
Rigabicycle.com Probably, the most friendly bicycle rental and bike tours company in Riga. Rigabicycle.com is opened since summer 2010.

In our office you can rent bicycles of different type, condition and size, also accessories and technical support tools. We are professionals with international work experience and bikes are our lifestyle. We offer:
Bicycles of different type, condition and size;
Bicycle accessories and tools (helmets, bags, locks, child seat till 22kg, and emergency backpack with tools and tires);
Professional st

Route maps for individual cyclists;
Best location in Riga: old town, Rātslaukums 7, in a building of The House of Blackheads;
We offer guided bicycle tours of different types and languages: English, German, Russian and Latvia;
Our tours are usually held in small groups (2-6 pers ) daily at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m, in case of big group pre-booking is appreciated
Special offer of the tour is a lunch break – picnic in a cosy place;

🚲 Good news, friends! The storm has finally calmed down and we are happy to announce that Riga Bicycle is open again tod...

🚲 Good news, friends! The storm has finally calmed down and we are happy to announce that Riga Bicycle is open again today from 10:00-19:00. Come on by and get back on the road with a ride through the city! 🌧️🌤️

Due to the extreme weather and storm conditions in Riga, we regret to inform you that Riga Bicycle Rental will be closed...

Due to the extreme weather and storm conditions in Riga, we regret to inform you that Riga Bicycle Rental will be closed today for the safety of our staff and customers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you for your understanding.

Riga Bicycle Rental Team

Secure Luggage Storage Service by Rigabicycle.Traveling can be stressful, especially when you have to carry your luggage...

Secure Luggage Storage Service by Rigabicycle.
Traveling can be stressful, especially when you have to carry your luggage everywhere. Our Secure Luggage Storage Service offers you a convenient and reliable solution to store your bags safely while you explore the city, attend meetings, or enjoy your last hours before departure. Visit our office, or please feel free to make reservation on:

“🚲 The wait is over!  rental is now open after a long winter hiatus. 🌸 Explore Riga on two wheels and make the most of t...

“🚲 The wait is over! rental is now open after a long winter hiatus. 🌸 Explore Riga on two wheels and make the most of the sunny days ahead. Book your ride now! 🚴‍♀️ ”

On this special day we were glad to host a tour to 5 gentleman from UK - despite the cold and wind, bicycles are still a...

On this special day we were glad to host a tour to 5 gentleman from UK - despite the cold and wind, bicycles are still a great way to explore the city. Saules mūžu Latvijai! 🇱🇻

And with this we are officially ending the season of 2023!Thank you for being with us yet another year… and hopefully se...

And with this we are officially ending the season of 2023!
Thank you for being with us yet another year… and hopefully see you soon in 2024!
Please note that we will work on reservation basis as of today -> if you need to rent a bike, please approach us here or make a reservation online.

Hello, September!Summer is slowly moving away, therefore we are as well updating our working hours towards autumn mode -...

Hello, September!
Summer is slowly moving away, therefore we are as well updating our working hours towards autumn mode - as of today, we will be working from Thursday-Sunday 10.00-19.00.
However, if you need the bike in any other day or time, don’t hesitate to contact us -> we will arrange a distant pick-up or drop-off.


Startējam kampaņu .
Ar šo satiksmes dalībnieki tiek aicināti uzlabot braukšanas kultūru, tostarp ievērojot 1,5 m distanci, apsteidzot velobraucējus uz koplietošanas autoceļiem.

Latvijas Republikas normatīvie akti paredz, ka velosipēdisti pa mūsu valsts autoceļiem var braukt pa brauktuvi vienā rindā, iespējami tuvāk braukšanas joslas labajai malai. Tomēr ikkatrs velosipēdists, kurš kaut reizi ir pārvietojies pa autoceļa brauktuvi, zina, ka tas ir liels un bieži vien bīstams izaicinājums.

Kampaņu organizē Latvian Cycling Girls sadarbībā ar CSDD un Latvijas Riteņbraukšanas federācija .

