"The Kingdom of tigré was bounded by the Bella,Beja,Takué,and several wild tribes of Shangalla on the north ;by the mountains of samen on the west ;and by the Danakil ,Doha,and "Galla",on the east and south ; comprehending an extent of about four degrees in latitude,and about the same in a longitudinal direction,and forming in shape of the Irregular figure of a Trapezium.the central province of Tigré proper has given its name to the whole .".Tigré".*
Down the centre of Tigré proper "province of Adwa",to the east of Tigré proper lies the province of Agamé,southward of Agamé , lies long strip of country,running in an east and wesr direction called Wojjerat ,province of last ,province of avergele extends about 50miles in a north and south direction along the eastern bank of tacazze .,eastward side of tekeze ,in this latitude ,rises the lofty province of samen the highest point of land in Abyssinia .
Between the north part of samen and Tigré proper,extends the valuable province of Temben.
Above temben,to the westward of axum,is situated the province of Shiré,which forms a pretty sharp angle with the Tacazze in latitude 14degrees; and on the opposite side of the river exttend still farther westward the districts of waldubba and walkayt,both of which continue to pay tribute to the Ra's welledselasse ,the remaining portion of Tigré is the kingdom of baharnegash.
(Henry salt in his Book -from P378 , voyage to abyssinia ,travels the interior of that country 1809-1810)
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