GOIN Travels

GOIN Travels GOIN is about your journey, both on the road as well as inwards! Being Highly Sensitive myself, all events are HSP-friendly.

We offer (spiritually) themed retreats for small groups in beautiful locations, where everything is taken care of. GOIN Travels was born out of a profound desire to share the spiritual power of travelling. My own travels have made me the man I am today. On the road, I've let myself be lead by intuition, rather than a plan. That has brought me to beautiful places, meeting wonderful people, experien

cing great adventures along the way. After beautiful New Zealand, amazing Romania, (the disruption because of Covid measures), and the Portuguese Algarve coast, I have settled down in fantastic Frigiliana on the Costa del Sol. I have worked together in the past with people to create retreats for small groups, and I will pick this up in Spain as well. One of the goals is to raise people's level of consciousness, which for many people will be the start of a whole new life. Until the new retreats start, I am available to give massage sessions (relaxation, dynamic and intimate 'ta**ra' massage). GOIN means ‘going’ (as in: a travel journey), as well as ‘go in’ (as in: a spiritual journey). All events combine both aspects into a unique experience. I strongly believe that these aspects are similar journeys. Travelling changes how we see the world and how we act inside of it. It also gets us closer to our true selves. Freed from daily routines, we observe ourselves differently... clearer, kinder, but also more critical. You simply can not travel and return home the same person you were when you left. Being a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ myself, I use my trait to create well-thought-out events, while staying flexible under ever-changing circumstances (often going off the beaten path). GOIN aims to create events in such a way that everyone feels comfortable, safe and understood. That's why we work only in small groups. Check our events and shift your life into a higher consciousness.

Okay, just a couple more from gorgeous Bieszczady in Poland... The time of colour on the trees is now over, as the leave...

Okay, just a couple more from gorgeous Bieszczady in Poland... The time of colour on the trees is now over, as the leaves really fall. But the magic will be back next year, and there will be different magic in winter, spring and summer. This really is an amazingly beautiful part of the world. And for hikers it is truly heaven, especially if you do the kind of tracks where you put you tent up at the end of the day. It doesn't have major international tourism and that gives it extra charm, even though communication can therefore be a bit difficult sometimes. All in all... if you can, this is the place to be at least once... go for it!

The magical world of mushrooms is beautiful... it seems like an alien universe to us. Mushrooms belong to the kingdom of...

The magical world of mushrooms is beautiful... it seems like an alien universe to us. Mushrooms belong to the kingdom of Fungi (they are not plants), which are among the oldest living beings on earth. They can stay 'dormant' for most of the year (that is... to our eyes), but when circumstances are right, they flourish and thrive! I would like to share a thought about the analogy between mushrooms, trees, and our spiritual world... Because we don't see mushrooms for most of the year, it is as if they pop up out of the blue in Autumn. In reality, there is much that we are not aware of. There is a connection between these individual mushrooms... an almost invisible underground network of so-called hyphae (the whole is called a mycelium), that spreads far and deep. Where we see the individual mushrooms above ground, all these individuals are connected through this network. Without that network, there would be no individuals above ground, and vice versa... the individuals are all taking care of the network.

In a forest, all trees need to live for themselves but in unity with each other, in order to come to full maturity, growing above ground as well as below. When they do, the collective forms the forest we can see. The collective of the forest is much stronger than the sum of strengths of all the individual trees. If a tree would live to deprive every tree around it from what they need, that tree could grow stronger and higher and bigger. You might think that this tree becomes the most successful and best tree of all. But... it would stand alone... and the balance between its crown and its roots will shift into an unhealthy top-heavyness. When circumstances change and a storm blows, this tree will catch all of the wind with its huge crown. Since the roots are not as big as its crown and without the support of the network, the roots prove to be not strong enough... and so, the tree will fall. Trees in the forest however, the ones that are connected to each other, withstand the storm because they all receive only part of the wind and they keep each other up.

