#Visit_Harar #Horn_Africa #Ethiopia
Against all odds…
Meet my tribes…
In #omovalley #Ethiopia
With the help of #Local_Knowledge
The Nile (Grand Canyon of Africa)
The #Black_Nile flows through the deepest and most majestic canyon in Africa. The Nile is a river originating in natural springs above #Lake_Tana in #Ethiopia The river has played a significant role in human history by supplying the majority of the water for the #Nile_River providing the means for the land through which it flows to be agriculturally productive…
#Visit_Ethiopia #travelphotography #explore #remote #expedition #rafting #kayaking #birding #fishing #outdoors #roadtrip #lifestyle #Ethiopia
#Visit_Ethiopia #roadtrip #landscapes #volcano #expedition #remote #lifestyle #tribes #Dallol #Ertale #Lake_Afdera #camping #photography #travelphotography #HornAfrica #Afar #Ethiopia
Video dates back from 13 Aug 2017. 12:24AM
Harenna forest is a #Must_visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Locate in the #Bale_Mountains of #Ethiopia the forest offers stunning #landscapes diverse #flora and #fauna #wildlife #nature #birding #hiking #trekking #camping #photography #Local_knowledge #documentary #lifestyle #roadtrip #Visit_Ethiopia #HornAfrica #Harenna_Forest #Ethiopia
Bereket Gebreyes
The Ethiopian #tribe where big is definitely beautiful #Bodi_Men compete to be the fattest in the village by drinking a mixture of #blood and #milk while living in isolation for more than six months.
Slim might be in elsewhere but for Ethiopia’s #Bodi or #ME’EN people, #bigger_is_always_better. The #tribe which lives in a #remote corner of Ethiopia’s #omovalley is home to an unusual #ritual which sees young men gorge on cows blood and milk in a bid to be crowned the fattest man…
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#travelphotography #Hornafrica #lifestyle #explore #history #nature #culture #outdoors #wildlife #documentary #documentaryfilmmaking #HornAfrica #omovalley #Ethiopia
Hamer tribe, Ethiopia…
The Hamer live among the bush covered hills on the eastern side of the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia. They are a tribe with unique rituals such as #Bull_Jumping ceremony that men go through in order to reach adulthood, whereupon young Hamer women get whipped to prove their love for their kinsman.
#local #localguide #Ethiopia