Projekta atbalstītāji Kreiss, Ford Trucks Latvia , VIRŠI, Rimi Latvija , Rīgas satiksme , Balcia Apdrošināšana .
Eksperimentā filmējās Armands Simsons, Kārlis Būmeisters , Aivars Aksenoks, Artūrs Breidaks un atbalstītāju kravas automašīnu šoferi

Video: Davis Dambenieks
Foto: Māris Vancevičs Photography

This sunday May 7th Riga Bicycle will be closed due to technical reasons. Please feel free to do booking trough our web ...

This sunday May 7th Riga Bicycle will be closed due to technical reasons. Please feel free to do booking trough our web site.

As of today we are partnering with luggage storage provider !Use the app for easy reservations when in need to drop your...

As of today we are partnering with luggage storage provider !
Use the app for easy reservations when in need to drop your stuff for shorter or longer periods.

Lielās sacensības ir atgriezušās un arī mūsu atbalstītā komanda ieņem zemo startu Dienvidāfrikā, kur jau 19.03. sāksies ...

Lielās sacensības ir atgriezušās un arī mūsu atbalstītā komanda ieņem zemo startu Dienvidāfrikā, kur jau 19.03. sāksies sacensības "Cape Epic"! 🚴🚴‍♂️
🔅 8 dienas Āfrikas saules!
🔅 648 km distance!
🔅 15 475 m kalnu kāpums pievarāms!

Sekojam līdzi un atbalstām!🎉

RigaBicyle is entering into autumn mood. As of September 5th we are open from Thursday to Sunday. Remember, our new loca...

RigaBicyle is entering into autumn mood. As of September 5th we are open from Thursday to Sunday. Remember, our new location is Ratslaukums 7, Riga. Entrance from the side of the right building.

Hei, šajā nedēļas nogalē Rīgā plānots milzīgs riteņu mīļu pasākums - Toyota Rīgas Velomaratons! 🚴🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️Galvenais taču ...

Hei, šajā nedēļas nogalē Rīgā plānots milzīgs riteņu mīļu pasākums - Toyota Rīgas Velomaratons! 🚴🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Galvenais taču nav uzvarēt, bet gan piedalīties un izbaudīt!😇
Un mēs varam palīdzēt ar ričukiem - velonoma atvērta!😎

Adrese: Rātslaukums 7!👌

Mēs, Rigabicycle velo noma, būsim vaļā nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-19! Atceries par mūsu jauno adresi 👉 Rātslaukumā 7 (Meln...

Mēs, Rigabicycle velo noma, būsim vaļā nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-19!
Atceries par mūsu jauno adresi 👉 Rātslaukumā 7 (Melngalvju nama ēkā)!🚴

P.S. No 1. jūnija sākam aktīvo sezonu un strādāsim katru dienu! ☀

Priecāsimies redzēt!
Hey! Rigabicycle bike rental will be open this weekend from 10-19! 🚴
Remember about our new address 👉 Rātslaukums 7 (The house of blackheads building)

P.S. From June 1 we will start the active season and will be open every day! ☀

See you!

Rigabicycle velo noma būs atvērta nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-18! Izmanto saulaino laiku velo izbraucienam!Adrese: Rātslauk...

Rigabicycle velo noma būs atvērta nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-18!
Izmanto saulaino laiku velo izbraucienam!
Adrese: Rātslaukumā 7 (Melngalvju nama ēkā)!🚴
Hey! Rigabicycle bike rental will be open this weekend from 10-18! 🚴
Perfect time to have a ride through the city!
Adress: Rātslaukums 7 (The house of blackheads building)

Pavasarīgais laiks mūs iepriecina!☀️Mūsu ričuku noma būs atvērta šodien un arī nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-18! Izmanto saul...

Pavasarīgais laiks mūs iepriecina!☀️
Mūsu ričuku noma būs atvērta šodien un arī nedēļas nogalē no pl. 10-18!
Izmanto saulaino laiku un izbraukā pilsētu!

