Galleria L'Image - Alassio (SV) - Manifesti originali del XX Secolo

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  • Alassio
  • Galleria L'Image - Alassio (SV) - Manifesti originali del XX Secolo

Galleria L'Image - Alassio (SV) - Manifesti originali del XX Secolo Visita su APPUNTAMENTO: tel. +39 0182 644362 - L'IMAGE - inaugurata nel Maggio 1998 - è la galleria Do not hesitate to contact us for any information!

Visit by APPOINTMENT - L'IMAGE is the international leading gallery for vintage posters, from Art Nouveau to Art Déco and Modernism: see our collection at or visit us at Alassio, on the Italian Riviera, between Portofino and Montecarlo (for a visit - also on Sundays - please call +39-0182-644362). Vintage posters are the real artistic landmarks of the xxth century, for your collection or investment pleasure.

Special visitors at L’Image 😊 driving Lancia Flavia coupe’ by Pininfarina. L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ...

Special visitors at L’Image 😊 driving Lancia Flavia coupe’ by Pininfarina.
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea in a charming building of 1897 at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe.
Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the elegant French ART DECO ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age ✨atmosphere 🎩

Raffinatissimo manifesto ORIGINALE di Bergamo, 1927, autore Marcello Nizzoli, formato 70x100 cm, disponibile presso gall...

Raffinatissimo manifesto ORIGINALE di Bergamo, 1927, autore Marcello Nizzoli, formato 70x100 cm, disponibile presso galleria L’Image di Alassio (SV), aperta sabato e festivi -
Il commento critico di Renzo Orsini, storico dell’arte e del design:
Cromaticamente scintillante, quasi « raggista » per composizione, questa Bergamo di Marcello Nizzoli (1927) ha tutto il fascino di un capolavoro avanguardista. Una serie di pennellate stese con sicurezza e dalla sinuosa linearità provocano una forte tensione compositiva: il loro dipanarsi in « controllata libertà » allestisce questa scena urbana, come illuminata da un violentissimo lampo, la loro forza centripeta confluisce a un vertice da cui esplode l’elegantissimo e preziosamente sintetizzato borgo antico, severo nel lindore delle masse geometriche di città medioevale dell’Italia settentrionale le cui forme rarefatte appaiono, sotto la potentissima luce, di un drammatico nitore.Ben lungi da ogni « allestimento storicistico », da ogni citazionismo di maniera (da Hayez a Blasetti) l’atteggiamento di Nizzoli verso la storia è incredibilmente originale: l’argomento è trattato con la consapevolezza critica e tecnica della propria contemporaneità. Non cadendo in nessuna tentazione calligraficamente olografica, egli si comporta come Monet di fronte alla cattedrale di Rouen o come Corot davanti a un’architettura romana. Antico è l’argomento della rappresentazione ma moderna deve essere la sua interpretazione. Questo manifesto del 1927 rappresenta un esempio eccezionale di innovazione grafica e concettuale: senza perdere nulla della propria storica riconoscibilità, la « Bergamo alta » è stata arricchita dall’aggressione cromatica e formale dei « tempi nuovi », diventanto magica come un poetico paesaggio dipinto dal sognante pennello di Marc Chagall.

#1927 #1952

Elegant 1930’s silver plated tableware of AIR FRANCE by the glorious Christofle available at L’IMAGE, the international ...

Elegant 1930’s silver plated tableware of AIR FRANCE by the glorious Christofle available at L’IMAGE, the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. The gallery is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. We are open in summer! and the whole year. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Original vintage advertising sign on glass (Italian: vetrofania), of 1965. Amazing image of Calimero Ava washing powder....

Original vintage advertising sign on glass (Italian: vetrofania), of 1965. Amazing image of Calimero Ava washing powder. Format 83x120 cm. It was created for the shops external displaying and for lasting for years (instead of posters on paper).

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books and it is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe.
Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere


Original vintage poster of 1922! Format 134x196 cm. Amazing poster for the iconic sparkling, alcohol-free citron fruit d...

Original vintage poster of 1922! Format 134x196 cm. Amazing poster for the iconic sparkling, alcohol-free citron fruit drink of the Italian historic brand Tassoni, located at Salo’, on the western shore of Lake Garda, Italy. The family name Tassoni in Italian means … big badgers … that’s the why of the funny animal in the poster 😉😊 This rare piece is a gem of the interwar period, perfect for a living room and, of course, for a bar or for a restaurant. Just amazing on your wall!

