"A tremendous hurricane came over the town in 1608 which did incalculable mischief, the Minster being a prominent object and much exposed to its fury received considerable damage, its superb windows were demolished its roof stripped of the lead and fears were entertained for the safety of the fabric". Much worse was to happen in 1610 but that is another story and not connected to the weather. Well, Beverley Minster is still here and we have memorials dedicated to the windows in more recent times. Our most ancient, the East window with its collection of medieval glass, was restored but not all in the right order! Our most modern window of 2004 is alongside, and there is a story to tell about this! Our usual explore floor tours are from next Wednesday 11a.m. and Saturday 1pm, but this Saturday it is our HOD memorial tours. Still more of these on the walls and floor to research into. Beverley Minster Roof Tours Beverley Minster BEVERLEY Beverley And Villages What's On Beverley Minsteroldfund