These moments begin in the first home of the child – the mother’s womb – and augments into a larger than life experience for both. The expressions and feelings of a mother carrying another life inside of her are unique and special. No other experience or moment in life can evoke or reproduce those feelings again. Moments for Eternity, therefore, is an effort to capture those transient moments, fee
lings and expressions and turn them into an eternal and perennial treasure! The ecstatic state of expectancy and the thrill of experiencing a child’s movements inside the body, is a story, only a mother can experience. Why not capture those moments, which create your special story of boundless love, chuckles, joy and bonding? Conception & confinement are both natural processes, and such a fine work of our Creator. Psalm 24:1-2 in the Bible says – “The earth is the Lord’s , and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it…” Therefore, we capture natural moments in a natural setting. The characters and setting are the most important pieces of a story. We strive to focus on these two pieces in its most natural appearance. Our shoots are mostly outdoors, in a natural setting and some times
indoors too. Lets make your moments with your child, Moments for Eternity!!!