Egea is the european geography association which forms a network around Europe to exchange knowledge and information for geography students and young geographers. To achieve this goal, egea organises congresses, student exchanges, hosts foreign students and publishes a small information paper : the newsletter. In 1987 students from Warsaw, Barcelona, Vienna and Utrecht universities came together a
nd started the idea of a European geography association. Since then, 17 congresses have been held and EGEA has grown from the four participants (entities) to nearly 80 entities in 28 different countries. Every entity is active in its own way, some entities just receive the information which EGEA brings them while other entities have even founded their own foundation structure and operate as an independent association them self. EGEA is divided into four regions, namely the North and Baltic Region, the Eastern Region, the Western Region and the EuroMed Region. Each region elects a representative to the >. The entities of the regions try to keep contact throughout the year. One way of achieving this is by Regional Congresses, which take place in springtime and are usually focused on one geographical theme. All entities meet once a year at the annual Congress. This Congress takes place in autumns and is the main event of the EGEA -year. During 5 days different topics are discussed in workshops and at least one excursion is organized to get an impression of the host country. An other way for entities to meet are the student exchanges. Exchanges are organised quite often, cheap and simple. Two entities visit each other, the host entity being responsible for the programme. During the programme, which usually takes a week, faculties of geography in the guest city are visited, geographical excursions are organised, the city and surrounding are informally introduced and parties take place which introduce you to the other geography students. The travelling costs are paid by the visitors, the food, stay and programme are taken care of by the hosting group. Finally there is the newsletter, which is send to all entities digitally twice a year. A newsletter contains information about activities of different entities and about upcoming events like congresses. Every participant can write an article for this newsletter and sent it to the editor (egea utrecht). You can also find the latest newsletter on the homepage.