We believe that every innovation and design project should address the needs of the customer/user and the potential of the business/organization. Dedushkov’s holistic approach delivers feasible, effective and profitable/efficient solutions for our clients be they business, public service or policy organizations. Dedushkov’s compensation model is performance-based to share the risk our clients are
taking in the innovation project. We believe that great people make great projects and huge impact. Dedushkov is dedicated to work with the best minds from different professions to deliver the best possible holistic solutions to our clients. We believe that every client, every case is different and unique. Although every project needs different expertise and focus this are the most common areas we are able to help our clients. COMPETITION
We design and manage public competitions to encourage innovation and design ideation for the benefit of our clients. SERVICE DESIGN
We analyze and design customer experiences across multiple touchpoints. VENTURE DEVELOPMENT
We incubating startups in partnership with corporations and VCs. INNOVATION STRATEGY AND EX*****ON
We help senior leaders translate strategies and business objectives into actionable plans that can generate growth through innovation.
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