I am a certified Tarot Reader,Lama Fera Grand Master, Graphologer,numerologer,vastu consultant and Reiki Grand Master. TAROT Card READING:
Tarot means the royal road to wisdom according to Egyptian mythology. The tarot is deck of cards which is used for spirtual divination. It can be used as an effective tool to predict the future,for career growth,for guidance in emotional issues. It gives insigh
ts into past lives and Karmic issues of an individual thus enabling profound healing. REIKIi:
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words-Rei which means"God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and ki which is "life force energy." Reiki treats the whole person including body,emotions,mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace,security and well-being. Lama Fera Healing:
Lama Fera is the most powerful healing modality
Which is known to be followed by Buddhist Monks since ages and is known to be originated by Lord Buddha. In Lama Fera healing process, symbols are used to heal the person. If a person is feeling depressed, emotionally low, any health issues, sleep issues, relationship issues, negativity in house/workplace or facing blockages in life then Lama Fera healing can be done to cure these issues. GRAPHOLOGY:
Graphology is the study and analysis of handwriting which mirrors the writing symbolically. Handwriting analysis is an effective and reliable indicator of personality and behaviour. Handwriting analysis is a scientific approach in revealing personality traits. My speciality has been related to the problems of all age groups,professionals,young generation and students. Contact me for consultation i will guide you with my divine tools to help you solve your mystery for....
Business Issue
Know your immediate past life
Abroad Travels
Life Decision
Emotional Problems
Personal Growth
Spiritual Well Being
YourPastLife Karma
For more information do get in touch with me on [email protected]