The analogy with human spirituality is, that we too are all individuals, connected into a network or collective field. And although we don’t always realize this and we’ve been taught different by society, we need this network in order to thrive as individual beings. The other way around, all of us have an influence on the collective field. Just as with mushrooms and trees, human life should focus on the individual to grow into full personal potential. We cannot do this alone, we would not be healthy. This only works in collaboration with the collective. A healthy individual is a healthy contribution to a healthy collective. Our life should never be at the expense of others, but rather in unity with each other. That way, we support each other - through the network - on each of our individual paths. We can support others, and the success of others may support us when we need it (mind you... support and help are not the same!). This is a balance between individual and collective success.

If you lose yourself in ‘society’ or become a grey mouse, you’ll lose your individuality and you remain stuck on your own path, never growing into your full potential. If you, however, focus only on yourself and on personal gain, you’ll lose touch with the environment around you and end up alone, without real support when you need it. On top of that, an unbalanced ‘success’ of an elite few damages the collective success for all. In analogy with the mushrooms... this may end the entire species, including the ‘successful ones’. One of the most important tasks in our life, is for us to discover and become who we truly are, and to live our full potential. We shine our light on each other, in stead of taking the light away from each other. That is our best and most important contribution to the collective of humanity, coming from the purest energy and vibration of love from our heart.

GOIN has temporarily moved to Poland, planning to return to Portugal in Autumn with many new ideas and plans. Since trav...

GOIN has temporarily moved to Poland, planning to return to Portugal in Autumn with many new ideas and plans. Since travel restrictions are at a minimum now, we plan to go to some really amazing places, working together and collaborating with inspirational, powerful and just beautiful people. But for the moment, it is all about enjoying the stunning nature of Bieszczady, one of the last truly unspoiled areas in Europe (southeast Poland, bordering Slovakia and Ukraine). I'll be sharing some stories soon...

Shift your life into a higher consciousness. The energy of the world has changed and many people are waking up. Now more...

Shift your life into a higher consciousness. The energy of the world has changed and many people are waking up. Now more than ever, it is essential to be who you truly are... and live the life you were meant to live. Meet your own guides, communicate with them, heal what needs to be healed, and let go of conditioning and old patterns. This spring retreat may be your first step into a whole new life.

We still have availability at the moment, especially since we've decided to combine the retreat with weekend workshops (19 and 20 March). If a whole week is too much (or too short notice), than the weekend as a starter may be better to kick off. And if you want to continue, you can do online sessions or come back for the Easter retreat. And of course, you can always book a private retreat (any time from one day up to two weeks).


New times mean new energies and new life. Join our spring retreat to meet your guides, discover your true self and leave the old life behind.

Apart from the amazing group retreats that GOIN offers, you can also choose to do a private retreat. I work together wit...

Apart from the amazing group retreats that GOIN offers, you can also choose to do a private retreat. I work together with my partner to offer you a time that will change your life! These retreats are completely custom made and last anything from 1 day up to 2 weeks. Mind you, the retreats are not a laid-back holiday, they are serious work... and they will change your life.

So, meet your personal guides, communicate with them, discover who you truly are, and finally let go of everything that is weighing you down. You have lived long enough with all the limitations of conditioning, false believes, and family karma. Step up into a higher state of consciousness... and stay there.

Click the link below to check out the private retreats, and browse around the website for more information. Please read the whole sections of 'my story' and 'my work'. If it doesn't resonate with you, than this work and this retreat is not for you. But if it does... then you have the opportunity to live the life you were truly meant to have. Please feel free to comment and ask anything. I hope we will be able to welcome you soon...


During a private retreat you stay with us for several days for custom-made, highly intensive private sessions. All will be well taken care of.

The first retreat of 2022 is ready to get GOIN... Together with my partner, we organize a spring retreat from 19 to 26 o...

The first retreat of 2022 is ready to get GOIN... Together with my partner, we organize a spring retreat from 19 to 26 of March in Luz, Portugal. During a week all-in retreat you will meet your personal guides, and you learn your true mission in life (this incarnation on earth). The times are changing in many ways... and a new energy is here. For those who want, it is time to live your life on a higher level of consciousness.

The retreat is not a laid-back holiday, it is serious work on yourself. You will see with clarity the reasons behind many things that have happened in your life. You discover (false) conditioning and beliefs you have lived with, and you'll learn to live free of these restrictions. You will set out on a path that will undoubtedly change everything.

