Mountain Life Hida マウンテンライフ飛騨

Mountain Life Hida マウンテンライフ飛騨 自然豊かな山村で、アドベンチャー体験。
In a small mountain village with abundant forest and a clean river, we operate adventure programs and guided tours.


  森のニンジャ (高所のアスレチック)

Maze is a small mountain village in South Hida, known since ancient times as a forest country. We try to develop adventure type eco-tourism and language classes (English and French for Japanese, Japanese for international


- Canyoneering: immerse yourself in pristine water with wetsuits on, climb up wet canyons to admire a 21m drop waterfall. The minimum height is 120cm. Operation from June to September.
- Ninja forest: 30 aerial obstacle courses are in a cedar forest.
- Fishing: trout fishing and Ayu fishing. Traditional fishing methods can be taught.
- Language classes: we teach English and French to Japanese.
- Packages for non-Japanese visitors: adventure activity + local family cooking with the possibility of staying overnight in a family, with free transfer from the nearest train station.


1452 Mazenishimura
Gero-shi, Gifu





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Our Story

We are an outdoor activity center and a language school in Maze, a small village located at the southern tip of the mountainous Hida region, made up of international staff who love nature. As this area is gifted with abundant clean water and limitless greenery, we run adrenaline rush adventure and authentic Japanese culture discovery programs. - Ninja forest: 28 aerial obstacle courses are in a ceder forest. - Canyoneering: immerse yourself in a pristine water with wetsuits on, climb up wet canyons to admire a 21m drop waterfall. Operation from June to September. - River snowkeling: By floating downstream along the Maze river, known nationwide for quality of fishing, you will observe so countless number of fish underwater. - Fishing: trout fishing and Ayu fishing. Traditional fishing methods can be taught. - Language classes: we teach English and French to Japanese. - Overnight stay package for international visitors: afternoon adventure activity and stay with a local family will allow you to understand how locals live and eat. Pickup service from the nearest train station. - Accepting foreign nationals as trainees: volunteers from overseas help our adventure programs while our center provides training to acquire skills in outdoor guiding, knowledge on Japanese language and culture, which is an ideal initiation for anyone willing to commit to stay in Japan for a number of years. Once the trainee’s communication capacity attains satisfactory level, we can dispatch the trainee local restaurants and hotels for real work experience.

These activities should develop more in the future we are hoping to establish an international eco-tourism center and a language school for both Japanese and non-Japanese. 森と川の自然豊かな南飛騨地方、下呂市馬瀬にて、以下の体験事業を行っています ●自然を全身で体感するアドベンチャー   森のニンジャ (高所のアスレチック)   沢のぼり、およびキャニオニング 川下り(川を流れて魚を観察)   釣り体験 ●国際交流   プチ留学で1日外国人スタッフと過ごす   英語およびフランス語会話授業   海外ホームステイあっせん   英語職場研修(職業体験) 将来はアウトドアアクティビティに加え、日本人および外国人対象の語学学校の設立を目標にしています