
Leavy.co Live anywhere, even for a day, regardless of budget 🌎
Earn an additional income and fund your tra

Let’s make 2023 our best year yet! 😍

Let’s make 2023 our best year yet! 😍

Celebrating the New Year in style. 🍾 🍻  🥂

Celebrating the New Year in style. 🍾 🍻 🥂

Travel more, worry less. 😍😍

Travel more, worry less. 😍😍

The Christmas markets you shouldn’t miss 🎄Amsterdam is always a good idea!

The Christmas markets you shouldn’t miss 🎄

Amsterdam is always a good idea!

If you like meeting - Earn a side income- Meet new people- Get paid every two weeks

If you like meeting

- Earn a side income
- Meet new people
- Get paid every two weeks

Along with never-ending financial benefits, being an HL gives you freedom. Freedom to Travel!

Along with never-ending financial benefits, being an HL gives you freedom. Freedom to Travel!


Merci Théo d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec nous. Nous sommes toujours heureux d'avoir des nouvelles de chacun de nos Happy Leavers.


Merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec nous. Nous sommes heureux de vous avoir dans notre communauté. 🛫

Can you imagine yourself watching the sunset from this location?

Can you imagine yourself watching the sunset from this location?

C'est probablement le véhicule le plus mignon que vous conduirez. Probablement!

C'est probablement le véhicule le plus mignon que vous conduirez. Probablement!

Ne manquez pas la vue !

Ne manquez pas la vue !

Are you a fish person or a people person?

Are you a fish person or a people person?

Partagez votre logement pour voyager à petit prix! Suivez-nous pour rejoindre notre communauté de voyageurs.

Partagez votre logement pour voyager à petit prix! Suivez-nous pour rejoindre notre communauté de voyageurs.

List your home, fund your travel! Follow us to join our community of travellers.

List your home, fund your travel! Follow us to join our community of travellers.

Explore the wonders of Morocco and let its essence transform your life.

Explore the wonders of Morocco and let its essence transform your life.

If you are looking for paradise on earth, add Sardinia to your bucket list !

If you are looking for paradise on earth, add Sardinia to your bucket list !

Indulge your senses and stimulate your imagination. Get lost in its charms of Sicily.

Indulge your senses and stimulate your imagination. Get lost in its charms of Sicily.

There are many reasons to visit Santorini. But just one that matters: the view.

There are many reasons to visit Santorini. But just one that matters: the view.


Let's get ready to make some noise.🎸


If you need a vacation from being on a vacation, this one’s for you! 🧘🏼‍♀️

Create your own adventure. Share your home or your time and embrace new opportunities to fund your next travel.         ...

Create your own adventure. Share your home or your time and embrace new opportunities to fund your next travel.

Share your home with Leavy and fund your own adventure so you can focus on the better things in life like traveling.    ...

Share your home with Leavy and fund your own adventure so you can focus on the better things in life like traveling.

Need a little help planning your vacation? Here are some quick tips to keep you organized at the mountains. ⛰️          ...

Need a little help planning your vacation? Here are some quick tips to keep you organized at the mountains. ⛰️

Oh you need me to send that file again? I can’t!What’s your next out of office e-mail going to be?

Oh you need me to send that file again? I can’t!

What’s your next out of office e-mail going to be?

When you're ready to take a trip to the city, here are some quick tips for a hassle-free vacation. 🌆                    ...

When you're ready to take a trip to the city, here are some quick tips for a hassle-free vacation. 🌆

A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to vacation. Here are some quick tips for a trip to the beach. 😎☀️   ...

A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to vacation. Here are some quick tips for a trip to the beach. 😎☀️

When you’re away from home, make the most out of it. Share your apartment on Leavy and fund your travels.               ...

When you’re away from home, make the most out of it. Share your apartment on Leavy and fund your travels.

Don’t think, just leave !

Don’t think, just leave !


10 Rue Greneta

Site Web


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Notre histoire

Fondée par Aziza Chaouachi et Yassine Ben Romdhane en 2018, Leavy.co est la première communauté de voyageurs sur le marché qui permet de voyager plus en payant moins - tous les jours.

Nous réinventons la façon dont nous voyageons et explorons le monde, à travers une plateforme qui permet à nos membres de débuter leur séjour avec des revenus 100 % garantis. Comment ? Les utilisateurs peuvent devenir Happy Leavers en nous confiant leur logement quand ils partent. Qu'il soit loué ou non, nous garantissons un revenu fixe ! Il est aussi possible de rejoindre la communauté des Hosts-on-Demand pour gérer les appartements libres et accueillir chaleureusement les voyageurs.

Ce que nous construisons, c’est une entreprise qui combine voyage et social, en permettant aux Millennials de voyager plus librement, quel que soit leur budget.

Notre nouvelle application tout-en-un récompense notre communauté en crédit voyage, vous permettant de réserver vols, hébergements et expériences locales à prix cassés.

Agences De Voyages á proximité

Autres Agence de voyage à Paris

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