Great night had in the @thehelixvenue singing and dancing to the songs of The Dubliners performed by the new band @thedublinersencore.
The night was filled with amazing stories of the members of the original band, John, Ronnie, Ciaran, Barney, and Luke.
These 5 men created 30 music albums and sold 40 million records, and entertained millions of people worldwide.
In attendance were the families of the original band and the President of Ireland and his family. Together, we were all having the CRAIC!
It was a special night and one that I will remember forever.
Follow the band, and if they are visiting your city, get a ticket and enjoy the show.
The Phoenix Park, Dublin.
The White House in the video is the residence of the American Ambassador. The name of the residence is Deerpark House.
Planet Dublin Tours provides private sighseeing tours in Dublin that includes a visit to The Phoenix Park.
#Dublin #dublinwhitehouse #phoneixparkdublin ##dublinprivatetours
Hello, if you are planning a vacation to Ireland in 2025 contact Planet Dublin Tours.
We provide day tours in Dublin and throughout Ireland. Each tour is private just for you and your friends and family. We have set tours on the website but can also create a bespoke tour for you.
All of our day tours include luxury transport.
#planetdublintours #privatedublintours #privateirelandtours
Happy New Year to all who booked tours with Planet Dublin Tours in 2024.
It has been a fantastic year providing tours to people from all over the world.
I wish everyone a peaceful new year, and hopefully I get the booking to take you on another tour in Ireland.
#2025 #dublin #irelandtravel #privatetoursireland #indepenttoursireland #atgi
Dublin City Christmas lights look so good, and Dublin Castle Christmas market is brilliant. Lots of traders selling Christmas gifts and foods. Ideal for families.
Merry Christmas
#dublinxmas2024 #dublinxmas #dublincastlechristmasmarket
Beautiful autumn colours within the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Irelands largest enclosed park is 1722 acres in size. The park is absolutely stunning at this time of year, and as a local tour guide, I know we're all the best hidden locations are!
Get in contact with Planet Dublin Tours and explore Dublin in comfort.
#phoniexpark #dublinparkland #dublinautumnleaves #privatedublintours
Taken a scroll through the Phoenix Park today and I saw the most wonderful Autumn leaves falling from the trees.
#phoenixparkdublin #irishwoodlands #Dublincityparks #irishnature
Beware tonight as you are been watched.
Waterford Crystal has created the perfect dog bowl. It is absoulty beautiful and it only costs €1800.00.
Perfect for your dogs xmas present.
#houseofwaterfordcrystal #visitwaterford #irishcrystal #privateirishtours
Cork City Gaol was a prison for men, women, and children. First accepted its prisoners in 1824 and closed in 1923 because the conditions inside the prison had deteriorated.
During the Irish War of Idependence, many female prisoners were held here, including Countess Markievicz.
#corkcitygaol #corkcitygaolmuseum #corkcity #corkattractions #visitcork
There should be some type of punishment for decorating your premises with Christmas decorations before Halloween!
I love this pub for it engry. It's always busy and the live music is always great. Yes, the pints are somewhat expensive compared to other boozers, but someone has to pay the musicans.
I'm sure the social media accounts are in overdrive, and it's probably what they want, but come on, I haven't even thought about Christmas. Now I will think about it every time I'm in Temple bar. Helppppppppppppppppp!