Splendid Stay

Splendid Stay Stay in a home, live the hotel experience

Splendid Stay is a booking website which allows you to book luxury holiday homes located in some of Paris’ most characteristically beautiful and high-end areas, whilst the owners of the homes are away themselves. All the properties are ideally located in safe and central neighbourhoods, which allows for easy access and the highest possible level of comfort. But let us assure you that Splendid Stay

is not your typical holiday apartment rental website ! The service allows you to enjoy a real hotel experience from the comfort of a real home, your temporary home. Our customers are offered a wide range of luxury such as King Of Cotton towels, bathrobes, and linens of the finest qualities, Rituals bathroom products, professional cleaning and around-the-clock concierge service.

What better way to discover Paris than in a typical French Citroën 2CV. Book your tour in a "Dodoche" now !

What better way to discover Paris than in a typical French Citroën 2CV. Book your tour in a "Dodoche" now !

Laissez-vous tenter par le charme d'une balade authentique et intime au coeur de Paris, dans la plus mythique des voitures décapotables: la 2CV! A l'arrière d'une deudeuche décalée et cosy vous (re)découvrirez Paris d'une façon unique. Recrutés pour leur sérieux et leur sens de l'accueil, nos chauff…

Take advantage of Paris' several museums this summer ! Find the one for you with this planning of expositions for the ne...

Take advantage of Paris' several museums this summer ! Find the one for you with this planning of expositions for the next months : http://www.parisbouge.com/exposition/paris/14/

les expos et les salons à Paris, l'agenda des expositions et des salons, photos, mode, design, tous les arts et la culture sont sur Paris Bouge

Delicious sorbets, outdoor film festivals, rooftop terraces, picnic in a park... 24 splendid ideas for the summer in Par...

Delicious sorbets, outdoor film festivals, rooftop terraces, picnic in a park... 24 splendid ideas for the summer in Paris #4: http://www.timeout.fr/paris/que-faire-a-paris/ete

La rédaction de Time Out Paris a sélectionné pour vous les incontournables de la saison pour un été réussi à Paris.

What to see and do in the summer in Paris  #3: tomorrow is the Fête de La Musique - music concerts all around Paris!http...

What to see and do in the summer in Paris #3: tomorrow is the Fête de La Musique - music concerts all around Paris!

Completely different from a music festival, the Fête de la Musique is above all a free popular fête, open to any participant (amateur or professional musicians) who wants to perform in it. This Music day allows the expression of all styles of music in a cheerful atmosphere. It aims at a large audien…


Au cas où vous les auriez manquées, voici les
75 phrases que vous n'entendrez jamais dans la bouche d'un Parisien (et désormais illustrées pour certaines) : http://bit.ly/1k2hmGJ




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