APEC (Associative Power Engineering Community)

APEC (Associative Power Engineering Community) In Charge Of Change
http://apeceg.com Founded in October 2006, APEC became a leading technical student organization.

APEC (Associative Power Engineering Community) is a non-profitable organization headquartered at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. For 16 years and still counting, APEC cooperated with leading multinational companies with the aim to help university students by filling the gap between the academic studies in university and the practical and technical skills needed throughout the stu

dents' careers after finishing university. APEC's main events offer real chances for the undergraduates to gain work experience and acquire technical and non-technical knowledge through internships, courses, seminars, site visits, and many more through our main events.

لو أنت من الأشخاص اللي بدأت مشروع جديد، وعايز تكبر مشروعك هنساعدك من خلال APEC Blog ونكون جزءا من نجاحك.أزاي تشارك؟ 1️⃣ ...

لو أنت من الأشخاص اللي بدأت مشروع جديد، وعايز تكبر مشروعك هنساعدك من خلال APEC Blog ونكون جزءا من نجاحك.

أزاي تشارك؟

1️⃣ صور مشروعك: خلي الصور تكون بجودة عالية (HD) أو الفيديو ١٠٨٠p أو ٦٠ فريم في الثانية.

2️⃣ أحكي قصتك: شاركنا بسرد مميز عن شغلك.

أزاي تشارك حكايتك:
ارفق ملفاً نصياً: اكتب حكاية قصيرة وأرفقها مع الصورة أو الفيديو في PDF وارفعه باسمك.

التعليق الصوتي: سجل تعليق صوتي على الفيديو بتحكي في العمل اللي بتقدمه.

مشاركة حكايتك تخلي مشاركتك مميزة وتخلي الجمهور يتفاعل معها بشكل أكبر.
شاركنا إبداعك وحكايتك!

3️⃣ سجل: ارفق كلاًّ من الصور و الفيديو مع pdf النص الخاص بهم، في لينك الدرايف وقدم مشاركتك من خلال الرابط اللي تحت.

الفائز سيتم اختياره بناء على:
●التفاعل ( لللايكات ، التعليقات، والمشاركات).
● جودة سرد القصة: أحكيلنا قصة عن اللي بتشاركه بطريقة شيقة ومنظمة.

* شارك معنا في المسابقة وأبدع في مجالك، والفائزين لهم جوائز 🏆.
طوال فترة المسابقة، سيتم عرض مشاركاتكم على صفحتنا.

اخر ميعاد للتقديم في المسابقة يوم ٣/١١.

متضيعش الفرصة وشارك صور وفيديوهات لمشروعك الجديد من خلال اللينك الأدنى:


Are you born to create and built to inspire? Share your start-up with us and join the movement!

Share your project with the world!
It is your chance to shine, connect with other creative minds, and maybe even win something epic.

So, what are you waiting for? Submit your project's photos or videos in the following form, and let's see what you've been building!
To showcase your start-up project, create a video that covers the following points:

-Your Idea from A to Z: Clearly explain your business concept and its unique value proposition.

-Creativity and Innovation: Highlight what sets your start-up apart from others.

-Your goals: Share your aspirations and objectives for your start-up, and explain the impact you aim to create.

How to join:

1️⃣ Capture your talent: Be sure your photos are high quality (HD) and videos are in 1080p or 60 frames per second.

2️⃣ Tell your story: Share a unique and engaging narrative about your work.

How to share your story:
-Attach a text file: Write a short story and attach it to the photo or video in PDF format with your name on it.

-Voiceover: Record a voiceover on the video explaining the work you are presenting.
Sharing your story makes your participation unique and encourages the audience to interact with it more.

3️⃣ Register:
Attach both photos and your videos with their PDF text files in a Drive link and submit your participation through the link below.

The winner will be selected based on:
● Engagement: (likes, comments, and shares).

●Storytelling: Tell us a story about what you are sharing in an engaging and well-organized way.

Stunning giveaways await the winner🏆

Throughout the competition, we'll be featuring your submissions on our page.

The deadline for submitting your participation is 11/3.