The sessions are at the center of this retreat, but we also have time for excursions and exploration. Luz is close to the beautiful city of Lagos, we have the unique and rather 'dramatic' Algarve coastline to explore, and we'll get to taste the flavours of the rich Portuguese cuisine. Our home in Luz is 4 minutes away from the famous Praia de Luz. Yet, the area is still quiet and peaceful.

Including an early bird discount of €100 until 19 February, we offer this retreat from €895, based on a shared hotel room. For a private room there is a €100 surcharge. If you're interested, please read this page on the website and read the information that is linked on there. If the work and story don't resonate with you, then this is not your retreat. If you feel a connection though, then this might the start of something life-changing.


New times mean new energies and new life. Join our spring retreat to meet your guides, discover your true self and leave the old life behind.

This is my workplace nowadays... not bad, is it... 😜 The stunning Algarve coast in Portugal is an inspiration, and the w...

This is my workplace nowadays... not bad, is it... 😜 The stunning Algarve coast in Portugal is an inspiration, and the weather is just lovely. It's 20 degrees outside, I opened the doors, and I'm working on retreats with my partner. This week we'll publish the first two of several retreats in planning. If you want to know what we are doing and in which direction GOIN will be heading, check out her website: https://edinacontactguides.com/

How is your coconut today...?

How is your coconut today...?

Having seen The Pacific from a number of places, I knew the great ocean is impressive... but wow... this really puts thi...

Having seen The Pacific from a number of places, I knew the great ocean is impressive... but wow... this really puts things in perspective

Christmas greetings from beautiful Lagos, Portugal...

Christmas greetings from beautiful Lagos, Portugal...

GOIN is happy to provide you all with some proper relationship advice... If you choose to ignore, don't say I didn't war...

GOIN is happy to provide you all with some proper relationship advice... If you choose to ignore, don't say I didn't warn you 😉

GOIN is practising the traditional Portuguese kitchen in anticipation of the retreats to come in 2022 (more info soon). ...

GOIN is practising the traditional Portuguese kitchen in anticipation of the retreats to come in 2022 (more info soon). This dish is called "bacalhau com natas", a very tasty oven dish with potatoes, cod, onions and cream. You don't see cream used so often in Portugal, but the rest are definitely Portugals favourite ingredients. Oh, and I cheated, by adding just a little sprinkle of cheese on top... but don't tell anyone 🤫😉


GOIN has checked out more of the amazing coastline for you, here in the western Algarve. This is a video from just down "the road"... somewhere between Benagil and Portimao. The ancient coastline is characterized by numerous caves and short inlets, as a result of the Atlantic ocean beating the rocks for many millions of years. You can even find some beautiful and almost secret beaches, that can only be accessed by sea. Some of the wildlife is unique for only this area, where conditions can be harsh, despite the beautiful weather. It is truly a stunning place to see and experience.

GOIN went on a trip, today... checking out the beautiful coast line of the western Algarve. And what better way to see t...

GOIN went on a trip, today... checking out the beautiful coast line of the western Algarve. And what better way to see the coast, then from the water... from Lagos to Benagil and back.

Good advice for when you're sunbathing

Good advice for when you're sunbathing

Your journey is not just about following a road, it's also about travelling inwards. Follow your path... because whereve...

Your journey is not just about following a road, it's also about travelling inwards. Follow your path... because wherever it takes you, there you will find yourself.

Well, there it is... Another good reason to always follow your heart. Two words of advice: "Just go!"

Well, there it is... Another good reason to always follow your heart. Two words of advice: "Just go!"

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there

One more day of voting left... please help us help the cats and dogs on the streets of Romania. Thank you from all of us...

One more day of voting left... please help us help the cats and dogs on the streets of Romania. Thank you from all of us...

Ich habe soeben abgestimmt, um Grenzenlose Notfelle e.V. die Teilnahme am Spenden-Marathon für Tiere zu ermöglichen. Stimme auch ab!

Massage is a great way to connect with your body and with the emotions that live inside. It doesn't matter if you need i...

