Congratulations on making it to the final round of the debating trials.
This mail contains a seven to ten minutes video of a debate. The motion being debated is “This house believes that the gay pride parade has done more harm than good to the gay movement”. The debater is speaking FOR the motion. You will be required to speak AGAINST the motion in the final round. You will have to provide counter arguments to the points made by the speaker. Some of the methods of strengthening your arguments are pointing out flaws and loopholes, questioning assertions, pointing out contradictions if any and providing alternate solutions if required.
Your primary aim should be to convince us that the case of the speaker does not stand THEORETICALLY/PRINCIPALLY and then you may go on to provide a case of your own. Please do not provide any statistics or quote any person. Do not use practicalities or technicalities as arguments. For example, the government will not be able to implement a particular move because it does not have enough money. Your arguments should oppose the speaker in principle. We are looking for reasoning, logic and opinions.
Contact us if you have any doubts.
All the best!
Thank you
Shaurya Upadhyay
Hansraj Debating Society
Shriyam Gupta
Hansraj Debating Society