many visitors, flocking from all across the globe. Witnessing this phenomenon is a feast for all the senses, considering the knowledge of astronomy and technology that ancient Egyptians used for making such a construction and event possible. During the festival the Ministry of Tourism teams up with the people of Aswan to make arrangements and ensure everything goes smoothly as tourists enjoy this incredible solar and cultural experience.
مرتين في السنة ، نجتمع للاحتفال قدماء المصريين وكل ما أنجزوه. يحدث مهرجان الشمس الذي يحمل اسمًا مناسبًا كل 22 فبراير و 22 أكتوبر عندما تصل الشمس إلى غرفة المعبد الأعمق ، ويحتفل الآلاف من الناس للاحتفال بهذا الانضمام المثالي للذكاء البشري والظواهر الطبيعية..

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at nightQueen Hatshepsut is the first queen in human history who ascended the throne in the m...

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at night
Queen Hatshepsut
is the first queen in human history who ascended the throne in the middle of the 15th century BC. Queen Hatshepsut ruled in the eighteenth dynasty. There are about 4 most famous queens and rulers of Egypt that we know about. Most of which were said to be beautiful , clever and powerful. One of those famous queens was queen Hatshepsut
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.

17 Mystical Places To Visit In Egypt In 2022Egypt is the site of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Dating ba...

17 Mystical Places To Visit In Egypt In 2022
Egypt is the site of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Dating back to 5500 BC, the country was once ruled by the mystical pharaohs. Later, the country was also an important outpost for the Greek and Roman empires. The city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great himself in 332 BC. Needless to say, Egypt is a haven for tourists seeking stunning archaeological ruins and landmarks from the world’s classic civilizations of yore, set against the backdrop of the Sahara desert and the ancient river Nile that add a mystical charm to these places to visit in Egypt, Africa. Wondering about the best time to visit Egypt? Fret not as it is a year-round destination. Here is a short Egypt travel guide to the most popular Egypt tourist attractions that you must visit during your holiday here:

Pyramids Of Giza
Valley Of Kings, Luxor
Islamic Cairo
Citadel Of Saladin
Rock Temples Of Abu Simbel
Egyptian Museum
White Desert
Bahariya Oasis
Ras Muhammad National Park
Karnak Temple
Saqqara Necropolis

EGYPTIAN MUSEUMThe Egyptian Museumالمتحف المصريCentrally located on the edge of Tahrir Square in Cairo, the Egyptian Mus...


The Egyptian Museum
المتحف المصري
Centrally located on the edge of Tahrir Square in Cairo, the Egyptian Museum is hard to miss on any tour of Cairo. Opening in 1902, it was purpose-built to house the antiquities of Ancient Egypt. Inside is the greatest collection of Ancient Egyptian archeological history in the world.Egyptian Museum address is:Tahrir Square at Downtown, Cairo. Egyptians refer to Downtown as Wust al-Balad, or in other words “The heart of the city”. The reason of calling it so is because the Downtown area is the part of the city that is full of life and activities. Cairo is sometimes called “the city that never sleeps” of Egypt, and so for Downtown. It is not only the heart of Cairo, but also the center for every life activity and facility, and the hub for different cultures. Downtown is famous for Midan Talaat Harb and Midan Tahrir.
المتحف المصري هو أحد أكبر وأشهر المتاحف العالمية، يقع في قلب العاصمة المصرية "القاهرة" بالجهة الشمالية لميدان التحرير. يعود تاريخ إنشائه إلى عام 1835 وكان موقعه حينها بحديقة الأزبكية، حيث ضم وقتها عدداً كبيراً من الآثار المتنوعة، ثم نقل بمحتوياته إلى قاعة العرض الثانية بقلعة صلاح الدين، حتى فكر عالم المصريات الفرنسي أوجوست مارييت الذي كان يعمل بمتحف اللوفر في افتتاح متحفٍ يعرض فيه مجموعة من الآثار على شاطئ النيل عند بولاق، وعندما تعرضت هذه الآثار لخطر الفيضان تم نقلها إلى ملحق خاص بقصر الخديوي إسماعيل بالجيزة، ثم جاء عالم المصريات جاستون ماسبيرو وافتتح عام 1902 في عهد الخديوي عباس حلمي الثاني مبنى المتحف الجديد في موقعه الحالي في قلب القاهرة.
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.

Seti I lsis

Seti I lsis

Relief depicting the Goddess Hathor, Temple of Isis, Island of Philae.✈🇪🇬

Relief depicting the Goddess Hathor, Temple of Isis, Island of Philae.✈🇪🇬

Temple of Isis at Philae, Egypt

Temple of Isis at Philae, Egypt

Tomb of Nefertari, Ancient Egypt Pharaoh.

Tomb of Nefertari, Ancient Egypt Pharaoh.

Egypt Luxor Valley of the Kings temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Egypt Luxor Valley of the Kings temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Detail of the splendid throne of King Tutankhamun that was found in his tomb (KV62) at the Valley of the KingsKing Tut T...

