Hampi, located in Karnataka, a village of ruins, neighboring hills and Tungabhadra river. Hampi was once the second largest city in world, it has served as the capital of mighty Vijayanagara Empire until 1500 AD. Once the most powerful City in world has now been turned into desolated ruins. Hampi have withstood with time and man, many monuments in city gives you details about grandeur and culture it inhibited. It is a delight for history and archaeological buffs.
The small village of Hampi is famed for showcasing the legacy of the Vijayanagara empire. It flourished as the last capital of the kingdom, and the aesthetic wealth of the rulers can be clearly seen in the monuments located here. The monarchs of Vijayanagara constructed numerous buildings, including temples, here that are a major attraction for tourists. Owing to their architectural and historical significance, these have earned a place on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list. These temples give an insight into the affluent lifestyle of those rulers and also the culture, prevailing at that time. On a heritage tour to Hampi, you will not only learn about the past of the area, but a lot more.
An imperative ancient town and splashing rich history of India. Hampi has served as capital for most prosperous and mighty Vijayanagara Empire under four rulers. Came in to existence in 1345 AD, Hampi reached unfathomable heights under King Krishna Deva Raya of Tulava Dynasty. It took southern India to new heights. Merchants of this city only traded in diamond, gold, exquisite jewellery and prestigious artifacts. It became a trade hub across world. It was once believed to be more prosperous and powerful than Rome, Lisbon. In 1565, coalition of Muslim Sultanates defeated Vijayanagara Empire and conquered it’s capital. Hence they started destruction and since then Hampi remains in ruins. How technologically rich it was can been seen on the pillars who are carved by such intricacy.
VIRUPKASHA TEMPLE: Dedicated to lord Virupkasha an incarnation of lord shiva. This temple is believed to be the oldest functional temple since 7th century. Immense grandeur and popular among architecture buffs for it’s structure, Virupkasha temple is one of the most sacred temples in Karnataka.
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