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books and it is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere


Lieti di avere prestato alcuni manifesti d’epoca a corredo iconografico del libro “EFFETTO PORTOFINO, storie e sfide nel...

Lieti di avere prestato alcuni manifesti d’epoca a corredo iconografico del libro “EFFETTO PORTOFINO, storie e sfide nel borgo unico al mondo”.

Autori e Giorgio Guerelloallaround
With English text
Nelle librerie, prezzo di 20 euro.

Dans une suite de l’Orient-Express le magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE aux  EPA Hachette, à l’intérieur nomb...

Dans une suite de l’Orient-Express le magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE aux EPA Hachette, à l’intérieur nombreuses pièces de la collection privée Alessandro Bellenda 😉 (propriétaire de )
Prix de 45 euro 🇫🇷 Disponible auprès de la galerie L’Image, à Alassio, Riviera Italienne et dans les meilleures librairies
🇬🇧English edition / Luxury trains: splendour, elegance, extravagance by ACC Editions
🇩🇪Deutsche Ausgabe / Legendäre Luxuszüge: 24 stilvolle Traumreisen mit Orient-Express, Royal Scotman, Al Andalus & Co. bei Frederking & Thaler

Original vintage poster of 1937! Amazing image designed by the architect Ludovico Quaroni, format 70x101 cm.L’IMAGE is t...

Original vintage poster of 1937! Amazing image designed by the architect Ludovico Quaroni, format 70x101 cm.
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books and it is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Livraison à Portofino pour un Client spécial estimateur de notre collection et du magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS D...

Livraison à Portofino pour un Client spécial estimateur de notre collection et du magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE aux EPA Hachette, à l’intérieur nombreuses pièces de la collection privée Alessandro Bellenda 😉 (propriétaire de )
Prix de 45 euro 🇫🇷 Disponible auprès de la galerie L’Image, à Alassio, Riviera Italienne et dans les meilleures librairies
🇬🇧English edition / Luxury trains: splendour, elegance, extravagance by ACC Editions
🇩🇪Deutsche Ausgabe / Legendäre Luxuszüge: 24 stilvolle Traumreisen mit Orient-Express, Royal Scotman, Al Andalus & Co. bei Frederking & Thaler

Movie star Rudolph Valentino in this impressive original vintage poster of 1927 for Veedol. L’IMAGE is the international...

Movie star Rudolph Valentino in this impressive original vintage poster of 1927 for Veedol. L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea in a charming building of 1897 at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the elegant French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age ✨atmosphere 🎩

Disney lover at L’Image 😁L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table b...

Disney lover at L’Image 😁
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books and it is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere



Paire de chaises de terrasse par René Prou, en métal laqué, période 1935, provenante d’une villa Art Déco d’Antibes.L’IM...

Paire de chaises de terrasse par René Prou, en métal laqué, période 1935, provenante d’une villa Art Déco d’Antibes.

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea in a building of 1898 at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Original vintage advertising sign on glass (Italian: vetrofania), of 1965. Amazing image of Calimero Ava washing powder....

Original vintage advertising sign on glass (Italian: vetrofania), of 1965. Amazing image of Calimero Ava washing powder. Format 83x121 cm. It was created for the shops external displaying and for lasting for years (instead of posters on paper).

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books and it is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA, between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere


 visiting L’Image gallery 😊 with his very special FIAT 127 Moretti of 1972.L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ...

visiting L’Image gallery 😊 with his very special FIAT 127 Moretti of 1972.
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Paire de chaises de terrasse par René Prou, en métal laqué, période 1935, provenante d’une villa Art Déco d’Antibes.L’IM...

Paire de chaises de terrasse par René Prou, en métal laqué, période 1935, provenante d’une villa Art Déco d’Antibes.

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Livraison au  pour un Client spécial estimateur de notre collection et du magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE a...

Livraison au pour un Client spécial estimateur de notre collection et du magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE aux EPA Hachette, à l’intérieur nombreuses pièces de la collection privée Alessandro Bellenda 😉
Prix de 45 euro 🇫🇷 Disponible auprès de la galerie L’Image, à Alassio, Riviera Italienne et dans les meilleures librairies
🇬🇧English edition / Luxury trains: splendour, elegance, extravagance by ACC Editions
🇩🇪Deutsche Ausgabe / Legendäre Luxuszüge: 24 stilvolle Traumreisen mit Orient-Express, Royal Scotman, Al Andalus & Co. bei Frederking & Thaler


Magnifique livre LA FOLIE DES TRAINS DE LUXE aux EPA Hachette, à l’intérieur nombreuses pièces de la collection privée Alessandro Bellenda 😉
Prix de 45 euro 🇫🇷 Disponible auprès de la galerie L’Image, à Alassio, Riviera Italienne et dans les meilleures librairies
🇬🇧English edition / Luxury trains: splendour, elegance, extravagance by ACC Editions
🇩🇪Deutsche Ausgabe / Legendäre Luxuszüge: 24 stilvolle Traumteisen mit Orient-Express, Royal Scotman, Al Andalus & Co. bei Frederking & Thaler

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books.  It is facing the s...