Don't miss this opportunity, and share images or videos of your start-up project at this link:


APEC Blog is just around the corner, and we are thrilled to invite you all to participate and showcase your talents and ...

APEC Blog is just around the corner, and we are thrilled to invite you all to participate and showcase your talents and creativity! Whether you're into art, photography, or voiceovers, there has always been a place for you!
ازاي تشارك؟
1️⃣ صور موهبتك: خلي الصور تكون بجودة عالية (HD) أو الفيديو ١٠٨٠p أو ٦٠ فريم في الثانية عشان تكون أحسن جودة.
2️⃣ أحكي قصتك: شاركنا بسرد مميز عن شغلك.
3️⃣ سجل: قدم مشاركتك من خلال الرابط اللي تحت.
الفائز هيختار بناء على:
●التفاعل ( اللايكات ، التعليقات، والمشاركات): ليهم أهمية كبيرة.
●سرد القصة: أحكيلنا قصة عن اللي بتشاركه.
طوال فترة المسابقة، هنعرض مشاركاتكم على صفحتنا.

شارك معنا في المسابقة وأبدع في مجالك، والفائزين لهم جوائز 🏆.
اخر ميعاد للتقديم في المسابقة يوم ٣/١١.

Here's how to join:

1)Capture your masterpiece: Make sure your photo is in HD or your video is in 1080p or 60fps for the best quality.

2)Tell your story: Share a captivating narrative about your work.

3)Register: Submit your entry through the link below.
The winner will be chosen based on:
• Engagements (reactions, comments, and shares) hold considerable importance.
• Storytelling: Tell us a story about what you are sharing.

Register Link:

Throughout the competition, we'll be featuring your submissions on our page.
Amazing giveaways await the winner🔥

The deadline for submitting your participation is 11/3.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talents and creativity!

كل واحد مننا عنده موهبة بيحب يظهرها وعشان كده السنادي رجعنا مسابقة APEC Blog.هي مسابقة بين الطلبة اللي عندهم شغف لموهبة ...

كل واحد مننا عنده موهبة بيحب يظهرها وعشان كده السنادي رجعنا مسابقة APEC Blog.

هي مسابقة بين الطلبة اللي عندهم شغف لموهبة لو عندك شغف ومستعد تظهر موهبتك للناس في الرسم، التصوير، وكمان Voice over (دوبلاچ).
جهز موهبتك و استنى شروط المسابقة في البوست الجاي.

Are you ready to represent your talent? We have been empowering your technical skills every step of the way. Now is the time to take your journey one step further, unveil your inner virtuoso, and let your talent shine in the APEC Competition hosted on the APEC Blog.

APEC Blog’2024 is an online event that showcases your creative talents to the world. We are excited to introduce the APEC Competition this year to assist you at every stage of your creative journey.

Sharpen your aptitude, spread your passion, and share your talent in drawings, photographs, and voiceovers.

Every opportunity in education is like a beacon, guiding us toward our academic aspirations.With immense gratitude, we e...

Every opportunity in education is like a beacon, guiding us toward our academic aspirations.

With immense gratitude, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Comma - Learning Solutions for their generous contribution to APEC Visits '24.

As we embark on this journey of learning and growth, their contributions have illuminated our path with vouchers, winter internships, and an enriching visit to their office.

مجزرة الطحينفي سبيل حصول أهلنا في فلسطين على أقل المساعدات ليسدّوا جوعهم وجوع أطفالهم، فقدوا حياتهم في ظلّ انتظارهم لدخو...

مجزرة الطحين
في سبيل حصول أهلنا في فلسطين على أقل المساعدات ليسدّوا جوعهم وجوع أطفالهم، فقدوا حياتهم في ظلّ انتظارهم لدخول المساعدات أمس الموافق الخميس ٢٩ فبراير، في ظلّ البرد والحصار والتجويع.

كانَت دبابات الاحتلال خلف شاحنة المساعدات، وتمّ قصف دورية الشرطة التي كانت تؤمّن المساعدات.
يتمّ تهجير آلاف الفلسطينيين الصامدين، ومنذ أكثر من شهرين يتمّ تجويعهم وحصارهم ومنع كلّ سبل الحياة عنهم من أجل مخططاتهم بالتغيير في القطاع.