Detail of the splendid throne of King Tutankhamun that was found in his tomb (KV62) at the Valley of the Kings

King Tut Tutankhamun
or better known as King Tut, is an 18th dynasty pharaoh who inherited the throne at a young age. His reign was short-lived and upon his death he quickly faded into the sands of Egypt. Once forgotten, King Tut now remains one of Egypt’s grandest icons. He continues to hold the world’s fascination and yet he still continues to puzzle the world's leading experts. So many stories surround this pharaoh that at times it can be daunting. Come take an in-depth look at King Tut and explore his life, treasure, curse, and discovery. Then venture deep into King Tut’s tomb as Howard Carter did on November 22, 1922
توت عنخ آمون هو أحد فراعنة الأسرة المصرية الثامنة عشر في تاريخ مصر القديم، وكان فرعون مصر من 1334 ق.م إلى 1325 ق.م. يعدّ توت عنخ آمون من أشهر الفراعنة لأسباب لا تتعلق بإنجازات حققّها أو حروب انتصر فيها كما هو الحال مع الكثير من الفراعنة؛ وإنما لأسباب أخرى تعدّ مهمة من الناحية التاريخية ومن أبرزها هو اكتشاف مقبرته وكنوزه بالكامل دون أي تلف
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.


نجح منتخب مصر في التأهل إلى نهائي كأس أمم إفريقيا 2021 بعد فوزه على نظيره الكاميرون بدور نصف النهائي.وفاز منتخب مصر على ...

نجح منتخب مصر في التأهل إلى نهائي
كأس أمم إفريقيا 2021 بعد فوزه على نظيره الكاميرون بدور نصف النهائي.
وفاز منتخب مصر على أسود الكاميرون بركلات الجزاء الترجيحية بنتيجة (3-1) في المباراة التي جمعتهما على ملعب "أوليمبي" بالعاصمة "ياوندي".
يلتقي منتخب مصر
مع نظيره السنغال في نهائي كأس الأمم الإفريقية، بعد أن تخطى الأخير بوركينا فاسو بالأمس بنتيجة (3- 1).
موعد مباراة مصر والسنغال في نهائي أمم إفريقيا
تقام مباراة مصر والسنغال يوم الأحد المُقبل الموافق 6 فبراير 2022 الساعة 9:00 مساءً بتوقيت القاهرة و10:00 مساءً بتوقيت مكة المكرمة


Africa Cup of Nations: Senegal v Egypt in African finalSenegal beat Burkina Faso 3-1 to reach the final, with Egypt beat...

Africa Cup of Nations: Senegal v Egypt in African final

Senegal beat Burkina Faso 3-1 to reach the final, with Egypt beating hosts Cameroon 3-1 in a penalty shoot-out following a 0-0 draw to qualify.

Sphinx أبو الهولThe largest and most famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx of Giza, situated on the Giza Plateau adjacent to...

Sphinx أبو الهول

The largest and most famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx of Giza, situated on the Giza Plateau adjacent to the Great Pyramids of Giza on the west bank of the Nile River and facing east (29°58′31″N 31°08′15″E). The sphinx is located southeast of the pyramids. While the date of its construction is not known for certain, general consensus among egyptologists is that the head of the Great Sphinx bears the likeness of the pharaoh Khafra, while a fringe minority of late 20th century geologists have claimed evidence of water erosion in and around the Sphinx enclosure which would prove that the Sphinx predates Khafra, a claim that is sometimes referred to as the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis, but which has little support among Egyptologists
أبو الهول هو تمثال لمخلوق أسطوري بجسم أسد ورأس إنسان وقد نحت من الحجر الكلسيّ، ومن المرجح أنه كان في الأصل مغطى بطبقة من الجص وملون، ولا زالت آثار الألوان الأصلية ظاهرة بجانب إحدى أذنيه.
يقع على هضبة الجيزة على الضفة الغربية من النيل في الجيزة، مصر، ويعد أبو الهول أيضاً حارساً للهضبة. وهو أقدم المنحوتات الضخمة المعروفة، يبلغ طوله نحو 73.5 متر، من ضمنها 15 متر طول قدميه الأماميتين، وعرضه 19.3 م، وأعلى ارتفاع له عن سطح الأرض حوالي 20 متراً إلى قمة الرأس

Karnak temples Egypt معبد الكرنكThe Karnak Temple Complex, commonly known as Karnak from Arabic Khurnak meaning "fortifi...

Karnak temples Egypt معبد الكرنك
The Karnak Temple Complex, commonly known as Karnak from Arabic Khurnak meaning "fortified village"comprises a vast mix of decayed temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings near Luxor, in Egypt. Construction at the complex began during the reign of Senusret I in the Middle Kingdom (around 2000-1700 BC) and continued into the Ptolemaic period (305 - 30 BC), although most of the extant buildings date from the New Kingdom. The area around Karnak was the ancient Egyptian Ipet-isut ("The Most Selected of Places") and the main place of worship of the eighteenth dynasty Theban Triad with the god Amun as its head. It is part of the monumental city of Thebes. The Karnak complex gives its name to the nearby, and partly surrounded, modern village of El-Karnak, 2.5 kilometres (1.6 miles) north of Luxor.
الكرنك أو مجمع معابد الكرنك الذي يُشتهر باسم معبد الكرنك هو مجموعة من المعابد والبنايات والأعمدة ، حيث تقوم بعمليات التوسع والبناء منذ العصر الفرعونى وتحديدا ملوك الدولة الوسطي حتى العصر الرومانى فى الأقصر فى مصر على الشط الشرقى. المعبد بُنى للثالوث الإلهى أمون (أمون رع في العصر الحديث) ، زوجته الالهة موت وابنهم الاله خونسو ؛ ولكل منهم معبد تابع لمجمع معابد الكرنك. أحياناً يعنى السياح والغير متخصصين بمعبد الكرنك فقط المعبد تابع لأمون آى أمون رع.







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