Cristina Rus - guida moldava

Cristina Rus - guida moldava I am a professional tour guide in Republic of Moldova. I guide in English �, Italian � and Spanish �.

Săptămâna trecută am avut ocazia să navighez pe râul Nistru cu caiacul. Eram deja la a doua experiență la Kayakingtours....

Săptămâna trecută am avut ocazia să navighez pe râul Nistru cu caiacul. Eram deja la a doua experiență la și abia așteptam a doua ocazie. M-am pregătit cm se cuvine, și pentru a mă asorta cu caiacurile galbene, mi-am luat cizme galbene, pălărie galbenă, până și husa de la telefon era galbenă. Ziceam să fac niște super poze și video pentru stories și aveam atât de multe idei, și când colo, îmi ia vântul pălăria. Cred că nu trebuie să vă mai spun că din cauză că m-am întins cu viteză după pălărie, s-a răsturnat caiacul în care eram, iar telefonul meu, ca și mine, nu știe să înoate. Apă a ajuns și la cheile de la mașină, pe care, nu știu de ce, am preferat să le iau cu mine pe caiac. Dar nu asta am vrut să vă povestesc.

Chiar a doua zi aveam de lucru cu un turist pe care trebuia să îl iau cu mașina mea. Deci a doua zi eram fără telefon, fără card SIM. Împrumutasem telefonul de Iris (cu tot cu card SIM) și mașina de soț (că la mine se defectaseră cheile de la contactul îndelungat cu apa râului Nistru).

Și ajung eu cu acest turist în Transnistria. Normal că îi povestisem peripeția mea, că nu aveam cm să o țin în secret (cred că se vedea de la o poștă că nici telefonu lși nici mașina nu îmi aparțineau). În Tiraspol, fiind în fața tancului de la memorial, încep a-i povesti, că în 1969, în timp ce curățau albia râului Nistru, au găsit la fundul râului tancul cu pricina, cu două cadavre în el. La o adică, trebuia să povestesc și eu ce știu despre acel tanc. Turistul meu, nu stă mult pe gânduri, și zice:
- În 2029, când vor face următoarele lucrări de curățare a râului, vor găsi și telefonul tău, și pălăria ta galbenă.

Așa că, dacă ați tot încercat să dați de mine și nu v-a reușit, încă puțină răbdare. Peștii din Nistru încă nu au învățat cm să răspundă la apeluri.

Deocamdată, ultimele poze cu cizmele și cu pălăria mea galbenă.

Did you know that the vibrant tradition of Mărțișor has been recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of ...

Did you know that the vibrant tradition of Mărțișor has been recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity? 🌍✨

This ancient Dacian custom, celebrated on March 1st, symbolizes the transition from winter to spring, renewal, and the beauty of nature's awakening. 🌸🌱

UNESCO's recognition not only honors the cultural significance of Mărțișor but also highlights the importance of preserving and celebrating diverse cultural heritage around the world. Let's cherish and embrace this beautiful tradition together! 💖🎉

On February 21st, we celebrate International Tourist Guide Day, a day dedicated to honoring the invaluable role of tour ...

On February 21st, we celebrate International Tourist Guide Day, a day dedicated to honoring the invaluable role of tour guides worldwide.

As we mark this special occasion, let's reflect on the profound impact we have on enhancing travelers' experiences.

To all my esteemed colleagues in the world of tourism, may your guidance lead to unforgettable journeys and cherished memories.

Happy International Tourist Guide Day! Here's to continuing to inspire and enlighten travelers with our passion and expertise!

May your footsteps lead to new paths of wonderful discoveries and extraordinary moments.

May each tour be filled with adventures and memorable experiences.

Keep inspiring and delighting travelers from around the world!

Here are some legends and interesting facts about the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Căușeni:The church ...

Here are some legends and interesting facts about the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Căușeni:

The church was built in the 18th century, around 1763, during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. It represents a blend of architectural styles, including Byzantine and Gothic influences.

According to local legend, the church was constructed using egg whites mixed with mortar. The belief is that the egg whites provided extra strength to the structure, making it durable and resistant to natural elements.

Over the years, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary has undergone several restoration projects to preserve its architectural integrity and historical value. These efforts highlight the importance placed on safeguarding Moldova's cultural heritage.

Do you know why from outside it looks like a house, while from inside it is an exceptional church?

Winter wonderland in Chișinău! ❄️ First snowfall blankets the city, transforming the landscape into a serene masterpiece...

Winter wonderland in Chișinău! ❄️ First snowfall blankets the city, transforming the landscape into a serene masterpiece.

The Cathedral looks even more enchanting surrounded by a fresh layer of snow.

Embracing the beauty of the season!

Do you like winter?

In 2006, to purchase an apartment, a person would have had to work for 36 years. Today, for an apartment either new or o...