Esam Rātslaukumā 7 (Melngalvju nama ēkā)!🚴
The weather is inviting us to go out and have a ride around the city! ☀️
We are open today and also this weekend from 10-18! 🚴

Adress: Rātslaukums 7 (The house of blackheads building)

Dārgie draugi,Šodien esam drusku aizņemti rīta pusē, bet no pl. 14 esam vaļā un katram būs iespēja tikt pie ričuka velo ...

Dārgie draugi,
Šodien esam drusku aizņemti rīta pusē, bet no pl. 14 esam vaļā un katram būs iespēja tikt pie ričuka velo izbraucienam!
Savukārt, svētdien esam vaļā visu dienu no pl. 10-18!🚴

Vieta: Rātslaukums 7
This morning we will be a bit busy but starting from 14 our bikes are available for rent.
Tomorrow we are open as usual from 10-18!

Location: Rātslaukums 7

Šajā nedēļas nogalē būsim atvērti un visiem velo mīļiem būs iespēja izīrēt ričuku izbraucienam! 😎Rātslaukumā 7 (Melngalv...

Šajā nedēļas nogalē būsim atvērti un visiem velo mīļiem būs iespēja izīrēt ričuku izbraucienam! 😎
Rātslaukumā 7 (Melngalvja nama ēkā) gaidīsim no. pl.10-18! 🚴‍♀️
We will be open this weekend and every enthusiast will have a chance to rent a bike for a tour around Riga!😎
Rātslaukums 7 is the place, from 10-18! 🚴‍♀️

Klāt garas brīvdienas un ir iespēja izrauties piedzīvojumos!Mūsu riteņu noma būs vaļā visas 4 brīvās dienas no pl. 10-18...

Klāt garas brīvdienas un ir iespēja izrauties piedzīvojumos!
Mūsu riteņu noma būs vaļā visas 4 brīvās dienas no pl. 10-18 🚴
Atrodamies pašā Rīgas sirdī - Rātslaukumā 7!

Izvēlies ričuku jau iepriekš mūsu mājaslapā www.rigabicycle.com 👌
Baudām brīvdienas!
Nice 4 free days ahead!
We will be open these days from 10-18 and will be waiting at our new place - Rātslaukums 7!🚴

Check our bikes already now on our website www.rigabicycle.com 👌


Dārgie draugi,

Mēs pārceļamies!📍
Pavisam drīz visi ričuki būs pieejami nomai Rigabicycle jaunajās telpās Rātslaukumā 7, skaistajā Melngalvju namā!

‼️Ņemiet vērā, ka nomas pakalpojumi mūsu līdzšinējā adresē vairs nav saistāmi ar Rigabicycle!

Drīzumā vērsim durvis un sāksim jauno sezonu!🎉
Dear clients,
We are glad to announce that Rigabicycle has changed location. As of now our rental office is located in famous house of Blackheads.
Official address: Ratslaukums 7.📍

‼️With this announcement we want to inform, that any rental services provided in our previous location is not connected to Rigabicycle, and we cannot take any responsibility for that.

See you very soon!🎉

Slapji rudenīgais laiks nelutina šobrīd...🍂Bet tiklīdz laika prognoze iegriezīsies labvēlīgāka, noteikti ir vērts izbrau...

Slapji rudenīgais laiks nelutina šobrīd...🍂
Bet tiklīdz laika prognoze iegriezīsies labvēlīgāka, noteikti ir vērts izbraukt loku pa pilsētu!🙃

Laicīgi plānojot velo izbraucienu, vari pie mums rezervēt sev riteni uz veselu dienu!
Velo nomas rezervācijai telefons +371 264 26 622 👌


Dear friends,
Regarding the current situation with COVID restrictions in Latvia we also are adapting our offer:
✋ All the tours are canceled and on daily bases our rental will be closed till 15th of November (at least);
👌 But you can book a bike for whole day! To do the booking please call +371 264 26 622 🚴

Let's be safe and see you soon!
Dārgie draugi,
Esošās situācijas valstī dēļ saistībā ar COVID ierobežojumiem, arī mēs piemērojamies:
✋ Šobrīd visas velo tūres tiek atceltas un arī ikdienā mūsu noma būs slēgta līdz 15. novembrim (vismaz);
👌 Taču jūs variet veikt riteņa rezervāciju uz veselu dienu! Rezervācijas lūgums veikt savlaicīgi, zvanot uz +371 264 26 622 🚴

Saudzējiet sevi un uz drīzu tikšanos!

