This page is a part of "The Mammoth Reptiles and Amphibians conservation trust India" and is managed by the same.. Our organization is trying to create a "Reptile Friendly
World" By performing different activities through which we intend to change the beliefs of the upcoming
generations about the snakes and demolish the misconceptions about snakes. In our activities we especially deal with kids,u
niversity students and people residing in villages get up
close to learn and see the snakes for what they really are. Snakes are one of the world's most successful groups of animals. They live on every continent but Antarctica, and
number about 3,000 different kinds of species. Secretive by nature, snakes stay away from people as much
as they can. Mammoth reptiles and amphibians conservation trust India a.k.a. Mammoth Group is performing different activities
in every snake season (which is May-November) through which we are trying to spread awareness about the snakes
in schools, universities and villages. India is a country where most misconceptions and myths about snakes exists
which is the main reason behind the killing of snakes. But we are trying our best to remove such misconceptions by our awareness activities and rescuing the snakes before the are killed. There is one thing to be kept in mind "Handling venomous reptiles is a very unforgivable job that requires proper training and lots of
experience, One simple mistake can be the difference between life and death. There are no venomous snakes with training wheels.. Please never try it.." We always need your help and support, and are always ready to help and support you (By any possible and available means).