Asalamu alaikum sisters. My name is Hannah and I would like to invite you to an exciting retreat opportunity in staying in a Georgian House surrounded by beautiful countryside in North Devon!
I have run retreats before in Morocco and events in the UK that have changed lives, but I've never been as excited as I am, for this one.!
A few weeks ago I was sat with the decision of whether to move forwards with starting the ball rolling or not. I had a compelling feeling that we sisters needed this more than ever and I made my istikharah and intention to make this the best retreat experience I possibly could. To prepare to fill those needs and help heal hearts that have been lost in the past 2 years of this pandemic.
Then my doubts were removed subhanAllah! Not only did all the sisters I had in mind Zobia Arif , Shabana Al Shumali, Zaynab from healthy body healthy mind, Naema Bham Mizan Therapist pull out all their offerings and support, but Sara Malik, our Cherished seasons coach and author of the fourtraits of a Cherished Muslimah, became my partner in collaboration for the amazing programme that has been built. So not only will we have Soulful workshops and one to one soul coaching / Mizan massage, drumming and singing lessons, Islamic reminders and reconnection, swimming guidance ,games, nourishing meals from Forhana (Indian Delights), daily outings with the theme of water....(.lakes,beaches,reservoirs and a saltwater heated pool!) But we will be taken through a complete Feminine empowerment programme with Sara which will be an unforgettable and incredible opportunity.
So sisters I invite you to step onboard, join our retreat and let the past two years of anguish be replaced with a new, healed energy which will bring you back to your natural fitrah, empower you with all the tools you need to be a embodied and strengthened in character and deen, give you strong roots and bonding with other like-minded sisters, nurture your health in a holistic way and show you such beauty and wisdom in Allah's creation of nature and uplift you with positive experience that should remain in your hearts forever in sha Allah
To find out more please visit www.cherishedmuslimah.com/femrevive-retreat
Femrevive and Cherished Muslimah come together to give you a one week retreat