وسط انشغالنا في مشاكلنا الدراسية وحياتنا الطبيعية، يصارع أهلنا في غزّة للبقاء على قيد الحياة وحماية أسرهم من الموت جوعًا وخوفًا.

لا تعتادوا المشهد. تحدّث، اكتب، وساعد في النشر عن معاناة أهلنا في فلسطين.
لا تنسوهم من دعائكم في هذه الأيام المباركة.

APECans in Schneider!✨We would like to express our gratitude to Schneider for hosting their one-day visit to the Badr pl...

APECans in Schneider!✨
We would like to express our gratitude to Schneider for hosting their one-day visit to the Badr plant. This experience, facilitated by their support, was truly inspirational and enriching.

Throughout the day, we had the privilege of exploring Schneider Electric's workshop, where we gained firsthand insights into their cutting-edge technologies. Participating in engaging discussions and collaborative sessions left an indelible mark on our journey as aspiring professionals in the field.

We are incredibly grateful to Schneider Electric for their hospitality and for providing us with this unforgettable learning experience.

Due to the success of the APEC visits event, we are delighted to share some inspiring moments from the ex*****on experie...

Due to the success of the APEC visits event, we are delighted to share some inspiring moments from the ex*****on experience of our latest collaborations!

Each student had a great experience that translated their knowledge into impactful action through their visits to significant companies, which gave us a chance to collaborate with them to help students and execute the visits!

We're thrilled to share the electrifying success of APEC Visits 24'. Our students embarked on an eye-opening journey as ...

We're thrilled to share the electrifying success of APEC Visits 24'. Our students embarked on an eye-opening journey as they explored factories, construction sites, and companies firsthand.

From witnessing intricate machinery in action to engaging with industry experts, our students experienced the heartbeat of real-world engineering.

We're delighted to present photos capturing curiosity, discovery, and collaboration moments.

Stay tuned for more enriching opportunities ahead!

With the ex*****on of APEC Visits'24, the puzzle pieces are complete.We couldn't be happier with the outcome of our even...

With the ex*****on of APEC Visits'24, the puzzle pieces are complete.

We couldn't be happier with the outcome of our event, which was a huge success. We are so grateful to meet everyone who attended the visits.

To those who haven't chosen this time, don't worry; it is not the end of our journey. Keep an eye out for future events. There's always more to come!
Wait for The APEC Visits'24 photos gallery!🔥

The moment you have been waiting for has arrived! APEC’s 24-second recruitment results are now available. Please check y...

The moment you have been waiting for has arrived! APEC’s 24-second recruitment results are now available. Please check your emails for the exciting news.

A warm welcome to our new APECans! If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Investing in people is the primary and sole path to organizational success.And APEC consistently invests in its members ...

Investing in people is the primary and sole path to organizational success.
And APEC consistently invests in its members to guarantee that success.✨

Yesterday, we were delighted by the presence of Eng. Hisham Fathy, who conducted an informative session about people and communication management. The session included interactive exercises that helped us comprehend the material well.

We want to express our appreciation to Eng. Hisham Fathy for his efforts in this valuable session.✨

Hey Future APECANS,Tick-tock! Our second recruitment door is closing soon! Ready for the ride?This is your last chance t...

Hey Future APECANS,Tick-tock!
Our second recruitment door is closing soon! Ready for the ride?
This is your last chance to join our team and become one of our extended family!

Don't miss the chance & apply here:

PR and marketing are the art of storytelling. If you have a story, join our committee and let the world hear it! In this...

PR and marketing are the art of storytelling. If you have a story, join our committee and let the world hear it!

In this committee, we contact public figures and speakers, use digital marketing strategies and tools to increase our online visibility and reach, and brainstorm creative and innovative ideas for our campaigns.