In 2006, to purchase an apartment, a person would have had to work for 36 years. Today, for an apartment either new or old, a person has to work 7.1 years.

The average price of a new apartment is 954 euros/m2, and of an old apartment 722 euros.

🌍 Did you know? 🇲🇩 Moldova is making history as the first Northern Hemisphere country to dominate plum production and cl...

🌍 Did you know?

🇲🇩 Moldova is making history as the first Northern Hemisphere country to dominate plum production and clinch the third spot worldwide (after Chile and South Africa Republic).

🍇 Let's raise a toast to Moldova's orchards, where plums blossom into a global delight! 🥂🌳


🌍✈️ Exciting News! 🎉Thrilled to hear that  is making a comeback in   with three important destinations: Milan, London, a...

🌍✈️ Exciting News! 🎉

Thrilled to hear that is making a comeback in with three important destinations: Milan, London, and Rome! 🇲🇩 ✈️


📸 BTW, Three years ago, I captured this moment when I found myself as the last passenger, with everyone eagerly waiting for me to board.

🤔 The reason?

🤦‍♀️ Two jars of Pesto. To make it on the flight, I had to locate my luggage and secure those precious jars, as they couldn't join me in the cabin.

✈️ Let's talk about your adventure at the airport! ✈️

💫 Blessed to have a colleague who's also my partner in crime.With my favorite colleague turned bestie, every day feels l...

💫 Blessed to have a colleague who's also my partner in crime.

With my favorite colleague turned bestie, every day feels like a runway. Can't get enough of our dress game!

Conquering the vineyards together.


BTW do you know where we work together?

While in   🪦 Merry Cemetery in   , known for its colorful   adorned with lively and often humorous depictions of the dec...

While in

🪦 Merry Cemetery in , known for its colorful adorned with lively and often humorous depictions of the deceased, showcasing a unique perspective on life and death.

⛪ Wooden Churches in the region, such as the UNESCO-listed Church of the Presentation of the Virgin in Bârsana is special with their intricate and historical significance.

🚂 Mocănița Steam Train offers breathtaking views of the countryside as it chugs through the picturesque Vaser Valley, providing a nostalgic glimpse into the region's industrial history.

🏛️ The of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance in Sighetu Marmației is housed within the former Sighet prison, the museum serves as a poignant reminder of Romania's communist regime and its impact on individuals and society. Through various exhibits and personal testimonies, the sheds light on the hardships faced by political prisoners during the communist era, aiming to preserve the memory of those who suffered and to educate visitors about this tumultuous period in Romanian .

🏠 The House of Elie Wiesel is the childhood home of the Nobel laureate and survivor . Preserved as a memorial and museum, the house offers insight into Wiesel's early life and the cultural context in which he grew up. It serves as a tribute to his legacy as a writer, human rights advocate, and voice for the victims of the Holocaust.

🏛️The Ethnography Museum of Sighetu Marmației is dedicated to showcasing the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Maramureș region.

🏘️Traditional villages like Breb, Bogdan Vodă, and Budești can witness age-old customs, traditional architecture, and the timeless way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries.

⛰️The Maramureș Natural Park offers a diverse range of flora and fauna, as well as numerous hiking trails, where you can immerse yourself in the pristine natural beauty and serenity of the Mountains.

🎨 Sharing the vibrant charm of Chișinău through these stunning watercolor postcards! 🌆✨ Each scene captures the essence ...

🎨 Sharing the vibrant charm of Chișinău through these stunning watercolor postcards! 🌆

✨ Each scene captures the essence of the bustling streets of the city center.

🏛️ Did you know that the iconic Triumphal Arch of Chișinău, depicted in one of these postcards, was built in 1840 to commemorate the victory of the Russian Empire over the Ottoman Empire?

🏛️ Stay tuned for more glimpses into this enchanting city!

🎨 Postcards by


🍂 Embracing Autumn's Splendor in the Vineyards 🍇🍷 As the golden hues of fall paint the vineyard landscape, I can't help ...

🍂 Embracing Autumn's Splendor in the Vineyards 🍇

🍷 As the golden hues of fall paint the vineyard landscape, I can't help but be enchanted by the magic of this season. 🍁

✨ As a sommelier and tour guide, I invite you to join me on a sensory journey through the breathtaking vineyards adorned with autumn's finest colors. 🌿

🍇 Let's uncork the flavors of this enchanting time and savor the finest wines that capture the essence of the season. 🥂 🍂



🍂 Embracing Autumn's Splendor in the Vineyards 🍇🍷As the golden hues of fall paint the vineyard landscape, I can't help b...

