في غزة هاشم حيث ضريح جدي هاشم بن عبد مناف تمارس إسرائيل إجرامها بترويع الآمنين.
رغم أن المستشفى الأهلي المعمداني "ملاذ السلام" يحمل كل الصفات الدينية والإنسانية والتاريخية إلا أن هذه الأسباب مجتمعة لم تحمهِ من الأعمال الإجرامية.
رحم الله شهداء غزة وأشفى جرحاهم وربط على قلوبهم بالسكينة والصبر والإيمان.
-الحسن بن طلال
Just as we thought that we have witnessed the peak of violence against civilians in Gaza by the Israelis during the past ten days, we were hit by the horrific news of an incomprehensible, inhuman, and totally unwarranted act of the bombing of the Al-Maamdani hospital (A haven for peace - the baptism of Christ) by the Israelis in Gaza Hashem. A hospital run by the Angligan Church, concurrently Gaza Hashem is dear to our hearts as the tomb of Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet Mohammad resides in the mosque by his name.
If we are calling for the consolidation of humanity, lies should be halted as they promote further violence.
Let us pray for all the victims – May God rest their souls in peace.
-El Hassan Bin Talal
في غزة هاشم حيث ضريح جدي هاشم بن عبد مناف تمارس إسرائيل إجرامها بترويع الآمنين.
رغم أن المستشفى الأهلي المعمداني "ملاذ السلام" يحمل كل الصفات الدينية والإنسانية والتاريخية إلا أن هذه الأسباب مجتمعة لم تحمهِ من الأعمال الإجرامية.
رحم الله شهداء غزة وأشفى جرحاهم وربط على قلوبهم بالسكينة والصبر والإيمان.
-الحسن بن طلال
Just as we thought that we have witnessed the peak of violence against civilians in Gaza by the Israelis during the past ten days, we were hit by the horrific news of an incomprehensible, inhuman, and totally unwarranted act of the bombing of the Baptist Hospital (A haven for peace - the baptism of Christ) by the Israelis in Gaza Hashem. A hospital run by the Anglican Church, concurrently Gaza Hashem is dear to our hearts as the tomb of Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet Mohammad resides in the mosque by his name.
If we are calling for the consolidation of humanity, lies should be halted as they promote further violence.
Let us pray for all the victims – May God rest their souls in peace.
-El Hassan Bin Talal