IT looks like it won’t just be tourists travelling around Greenwich in driverless buggies…
The home of the Prime Meridian has been selected as one of four sites in the UK – and the only one in London – which will be trialling “driverless” vehicles.
Three different types of vehicles (we don't know exactly what they are yet) will be tested here as part of an £8million GATEway scheme – Greenwich Automated Transport Environment.
Transport Research Laboratory, which is running the experiment, insists “Safety will be of paramount importance during the trials, which will not take place on public roads.”
More updates in next month’s paper.
But in the meantime, here’s Greenwich Council’s press release, and, below, the announcement from TRL.
Royal Borough of Greenwich
News Release
4 December 2014
Driving to work could become a thing of the past after Greenwich is awarded £8m to trial ‘driverless’ vehicles
Driving to work could become a thing of the past after Greenwich’s growing reputation as one of the UK’s leading Smart Cities saw it chosen to pilot ‘driverless’ vehicles in the UK.
The successful £8m bid, which was led by the Transport Research Laboratory with key partners including the Royal Borough of Greenwich and the University of Greenwich, will result in three different types of zero emission automated vehicles being tested in the home of the ‘prime meridian’ - the global reference point for time and navigation.
The trials will aim to demonstrate the benefits of ‘driverless’ vehicles to the public and the car industry, in order to try and ensure that the technology is adopted by car manufacturers around the world.
Safety will be of paramount importance during the trials, which will not take place on public roads.
Councillor Denise Hyland, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, said:
“This is a fantastic coup for the Royal Borough of Greenwich and demonstrates our growing reputation as one of the UK’s leading locations for innovation. The businesses we are attracting here are helping to create job opportunities for local residents and are driving forward the borough's economic growth.
“Greenwich is renowned for many things around the world. Our historic borough is the home of time and the Prime Meridian has aided navigation around the globe. It is therefore fitting that the Royal Borough of Greenwich should be selected as one of the locations for trialling this new ‘driverless’ technology – and is the only place in London which will see these vehicles being trialled. We really are seeing cutting edge development coming to the area, all of which is aimed at making peoples’ lives easier and safer in the future”.
TRL Chief Executive, Rob Wallis said:“TRL has been innovating in the testing and development of automated vehicles for more than fifty years.The GATEway project will allow us to demonstrate new, innovative automated transport systems to drive safe, clean, efficient and flexible urban mobility. The combination of TRL’s independent expertise; robust, reliable testing protocols and driving simulation facilities alongside the diverse and high calibre qualities of our consortium means we can safely demonstrate automated vehicles to build acceptance and trust in this revolutionary technology.”
Greenwich’s digital credentials driven home after TRL-led consortium wins £8m trial to pilot futuristic automated vehicles
The global reference point for navigation will test zero emission ‘driverless’ vehicles
A successful consortium led by TRL has been selected by Innovate UK to deliver the GATEway project (Greenwich Automated Transport Environment), one of three projects awarded to test ‘driverless’ vehicles in UK urban locations. The £8 million GATEway project will see three trials of different types of zero emission automated vehicles within an innovative, technology-agnostic testing environment set in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
The project will build upon Greenwich’s reputation as one of the UK’s premier digital hubs and aims to leave the legacy of a driverless vehicle test environment in Greenwich attracting international manufacturers and associated industries to the UK.
The ‘prime meridian’ was established at Greenwich in 1851 and as such became the global reference point for time and navigation. It is therefore fitting that the GATEway project will see Greenwich start on the path to becoming an international hub for the testing of vehicles capable of navigating autonomously. The Royal Borough of Greenwich is an ideal location for the GATEway project. Greenwich has a rapidly growing population and is pursuing a cutting-edge Smart City agenda investigating the use of technology to address the needs of its residents. The GATEway project fits perfectly within this programme.
The Greenwich peninsula is home to the O2 arena, the world’s most popular entertainment venue and has road, underground, bus, taxi, river bus and cable car transport links. The GATEway project will therefore allow thorough investigation of how automated vehicles can add to a busy multimodal transport system.
In each of the three trials to be undertaken within the GATEway project, safety will be effectively managed through the careful choice of test environments, vehicle systems and testing protocols and by working closely with the relevant authorities.
The purpose of the project is multifaceted. It will demonstrate automated transport systems to public, industry and media stakeholders in the three planned trials. These will include various public tests of fully automated passenger shuttle transport systems and autonomous valet parking for adapted cars. In undertaking these tests, objective and subjective feedback on their use will be captured to build a detailed understanding of the extent to which these systems are used, trusted and accepted.
This will inform how such systems can integrate into and complement existing multimodal transport infrastructure and provide essential insights into the human factors issues that may be critical for the successful deployment of automated transport systems.
TRL’s full mission driving simulator, DigiCar, will be used in parallel to investigate driver behaviour with automated vehicles using a photorealistic 3D model of the Greenwich peninsula. Risk, liability and insurance issues will be specifically addressed whilst pedestrian models of interaction with automated vehicles will be developed alongside exploration of adaptation to traffic lights to enable safe and effective automated vehicle operation.
TRL is the lead partner of the GATEway project with the Royal Borough of Greenwich as the testing location and Smart City partner. Three large multinational organisations are involved, RSA, Shell and Telefonica, each with specific interests in how vehicle automation may influence their business models. In addition to experts from TRL, research capability is provided by the Royal College of Art, which is leading stakeholder engagement activities for the project whilst the University of Greenwich and Imperial College London will provide internationally recognised domain specialists in relation to pedestrian modelling and cybersecurity respectively.
The automated vehicle technology to be tested will be provided by Phoenix Wings, a company established in Greenwich that has been involved in worldwide demonstrations of automated transport. Crowd-sourcing experts, Commonplace, will use digital and social media tools to map public responses to the trial whilst additional vehicle adaptation and robotics expertise will be provided by GOBOTiX.
The project is to be supported by a diverse, high calibre advisory group, members of which will review project documentation and provide astute insights to ensure the project meets its objectives and delivers best value for Innovate UK.
The advisory group is to be chaired by Lord Borwick of Hawkshead,who has led discussion of vehicle automation in the House of Lords, whilst members of group include representatives from General Motors, ATOS Worldline, the AA, the Highways Agency and the RAC Foundation.
Dr Nick Reed, Principal of Human Factors and Vehicle Automation at TRL and technical lead of the GATEway project said:
“At TRL, we are delighted to have been able to bring together this superb consortium in response to the Innovate UK Driverless Car competition and excited to get started on delivery of this genuinely innovative project as one of the winning bidders. We have the perfect location in which to demonstrate automated transport systems and our vision is to bring international recognition to Greenwich, London and the UK through this project, establishing the UK as the global centre of excellence for the testing and development of automated vehicles.”
TRL Chief Executive, Rob Wallis said:
“TRL has been innovating in the testing and development of automated vehicles for more than fifty years. The GATEway project will allow us to demonstrate new, innovative automated transport systems to drive safe, clean, efficient and flexible urban mobility. The combination of TRL’s independent expertise; robust, reliable testing protocols and driving simulation facilities alongside the diverse and high calibre qualities of our consortium means we can safely demonstrate automated vehicles to build acceptance and trust in this revolutionary technology.”
Cllr Denise Hyland, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said:
“This is a fantastic coup for the Royal Borough of Greenwich and demonstrates its growing reputation as one of the UK’s leading locations for Smart City innovation. The growth of the digital industry is a significant strand of our regeneration plans for the borough and our aim of creating a thriving, cutting edge digital hub is already paying dividends. The businesses we are attracting here will help create job opportunities for local residents and drive forward the borough's economic growth.”