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Galleria L’IMAGE e’ presente presso  uno dei più famosi concept stores del mondo. In vendita il Calendario 2024 e il lib...

Galleria L’IMAGE e’ presente presso uno dei più famosi concept stores del mondo. In vendita il Calendario 2024 e il libro La folie des trains de luxe (all’interno cimeli storici della collezione Alessandro Bellenda), in omaggio al pubblico la rivista … per far conoscere ancora di più le nostre realtà 😉😊
Galerie L’Image est présente chez , un des plus important concept stores au monde

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books.  It is facing the s...

L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. It is facing the sea at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries and feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Special visitors at L’Image today 😊L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coff...

Special visitors at L’Image today 😊
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. We are at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or call +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries, feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French ART DECO ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

ORIGINAL vintage posters of Chanel, format 120x160 cm, INFO@posterimage.itL’IMAGE is the international gallery for the O...

ORIGINAL vintage posters of Chanel, format 120x160 cm, [email protected]
L’IMAGE is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. WE ARE at ALASSIO on the ITALIAN RIVIERA between Portofino and Montecarlo. Please visit WWW.POSTERIMAGE.IT or 📞 +39 0182644362 for information. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries, feel the beauty of such special places: one for the amazing antique posters and one for the elegant French Art Deco ... our way to celebrate the beauty through the decorative arts of the XXth Century and welcoming you in a bygone age atmosphere

Movie star ✨✨Barbara Bouchet ✨✨visiting L’Image gallery 😊 L’Image is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage ...

Movie star ✨✨Barbara Bouchet ✨✨visiting L’Image gallery 😊

L’Image is the international gallery for the ORIGINAL vintage posters and luxury coffee-table books. We are at Alassio on the Italian Riviera between Portofino and Montecarlo. Discover one of the most amazing collections of original vintage posters in Europe. Come to visit our 2 galleries, feel the beauty of such unique places: one for the antique posters and one for the French Art Deco ...


Video. Lieto di essere prestatore di rari manifesti d’epoca per la mostra “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore ...

Video. Lieto di essere prestatore di rari manifesti d’epoca per la mostra “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore Terme”, qui nei filmati dell’inaugurazione sabato 27 Maggio.
Un onore l'incontro con l’Ambasciatrice di Thailandia, con i curatori Valerio Terraroli e Maurizia Bonatti Bacchini, nonché con Barbara Chini, nipote del grande artista.
La mostra coincide con i 100 anni dall’inaugurazione (stesso giorno) delle sontuose Terme Berzieri di Salsomaggiore (Parma) e con i 150 anni dalla nascita di Galileo Chini (Firenze 1873-1956), gigante dell’arte italiana del ‘900, pittore, decoratore, grafico e ceramista di fama internazionale, il suo talento si espresse anche presso l’imperatore del Siam.
Splendido catalogo delle Edizioni 24orecultura (32 euro).
Mostra presso Nuova Corte Civica Tommasini / Palazzo dei Congressi, 27 Maggio - 17 Settembre 2023
Tutte le info su
Salsomaggiore Terme (tra le dolci colline di Parma) già dal XIX secolo entrò nel Gotha delle località termali europee e nel 1901 l’albergatore svizzero César Ritz, dopo Parigi, Londra, Madrid aprì proprio a Salsomaggiore il lussuosissimo Grand Hotel des Thermes. L'aristocrazia e i personaggi del XX secolo soggiornarono in questa località. Le architetture della città sono di immenso pregio e lasciano davvero stupefatti: dall’Art Nouveau agli Anni Trenta, ovunque si volga lo sguardo… grande bellezza ovunque. Salsomaggiore Terme merita davvero l’attenzione del mondo!