Massage is a great way to connect with your body and with the emotions that live inside. It doesn't matter if you need it for relaxation, or therapeutic reasons, or even just luxury... you always feel better afterwards. That is also the healing power of touch 🙏


Have you found your own spot to see the sunset? We have more than enough room for you too...

About 20 minutes west of Lagos, you'll find some amazing places to see the sun set into the Atlantic ocean. It's rough, ...

About 20 minutes west of Lagos, you'll find some amazing places to see the sun set into the Atlantic ocean. It's rough, wild, rocky, windy... it is pure... and powerful! Life is good... ❤

GOIN has only two words of travel advice: "JUST GO!!"

GOIN has only two words of travel advice: "JUST GO!!"

Are you still wondering why Romania is considered (by many who visited the country), the most beautiful gem in Europe......

Are you still wondering why Romania is considered (by many who visited the country), the most beautiful gem in Europe...? This video gives you a little impression.

You'll see the beauty of the Carpathians, like the rough Ciucus Mountains, the Transalpina road (fun to drive), and the famous Transfagarasan (the most beautiful road in the world, according to Top Gear).

But there is much more to discover. There is Transylvania of course, but what about the unique Danube Delta, or amazing Retezat, Maramures country (with some of Europe's last primeval forests), and my favourite... the Apuseni Mountains.


Flying over several mountains in Romania. Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian ...

The only good thing about leaving New Zealand, is that we can return one day...

The only good thing about leaving New Zealand, is that we can return one day...

The Fiordlands, in the south west of the South Island, is New Zealand's largest National Park... and it is absolutely st...

The Fiordlands, in the south west of the South Island, is New Zealand's largest National Park... and it is absolutely stunning. Most visitors go to Milford Sound, as this can actually be accessed via the road, but you may want to consider Doubtful Sound as the less touristic but equally impressive alternative. No surprise that it is therefore part of GOIN's "Alternative Highlights Tour".

Doubtful Sound can only be accessed via a ferry across Lake Manapouri, which an adventure in itself. This cool video shows you some of the beauty of the lake, the sound, and the area. It also shows you where some of the most iconic scenes for Lord of the Rings were shot. If you're a fan, you should have no problem recognizing them. Enjoy watching... and I hope we'll soon be able to go (back) there ourselves.

Subscribe to Global Travel Stories https://youtube.com/channel/UCKan_kLq... and join the adventures around the globe!Join us as we explore one of the natural...

About a year ago I posted a couple of articles about some of the most beautiful hikes in New Zealand: The Great Walks. T...

About a year ago I posted a couple of articles about some of the most beautiful hikes in New Zealand: The Great Walks. These multi-day hikes are an amazing way to explore the country's beauty. But New Zealand has thousands of hike and tramping paths, varying from one day to a whole week. There is even a trail that stretches 3000km from the most northern point of the country to the most southern point (or v.v.)

For some GW's you need to book more than a year in advance, because of the limited amount of people allowed on the track. Where they are famous and well-known, some of the lesser known tracks are often just as beautiful. And the good thing is, that they will be less crowded. If you're looking for inspiration, here are some beautiful ideas to tickle your feet to get walking.


Missed out on the Milford Track? These multi-day walks might not have the official title, but they're still pretty great.

New Zealand... the country of four seasons in one day. When you go on a hike, it's essential (for your own and other peo...

New Zealand... the country of four seasons in one day. When you go on a hike, it's essential (for your own and other people's safety) to take all circumstances into account. It can be super hot and sunny one moment, and you're in a thunderstorm the next. Thunderstorms in New Zealand can be very serious. Any hiker can get caught out at the wrong moment, experienced or not, and accidents do happen. That's why you need to be well prepared before you go on a hike. Anything can happen, and sometimes... it will...

I've felt the temperature drop with 20°C degrees in a matter of minutes, and the only clothes I had with me, were the shorts and T-shirt I was wearing. I learned a lesson that day. Later, I did the Tongariro Crossing, where it was freezing when I left and 35°C before midday. I was so happy that I came prepared. Another hike I did was for 90% of the time in the rain. People that did the same route 30 minutes behind me, had not seen a single drop. I should have stayed in bed just a bit longer that day 🙄😉😴


A stunning look-out point somewhere in the South Island of New Zealand. Do you know this is? ⛰️ 📷: Lee Cook Images

If I would try to describe the beauty of Portugal (after Romania probably the second most beautiful country in Europe), ...

