We raised just over €6000 💪
Thanks SO much to every single person who helped out with our inaugural Galway Docklands Festival in every way.
The crew who helped over the weekend and in the weeks running up to it, the local businesses who gave prizes for the auction and the raffle, the community groups who had stands in the hall, the crew who took part and gave talks, tours and took the boats out, the schools who entered the art competition, the public who came along over the 3 days, all the people who shared it over social media, WhatsApp and word of mouth, everyone who bought raffle tickets, bid at the auction and donated to our two chosen charities RNLI, Galway Lifeboat Station and Lost At Sea Tragedies LAST and everyone who contributed in some way.
Special thanks to our main sponsors Galway Bay Boat Tours, Galway Ho**er Sailing Club and Galway Bay Seafoods. Wouldn’t have happened were it not for these 3 nautical legends 💙
We were delighted with the success and we’re looking forward to a great festival again in 2023.