I’m very pleased to be lender of rare posters from my private collection, for the exhibition “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore Terme”, near Parma.
It is a big honor having the pleasure to meet the Ambassador of Thailand in Italy, the curators of the exhibition Valerio Terraroli and Maurizia Bonatti Bacchini, with Barbara Chini granddaughter of Galileo Chini.
The exhibition celebrates the 100 years of the sumptuous thermal spa of Salsomaggiore Terme and 150 years from the birth of Galileo Chini (Florence 1873-1956), a gigantic artist in the Italian arts of the XXth Century, painter, decorator, graphic designer and ceramist, his talent spreaded also at the court of the King of Siam.
Gorgeous catalogue by 24orecultura (32 euro)
Exhibition at Nuova Corte Civica Tommasini / Palazzo dei Congressi, 27 May - 17 September 2023
All the infos at
Salsomaggiore Terme (on the hills at few kilometers from Parma) is today an amazing, sleeping beauty rich of a glorious past. Since the XIX century the aristocrats and wealthy people start to taking the waters in this place and in 1901 the famous Swiss hotelier César Ritz after Paris, London, Madrid opened here the Grand Hotel des Thermes (today the place is used as congress center).
All the architectures of the hotels and public places like the railway station and the post office are just breathtaking. From Art Nouveau to 1930’s each individual building is a gem, the world should know just a bit more about this place!

Il 27 maggio 2023, in occasione del Centenario delle Terme Berzieri, ha inaugurato la mostra "Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore Terme" negli spazi...

Lieto di essere prestatore di rari manifesti d’epoca della mia raccolta privata per la mostra “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Ch...

Lieto di essere prestatore di rari manifesti d’epoca della mia raccolta privata per la mostra “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore Terme”, qui nelle foto dell’inaugurazione sabato 27 Maggio.
Un onore l'incontro con l’Ambasciatrice di Thailandia, con i curatori Valerio Terraroli e Maurizia Bonatti Bacchini, nonché con Paola Chini, nipote del grande artista.
La mostra coincide con i 100 anni dall’inaugurazione (stesso giorno) delle sontuose Terme Berzieri di Salsomaggiore (Parma) e con i 150 anni dalla nascita di Galileo Chini (Firenze 1873-1956), gigante dell’arte italiana del ‘900, pittore, decoratore, grafico e ceramista di fama internazionale, il suo talento si espresse anche presso l’imperatore del Siam.
Splendido catalogo delle Edizioni 24orecultura (32 euro).
Mostra presso Nuova Corte Civica Tommasini / Palazzo dei Congressi, 27 Maggio - 17 Settembre 2023
Tutte le info su
Salsomaggiore Terme (tra le dolci colline di Parma) già dal XIX secolo entrò nel Gotha delle località termali europee e nel 1901 l’albergatore svizzero César Ritz, dopo Parigi, Londra, Madrid aprì proprio a Salsomaggiore il lussuosissimo Grand Hotel des Thermes. L'aristocrazia e i personaggi del XX secolo soggiornarono in questa località. Le architetture della città sono di immenso pregio e lasciano davvero stupefatti: dall’Art Nouveau agli Anni Trenta, ovunque si volga lo sguardo… grande bellezza ovunque. Salsomaggiore Terme merita davvero l’attenzione del mondo!

I’m very pleased to be lender of rare posters from my private collection, for the exhibition “Oro e Oriente. Galileo Chini a Salsomaggiore Terme”, near Parma.
It is a big honor having the pleasure to meet the Ambassador of Thailand in Italy, the curators of the exhibition Valerio Terraroli and Maurizia Bonatti Bacchini, with Paola Chini granddaughter of Galileo Chini.
The exhibition celebrates the 100 years of the sumptuous thermal spa of Salsomaggiore Terme and 150 years from the birth of Galileo Chini (Florence 1873-1956), a gigantic artist in the Italian arts of the XXth Century, painter, decorator, graphic designer and ceramist, his talent spreaded also at the court of the King of Siam.
Gorgeous catalogue by 24orecultura (32 euro)
Exhibition at Nuova Corte Civica Tommasini / Palazzo dei Congressi, 27 May - 17 September 2023
All the infos at
Salsomaggiore Terme (on the hills at few kilometers from Parma) is today an amazing, sleeping beauty rich of a glorious past. Since the XIX century the aristocrats and wealthy people start to taking the waters in this place and in 1901 the famous Swiss hotelier César Ritz after Paris, London, Madrid opened here the Grand Hotel des Thermes (today the place is used as congress center).
All the architectures of the hotels and public places like the railway station and the post office are just breathtaking. From Art Nouveau to 1930’s each individual building is a gem, the world should know just a bit more about this place


Piazza Partigiani 16


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