Grey-necked Bunting's (Emberiza buchanani)
With THE WILD SQUAD of Academy of Wildlife Photography
The Grey-necked Bunting (Emberiza buchanani) is a bird species found in parts of Asia. Here are brief descriptions of its breeding country, feeding habitat, and mating habitat:
Breeding Country:
The Grey-necked Bunting breeds in various countries across Asia, primarily in the northern and central regions of the continent.
Its breeding range includes countries such as Russia, Mongolia, China, Nepal, Bhutan, India, and parts of Southeast Asia.
Feeding Habitat:
This bunting species is commonly found in grasslands, meadows, and open areas with low vegetation.
They prefer habitats with a mix of grasses and shrubs where they can forage for seeds, insects, and other small invertebrates.
Agricultural fields and areas with scattered bushes or patches of vegetation are also frequented for feeding.
Mating Habitat:
During the breeding season, Grey-necked Buntings are known to establish territories in open grassy areas.
Males often engage in singing displays and may perch on elevated spots to attract females.
Nests are typically built on the ground, hidden within vegetation, and are constructed using grasses and other plant materials.
The breeding season is often characterized by courtship displays, with males showcasing their plumage and vocal abilities to attract potential mates.