If I would try to describe the beauty of Portugal (after Romania probably the second most beautiful country in Europe), words would just not suffice. You need to experience the country to understand. These photos (just a few I took in a couple of places) may paint a little part of the picture. I've always liked Lisbon and Porto but now I was able to see more places (big and small), I enjoy the raw nature of some areas with rolling hills or proper mountains, the beaches are amazing and sometimes wild, etc.

But these are just small bits of the Portugal picture. It is much more about the lovely and sweet and super friendly Portuguese people, the relaxed atmosphere, the long history (although not always good), the mix of beautiful cultures, the great weather, and above all... some of the absolute best food and drinks in Europe. Basic tradition, the sun and the sea, but also the incorporation of many different cuisines and styles, all make the Portuguese kitchen so divers and incredibly tasty!

GOIN is thinking about all the possibilities in this great country. It would be really great to take you across the land for some amazing experiences. Portugal also works a lot with sustainable tourism, eco holidays, and natural retreats. And because mass tourism focuses on mostly the Algarve and Lisbon, much is still possible in the rest of the country. If your creativity and enthusiasm is also triggered, I totally understand... So, keep in touch, because there may be good things ahead.

One of the most amazing features about New Zealand, is its unique and rich ecosystem, incl. wildlife and trees. Its isol...

One of the most amazing features about New Zealand, is its unique and rich ecosystem, incl. wildlife and trees. Its isolated position in the world has allowed some of the strangest of creatures ever to have existed undisturbed for countless millennia. Especially the bird population is unlike anywhere else in the world. Some rare species are still alive, like the kakapo, black stilt, and the famous black robin - more on these later, but only because of the incredible hard work of dedicated people. Others went extinct shortly after humans set foot on the islands, like the moa, the huia, and the Haast eagle.

The Haast eagle still existed at the time of the first Maori settlers in the 12th and 13th century, but the last of the species died just a few hundred years later. Its main pray, the giant moa, had already gone extinct by then. The Haast eagle is (was) the largest known predator in New Zealand. The islands hardly have any predators anyway, which is a crucial factor in the existence and survival of so many flightless birds.

Did you know there are also only two native mammals in New Zealand? Anyone want to take a guess which species they are? The uniqueness of New Zealand allows for many more fantastic stories and creatures that stimulate our imagination. More on some of them in later pieces. For now, reead more about the Haast eagle in this article: https://allthatsinteresting.com/haast-eagle

In New Zealand today, it's honored as the "biggest, baddest, most magnificent eagle ever to have existed."

GOIN is off travelling for a few weeks... and, as you can see, doing a lot of thinking. Actually, I am working out a few...

GOIN is off travelling for a few weeks... and, as you can see, doing a lot of thinking. Actually, I am working out a few ideas and planning for new activities this year and the next. Much depends of course not on me or you, but on the restrictions and the limitations that undoubtedly will remain in place for still some time. It doesn't matter what I or you think of them... we have to deal with the situation.

It saddened me to experience more consequences of the measures (more than what I experience in my daily life) and to see how fear has become part of so many people's lives. How will people ever loose that fear and dare to trust others again, let them (literally) come close, connect with each other, love each other again...? How do we get back from all this? And when I say 'back', I don't mean back to where we were. No... let's hope the world will learn from what has happened and that we change our ways into a respect for nature, knowing the importance of connection, and opening up for love, health and balance.

Many things have went through my mind over the past days, here in Portugal. But there is one thing I must say about the measures. Who came up with the idea that lockdowns and covid measures are an excuse to be even more wasteful, polluting, and ignorant? I'm not just talking about all the masks you find in nature (on land and in the sea), but especially enormous amounts of plastic (wrappers, bags, covers, takeaway waste, etc), and all sorts of chemical crap. It is everywhere... Pollution, waste, and all related environmental changes is one the biggest crises at the moment (far worse than covid could ever be). If this is how humanity deals with a 'small' crisis, then how would we ever face the really big problems in the world...?!

