Amhara Tourism

Amhara Tourism The aim of this page is to introduce and promote the cultural, religious and natural tourist attracti


በግንቦት ወር የሚጀመረውን ሥልጠናው ይቀላቀሉ !

በኤል ኤም ኢንተርናሽናል የሆቴል ሙያ ማሠልጠኛ

1.ቅዳሜና እሑድ / ጠዋት / ከሰዓት / ማታ በፈለጉት ፈረቃና ሁኔታ መሠልጠን ይችላሉ።
2.በምግብ ዝግጅት በደረጃ (Level 1 & 2) መሠልጠን ይችላሉ።
3.እንደፍላጎትዎ የ3/6/10/12 ወራት ሥልጠና መውሰድ ይችላሉ።
4.ሲመረቁ በውጤትዎ መሠረት የሥራ እድል ይመቻችልዎታል።
5.ትልልቅ ሆቴሎች ውስጥ የተግባር ልምምድ (apparent) እንዲያደርጉ ይመቻችልዎታል።
6.እንግሊዝኛና ፈረንሳይኛ ያለምንም ተጨማሪ ክፍያ ይማራሉ።
7.በዘርፉ ስመ ጥር በሆኑ ባለሙያ መምህራን ይሠለጥናሉ።
8.ሥልጠናውን በግል (ቤትዎ ወይም ተቋሙ ውስጥ) መሠልጠን ይችላሉ
9.ሥልጠናው በቀን 2:00,በሳምንት 3 ቀን ይሰጣል
10.በትልቅና ደማቅ ሥነ ሥርዓት ይመረቃሉ

ለበለጠ መረጃ
0943333333 / 0943444444


የታሪክ ባለቤቷ ጎንደር ከኃይሌ ሪዞርት ጋር ልዩ መስተንግዶ ይዛለች። ለስብሰባም ሆነ ለመዝናናት እኛን ምርጫዎ ያድርጉ!


ከ 35 ዓመት ስደት በኋላ ከሮም ወደ እናት አገሩ የተመለሰው የይሁዳ አንበሳ ሀውልት አስቀድሞ በነበረበት የአዲስ አበባ ለገሀር ባቡር ጣቢያ ዳግም ተተክሎ እየተመረቀ ነው - 1964 ዓ.ም

The re-dedication of the Lion of Judah monument in front of the Addis Abeba station back in December 1971

University of British Colombia/Museum of Anthropology/Audrey & Harry Hawthorn Library/Lorna R. Marsden Photograph:



We are filled with immense pride as we announce the 127th Adwa celebrations as a true Pan- African Victory! We invite you to join us in commemorating one of the most significant moments in our history, a moment that ignited the flames of Pan-Africanism and inspired generations to come.

As we honor the spirit of Adwa and its remarkable impact, let us also reflect on how we can carry the torch of freedom into the 21st century. We believe that by working together, we can achieve economic liberation and create a brighter future for all Africans.

We invite you to be a part of this special occasion. Please mark your calendars for the Adwa Pan-African Forum on March 1, 2023, and the Adwa Pan-African dinner on March 2, 2023.

Let us come together, celebrate our heritage, and strive towards a better tomorrow.

ADWA: African Victory

African Victory

African Victory

127th   commemoration in England, London

127th commemoration in England, London


Shewa, Amhara Region, Ethiopia 🇪🇹

Happy International Tourist Guide Day

Happy International Tourist Guide Day

🙌Happy International Tourist Guide Day!

❤❤❤Send some love and appreciation for the true drivers of understanding and knowledge.

🙏Thank you for bringing cultures and people together!

"We are ready to host AU Summit" Ethiopian hotel owners

"We are ready to host AU Summit" Ethiopian hotel owners

Ethiopian hotel owners say all preparations have been made to ensure guests who will be

This   has developed sustainable land management 🌄 and is promoting solar energy ☀, biogas and waste management ♻.      ...

This has developed sustainable land management 🌄 and is promoting solar energy ☀, biogas and waste management ♻.

This has developed sustainable land management 🌄 and is promoting solar energy ☀, biogas and waste management ♻.

Find more about the Choke Mountains Ecovillage in Ethiopia. 🔗

ዘንገና ሃይቅ  #አገው  #አማራ  #ኢትዮጵያ  📷guzoadwa hiking

ዘንገና ሃይቅ #አገው #አማራ #ኢትዮጵያ 📷guzoadwa hiking

የአፋር ብሄራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት እና ቱሪዝም ቢሮ ምስጋና ይገባችኋል እናንተም ሰሪን ስላመሰገናችሁ!

የአፋር ብሄራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት እና ቱሪዝም ቢሮ ምስጋና ይገባችኋል እናንተም ሰሪን ስላመሰገናችሁ!



Bahir Dar



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