PR and marketing create online and offline campaigns that attract and engage engineers at ASU, manage our social media content, organize events and seminars, and respond to inquiries and feedback on APEC’s page.
The world is your oyster. Break new ground and become part of our team!
Registration link:
Choose your slot:

Ready to take your journey to new heights?If you have a passion for graphic design and photography, your search ends her...

Ready to take your journey to new heights?

If you have a passion for graphic design and photography, your search ends here. We have created the perfect space for you to express your creativity and immerse yourself in the dynamic realm of multimedia!

Join the Multimedia Committee to master graphic design tools and translate visual design skills into high-quality animated content that engages website viewers.

And that’s just the beginning! We’ll guide you through the art of capturing unforgettable moments during events, turning them into timeless memories. Brace yourself to become a pro in video and audio editing!

Join us now, and Unlock the boundless power of your creative expression and set your artistic spirit free!

Register from here:

And don't forget to pick your offline interview slot after registration through this link:

To those who love to design, negotiate, and organize. Have a seat and soar with us on the Logistics & Reception Committe...

To those who love to design, negotiate, and organize. Have a seat and soar with us on the Logistics & Reception Committee.

You'll face many tasks, from booth designing to procuring materials and building from scratch.
Witness your efforts on the ground and acquire troubleshooting skills to handle unexpected issues during booth construction and negotiation.

Don't miss the chance and start your flight with us!

Register from here:

And don't forget to pick your offline interview slot after registration through this link:

With a new semester, a second chance arrives!The only way to fly is to let go of the ground. So, it's time to soar and r...

With a new semester, a second chance arrives!

The only way to fly is to let go of the ground. So, it's time to soar and rise with the final call to ascend to new heights.
We are extending another ladder for the second recruitment, waiting for you to grab it to join our crew. It is your last chance to take off before it's too late.
Don't let the opportunity fly away!

Registration link:

Choose your interview slot from this link:

Celebrating Five Years of Unwavering Support: A Tribute to Our Dedicated Sponsor.As we embark on another year of success...

Celebrating Five Years of Unwavering Support: A Tribute to Our Dedicated Sponsor.

As we embark on another year of success, we take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to Siemens, our main sponsor, for their unwavering support over the past five years and for the sixth one!

Their commitment to our organization has been instrumental in our growth and success, allowing us to achieve pioneering accomplishments.

Thank you, Siemens Digital Industries Software MENA Region , for being an integral part of our journey. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and supportive partner.

It's time to welcome 2024 with open arms, hot chocolate and don't forget PDFs and lectures!The new year is always a time...

It's time to welcome 2024 with open arms, hot chocolate and don't forget PDFs and lectures!

The new year is always a time for new beginnings, a time to set new goals, and dream big!
APEC wishes you a year filled with peace, happiness, growth, success, and a great GPA for all.🎉

And don't forget the Palestinian people in your prayers.


Recalling the enormous success of APEC Visits'24, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to Mühlbauer Group and Eng. Ahmed Halim who was with us at their info desk throughout the three days of our event, sharing their expertise and treating us to a rich and exciting seminar on our second day!

The seminar included many informative discussions about the company and the internship they are providing, which left us inspired, guided, and informed!

Therefore, we want to thank Mühlbauer, as their presence made this event an unforgettable experience for everyone!

It Is Always Red!🔥Huge congratulations to the top ushering members for their exceptional performance at APEC Visits'24! ...

It Is Always Red!🔥

Huge congratulations to the top ushering members for their exceptional performance at APEC Visits'24! Your tireless dedication, marked by a sincere appreciation for your hard work, establishes a benchmark for excellence. Your responsible efforts made our presence felt throughout the college.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the HR Sector for their exceptional and dedicated contributions during the group discussion. We always expect the best from you.
Cheers to an incredibly well-done job!

APEC Visits'24 was unforgettable!! Our dedicated ushers on campus ensured a warm welcome for all, setting the stage for ...

APEC Visits'24 was unforgettable!!

Our dedicated ushers on campus ensured a warm welcome for all, setting the stage for an impactful experience for the students. Your presence on campus made it truly special, and we'll cherish the memories and photos we captured together.