Probably, the most friendly bicycle rental and bike tours company in Riga.

Ja vēlies baudīt rudens krāsas, to lieliski var izdarīt, dodoties velo izbraucienā!🌞🍂Mēs pieņemam riteņu nomas rezervāci...

Ja vēlies baudīt rudens krāsas, to lieliski var izdarīt, dodoties velo izbraucienā!🌞🍂

Mēs pieņemam riteņu nomas rezervācijas, lai jūs variet baudīt rudeni jums ērtā laikā!
Sazinies ar mums, zvanot uz +371 264 26 622

📸 foto: Madara Strauta


Rudens ir pilsētā! 🍂
Laiks baudīt krāsas un rudenīgos pilsētas skatus!

Pieņemam riteņu rezervācijas uz konkrētu laiku. Droši zvani uz +371 26 426 622 un piesaki! 🚴
The Autumn is here! 🍂
It is time to enjoy the colorful time outside and the city view!

For bike rental please contact us by phone +371 26 426 622 and set the time when you would like to have a ride! 🚴

Thanks for the golden photos to Madara Strauta 🎉

Probably, the most friendly bicycle rental and bike tours company in Riga.

Nav vietas skumjām par aizejošo vasaru! Rudens mēdz mūs ļoti iepriecināt ar saulaino laiku un krāsaino dabu, kura tā vie...

Nav vietas skumjām par aizejošo vasaru! Rudens mēdz mūs ļoti iepriecināt ar saulaino laiku un krāsaino dabu, kura tā vien aicina mūs baudīt!🍂🍂🍂

Aicinām ķert rudenīgos mirkļus velo izbraucienā pa Rīgu!🙃
Gaidīsim visus velo mīļus mūsu riteņu nomā šajā nedēļas nogalē, 2.-3.10., kad būsim vaļā visas dienas garumā! 🚴‍♀️

Ieskaties www.rigabicycle.com un nāc pie mums ciemos uz Rātslaukumu 1! 🤩

Hei, atvasara! Mēs gribam Tevi noķert!🌞Un noteikti vislabāk un baudāmāk būs uz ričuka! Tā redzēsim visu un uzņemsim liel...

Hei, atvasara! Mēs gribam Tevi noķert!🌞
Un noteikti vislabāk un baudāmāk būs uz ričuka! Tā redzēsim visu un uzņemsim lielu svaiga gaisa devu!
Un pats galvenais - nestāvēsim sastrēgumos!😃

Nāc, noīrē sev ričuku atvasaras izbraucienam pie mums vai ieskaties jau iepriekš www.rigabicycle.com 🚲

Dear clients, unfortunately on last two days of august our office is closed. You can arrange rental trough online reserv...

Dear clients, unfortunately on last two days of august our office is closed.
You can arrange rental trough online reservation at www.rigabicycle.com.
Thank you.

Due to technical reasons on August 30th and 31st our rental office will be closed. Should you need to rent the bike, please make a phone call +371 29268351, and we will arange everything.


Rātslaukums 7

Opening Hours

Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00


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Contact The Business

Send a message to Rigabicycle.com:




Our Story

Rigabicycle.com was opened in summer of 2010. We are one of the leading bicycle rental companies in Riga. In our rental office you can rent bicycles of different type, book the tours, rent the bike related equipment, and in case of technical problems we will be happy to help you.

We are located in heart of Riga Old town - Rates pasāža, this is the building of Riga City Council, close to famous Melngalvju nams building and Riga Technical University.

We are professionals with international work experience and bikes are our lifestyle.

Rental offer and services:

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