Much to think about, leading to new plans, new travels, new events, and in the end I hope to meet you, new friends as well. So, to be continued... :-)

A few days ago, I posted about a short hike we did in the Apuseni mountains, and the caves we found near Vadu Crisului. ...

A few days ago, I posted about a short hike we did in the Apuseni mountains, and the caves we found near Vadu Crisului. Then, it was warm and pleasant outside, but as I'm writing this, it is about 20 degrees colder and anything but inviting. What a difference a few days make... It got me thinking about the bats in the caves. Inside, the temperature is an even 10 degrees all year around. So, in winter the bats hibernate here to protect themselves from the cold outside (it can easily get below -25). When we visited the caves, the bats were almost ready to leave the cave for the summer period, but I hope they decided to wait a few days more ;-)

The caves were opened in 1905, after being discovered in 1903. Or better... when part of the mountain was blown up with dynamite, because Count Odon Zichy suspected the existence of the cave on his land. Since its opening, the cave was considered to be the most beautiful in Europe for many years. This was partly because it holds the richest cave flora and fauna in Romania, like snails, crustaceans, insects, worms... and mentioned bats of course - mostly horseshoe bats but also a very small species, which name I forgot. In the light that does enter the cave (or from the electrical lights in some parts, there is also a rich variety in mosses, ferns and tiny plants.

Unfortunately, because of the high water level, we were unable to go deeper into the cave, where we would most likely be able to get a few of them in the picture. We did photograph some bats, but since they are very sensitive to light, the pictures are not sharp and not very good. Sorry about that... Most pictures are not very good anyway, because of the light conditions. I guess you'll just have to go there to see the caves for yourselves :-)

In 1955 the caves were labelled as natural monument (if I translate this correctly), and it still is one of the richest and most beautiful in the whole of Europe. Two of the galleries are called "Heaven" and "Hell". So you could say that I went to hell and back to tell you about these caves... and I ended up in heaven. Some of the rock formations and stalactites and stalagmites are known as the "white eagle", "Mohamed's beard", "snow white and the seven dwarfs", "dragon", "elephant", "bride's veil", and many more.

PS: the water running through the cave is perfectly drinkable, just a bit cold. People make wishes by throwing coins into the water (I've never understood that stupid custom). But an old legend does tell that if you think of someone before he/she drinks from that well, your wish will come true and they'll fall in love with you. If anyone came to mind when you read that, you now know where to go to make it happen. Good luck!

Summer last year was the first time I made the beautiful train ride between Cluj-Napoca and Oradea. Part of the track tr...

Summer last year was the first time I made the beautiful train ride between Cluj-Napoca and Oradea. Part of the track travels through the northern part of the Apuseni Mountains. Unlike the much larger and higher Carpathians, the Apuseni are not part of one long chain of mountains or hills. They are separate but connected areas, both above as well as under ground. There are several national parks and large parts are truly unspoiled, yet still accessible for hikes.

Along the railroad there is one station that lies in the middle of absolute nowhere. A few days ago, we made a short hike and stumbled upon this very station: Halta Pestera. This stop is a few kilometres from Vadu Crisului, a few minutes off Highway 1. An easy hike takes you from the town to some nice waterfalls... and to the caves. It was only then, that I realized that pestera means 'caves' in Romanian... I thought it had to do with the river.

In a next post I'll show some pictures from inside the caves (which were only discovered early 20th century), plus a bit of background info about the colony of bats that was still inside the cave. In a few days time, they will fly out in the evening but won't return next morning, only to come back in November to stay for the winter. We were lucky to get an almost private tour of the caves, even though some parts of the system were temporarily closed because of the relatively high water (it may have been 18 degrees outside, in some areas in the hills there was still snow).

The caves are on one side of the river and on the other side you'll find the train station. We walked back to town via the railroad, which follows the river for many kilometres. The river was for a long time part of the trade route between Transylvania and cities like Budapest and Vienna. On our way back, we passed a unique, very old building that was half build in the rock face (Turnul Vama Sarii). This building used to be sort of a toll booth for passing ships, but now there is not much left of it.

