As you are aware, The Ramayanam, also known as Adhi Kavyam, was the first ever piece of documented epic history that revolved around the lives of Lord Rama, Sita Devi and King Ravana. The Ramayana has been an important cultural influence in several countries, including but not limited to most in South and Southeast Asia. Its cultural and moral impact is unparalleled as it illuminates the lives of millions. While most of the modern world lives in delusion by classifying it as a myth, the Ramayana has a different connotation in Sri Lanka.
The capital island of the King Ravana was Lanka, believed to be modern day Sri Lanka. The Government of Sri Lanka has identified over 50 sites in and around its territory corroborating the legendary tale, which is further supported strongly by its local legends. Visualizing the dream of Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable PM of India, we propose to have an integrated pilgrimage between our two countries that share rich ancient culture.