A huge thank you to all the amazing APECans who brought this event to life! Your dedication and hard work, from the ushers' welcoming smiles to the behind-the-scenes efforts, shone through.

Stay tuned for APEC Visits'24 ex*****on!🔥

A generous sprinkle of sweet appreciation to Wimzy Ice Cream for sponsoring APEC Visits'24.Everyone enjoyed the delightf...

A generous sprinkle of sweet appreciation to Wimzy Ice Cream for sponsoring APEC Visits'24.

Everyone enjoyed the delightful surprise of your presence, which was more than a sugary surprise.
You didn't just serve ice cream; you served smiles, sparked connections, and reminded us that even in the grandest of gatherings, sometimes the sweetest moments come in the coolest scoops.

Leadership isn't about navigating calm waters; it's about staying steady when a storm rages. As we land on the shore, we...

Leadership isn't about navigating calm waters; it's about staying steady when a storm rages.

As we land on the shore, we extend our deepest appreciation to our event leaders for their dedicated efforts. And just like lighthouses guiding ships through risky seas, they have been the beacons in our recent whirlwind. 🎉


APEC Visits'23 was an extraordinary event that went through a huge success.
The campus buzzed with excitement last week as APEC Visits'24 unfolded!

We're still basking in the afterglow of seeing so many of you connect with great companies, so a huge thanks to all the incredible companies who joined us and made this event truly remarkable.

While we anxiously await the results of APEC Visits'24 group discussions, let's take a moment to relive the magic of APEC Visits'23. ✨

Don't forget to keep an eye out for updates on APEC Visits'24!

As we wrap up APEC visits event, we would like to thank and send all the appreciation to the people who did their best!Y...

As we wrap up APEC visits event, we would like to thank and send all the appreciation to the people who did their best!

Your hard work is the backbone of our success.

The future is engineered here!🔥On the grand finale of the rollercoaster to propel your career with new heights.Don't mis...

The future is engineered here!🔥
On the grand finale of the rollercoaster to propel your career with new heights.

Don't miss out! Comma Learning Center and APEC are partnering to present webinars to guide you to success.

Tuesday, December 19th:

Topic 1: Suppliers Field
Time: 7 PM to 8.30 PM
Eng. Ahmed Emam - Supply Chain Planning Engineer at Elsewedy Electric.

Topic 2: Revit & BIM Technologies
Time: 8:30 PM - 10 PM
with Eng. Hady Emad BIM Electrical Engineer at AtkinsRealis.

Don't just watch, become part of it! Register now.
Registration link: https://apeceg.com/Events2024/apecVisits24.php

On day two, we can’t forget to mention that we couldn’t be more proud of our diligent members who made our day more prod...

On day two, we can’t forget to mention that we couldn’t be more proud of our diligent members who made our day more productive and energetic!

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you all for doing a great job!

Are you ready for a new adventure, aspiring architects and civil engineers? Unravel the puzzle of success tailored for y...

Are you ready for a new adventure, aspiring architects and civil engineers? Unravel the puzzle of success tailored for your academic journey with "APEC Visits."

Immerse yourself in real-world scenarios during company tours related to your academic field, and connect with industry experts.

Join us as we bridge the gap between theories and industry.
Registration link: https://apeceg.com/Events2024/apecVisits24.php

It is time to collect another piece of your puzzle. Calling all mechanical engineering enigma enthusiasts, get ready for...

It is time to collect another piece of your puzzle. Calling all mechanical engineering enigma enthusiasts, get ready for a unique experience at APEC Visits.

Join us as we dive into the world of cutting-edge technology, learn from industry experts, and gain real-world insights. Let's embark on a journey of discovery together!
We will be on campus eagerly waiting for you to register, or you can use the link below.

Registration link: https://apeceg.com/Events2024/apecVisits24.php


1, Elsarayat St. , Abdou Pasha Square , Abbasseia

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 12am
Tuesday 8am - 12am
Wednesday 8am - 12am
Thursday 8am - 12am
Friday 8am - 12am
Saturday 8am - 12am
Sunday 8am - 12am


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when APEC (Associative Power Engineering Community) posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.



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