When we will be allowed again to organize retreats and events, a day hike in this beautiful part of the country is definitely on the menu. Nearer to Cluj-Napoca there are many options. And should you be travelling by yourself along Highway 1, make a stop and take a short hike. Or even better... bring your mountain bike and follow one of the many routes through the mountains (I added a picture of some routes). The Apuseni are truly amazing...

The Franz Josef Glacier!! Two years ago I took a helicopter ride to walk the glacier... what an awesome experience that ...

The Franz Josef Glacier!! Two years ago I took a helicopter ride to walk the glacier... what an awesome experience that was. It felt like I was walking on the back of a giant living being. Also, the trip with the helicopter was amazing, checking out some of the rock cliffs from close by and seeing spots that would otherwise be impossible to reach. Did you know there is a lot of life on those mountains and the icy tops of the Southern Alps, even on the glacier itself? These animals have a unique (niche) habitat.

And that is also a sad thought, because this living thing and this unique environment is slowly but surely disappearing. And with that, the unique habitats and animals will also disappear. Well, I say slowly... the process is much faster than you might expect. Sure, there are natural ups and downs, even over many years. But the current trend is undoubtedly one of the accelerated disappearing of the glaciers. These magnificent forces of nature may just vanish completely within our lifetime. And that would be a disaster...

Air pollution is a major reason. The pollution deposits itself via rain and snow, thus colouring/darkening the ice, thus making it reflect the sun less, thus heating up more, thus melting faster than it can replenish itself, thus effectively melting away... You'll find the same problem at the polar caps. Even if temperatures don't go up, more ice will melt faster because of the pollution. Also, the global climate changes result in changing weather patterns. Therefore, it rains (or snows) more in some parts of the world and less in others (deserts grow from years of drought while not far away people suffer from more and heavier floods). This water (in frozen form) is essential for the glaciers. More wind and more sun also effect the glaciers, for instance because the winds bring sand from Australia (colouring the ice). And finally, average temperatures worldwide over long periods of time, do go up. As with everything in nature... it's all related. One trend is not separate from another.

A visit to the Franz Josef Glacier or the Fox Glacier (or possibly one of the other, less known glaciers), is a must-do when you travel to New Zealand. As soon as GOIN can resume services (when the measures are lifted and we can travel to New Zealand), I will share a few ideas and itineraries with you all. If you are looking for more information or even just inspiration, please feel free to contact me via a message here on Facebook or WhatsApp (+31652650670).

Picture-perfect view. 😍 Alex K**b is a scenic track that zigzags up to Rata Lookout for a sweeping panorama of the Franz Josef Glacier. 📷: IG hollyracheal




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GOIN is all about your journey

GOIN started in December 2019, a few months after I moved from New Zealand to Romania. I never imagined it to be possible to fall in love with two countries... but I did. The amazingly beautiful nature of both countries with mountains and forests totally blew me away, and I immediately realized I want to share this experience with others. GOIN creates your journey to encounter the mysterious beauty of Transylvania via (themed) retreats, and to submerge yourself into the magic of “the most beautiful country on earth”... New Zealand. Check the website of GOIN for background information, my blog, and all retreats and holidays.

GOIN combines the word ‘going’ (as in travelling) and to ‘go in’ (as in spiritual experience). All retreats and holidays more or less combine those two aspects to create a profound travel experience. I strongly believe travelling and spirituality are very similar processes. In my coaching sessions we use your own travel experience in the world, and we travel to the inside of your mind to guide you on your spiritual path (of awakening). Being a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ myself, I aim to help other HSP’s, and anyone else, from my own experience. I don’t have a one-size-fits-all program, because every person and every situation is different. So, I’d be happy to discuss what works best for you.

My own travels to New Zealand (as well as many other countries) have helped me to become the man I am today. Travelling changes how we see the world, our connection with mother nature, and our relation with all people we meet in our lives. It is all a divers, beautiful palet, where everything is connected to everything else. You simply can not travel and return home the same person you were when you left... So, I have two words of advice: “Just go!”

Otros agencias de viajes en Frigiliana

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