is an Italian Company with Registered Office in Lerici and Directive Office in La Spezia. Came about by means of the combining of experiences of the partners, Maura De Vercelli, with important know how in Marketing and Communication in nautical, tourism & real estate sectors and Renato Consolaro, founder of the brand East Coast Yacht Brokers, with a great experience inyachting and specifically i
n brokerage. manages with different brands two complementary activities that integrate each other for affinity of the target. The historic brand East Coast Yacht Brokers, very retail, is totally dedicated to lovers of nautics, thebrand ECYB evidences instead services for Companies, with special attention to real Estate & finance, tourism and nautical, culture and territory sectors. The different activities are put together from the deep understanding of the target, from the experiences and qualifications of partners and staff, from the passion for challenges and new projects.