🍂 Embracing Autumn's Splendor in the Vineyards 🍇

🍷As the golden hues of fall paint the vineyard landscape, I can't help but be enchanted by the magic of this season. 🍁

✨ As a sommelier and tour guide, I invite you to join me on a sensory journey through the breathtaking vineyards adorned with autumn's finest colors. 🌿

🍇 Let's uncork the flavors of this enchanting time and savor the finest wines that capture the essence of the season. 🥂🍂



📖  is a cook book written by  about the Moldova from her mother's kitchen. Discover the   of Moldova -  #1 off the beate...

📖 is a cook book written by about the Moldova from her mother's kitchen.

Discover the of Moldova - #1 off the beaten path destination in ", according to . This will charm you with the abundance and freshness of local ingredients and with the simple and authentic culture.

Situated between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova represent a mix of different ethnic communities and traditions that make a whole new culture. 92 recipes, including breakfasts, vegetable dishes, soups, preserves, drinks, main dishes and desserts mixed with some culinary festivals that can be visited will make you introduce in you travel list.

In 2017, Eat Like Moldovans got Gourmand World Cook Book Award for East European Cuisine.

Adorned with delicate embroidery, this dress is a masterpiece of intricate patterns and exquisite detail. A fusion of tr...

Adorned with delicate embroidery, this dress is a masterpiece of intricate patterns and exquisite detail. A fusion of tradition and modern style, capturing the essence of sophistication.

Every thread woven with care, every detail a symphony of artistry. This dress embodies the beauty of fine embroidery, a tapestry of elegance that graces every step.

🍇 In the heart of the  , where the   of   weave their magic. 💃 A dress that dances with the  , a guide to unlock the tre...

🍇 In the heart of the , where the of weave their magic. 💃 A dress that dances with the , a guide to unlock the treasures of the season.



🏠 Architectural   of local significance, entered in the Register of   and cultural monuments of   municipality. ☝️The fi...

🏠 Architectural of local significance, entered in the Register of and cultural monuments of municipality.

☝️The first documentary information dates from 1854, when the real estate property belonged to the titular councilor Petru .

☝️From 1869 to 1883 the owner was the L. Scheidevandt, who actually build this house.

☝️In 1897, the owner is Sofia Stepanovna Mitrofanova. The house had six rooms.

☝️In 1903 and during the interwar period, it was the property of Zaharii Kirkorov. It was used as the premises of a pharmacy, being the property of pharmacist Obud.

🏠 It is a erected on a rectangular plan, on a ground floor. The facade facing Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni street is asymmetric, with four compositional axes, three of which are window openings and one of the entrance. The facing A. Sciusev street has five axes, once they were all window openings. The entrance , located centrally, is of late origin, when the interior space of the house was adjusted to the requirements of the .

🏠 The building is highlighted by the architectural placed around the frames, made up of architectural, anthropomorphic and floral motifs, a solution also supported by the located on the under the of the .

Hello! I am Cristina. I was born in Moldova, and I used to be a teacher, until I discovered how is being a tour guide. S...


I am Cristina. I was born in Moldova, and I used to be a teacher, until I discovered how is being a tour guide. Since then, I enjoy traveling and guiding in Eastern Europe, mainly in the Republic of Moldova, but also in the neighboring countries.

in Eastern Europe!

Text me for details.


😲 For the first time, a   from the Republic of   was included in the ranking of the best rural tourist destinations in t...

😲 For the first time, a from the Republic of was included in the ranking of the best rural tourist destinations in the world!

🏆The village of from the district was designated with the distinction of "Best Tourism Villages" edition 2023 by the General Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization ( ), this being the most prestigious at the global level for rural . It is the first time that a village from the Republic of Moldova is included in the top of the best rural tourist destinations in the world.

🥁 The locality stood out internationally through the legendary participation of the grandmother from Văleni at alongside Zdob and Zdub, as well as thousands of tourists on cruise ships on the , for the extraordinary landscapes towards Lake and the Golden Hills and for the first reservation in The Republic of Moldova, "Lower Prut", included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

🇪🇺 The village of Văleni benefited from EU financial support for the expansion of guesthouses, the development of local infrastructure and community initiatives. The European Union supports the development of the entire Cahul region, investing, to date, 6.45 million euros through 125 projects implemented in tourism, energy efficiency and entrepreneurial development.

📸 .union
Photo source: Facebook/European Union in the Republic of Moldova

Mocanita is the Romanian forestry narrow gauge steam train that was born more than 100 years ago. This little steam trai...

Mocanita is the Romanian forestry narrow gauge steam train that was born more than 100 years ago. This little steam train is going up to the forest in the morning bringing back heavy loaded wagons with logs for the village.

wagon # logs

Traveling with a tourist guide enhances your trip by providing valuable insights, local expertise, and smooth logistics,...

Traveling with a tourist guide enhances your trip by providing valuable insights, local expertise, and smooth logistics, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of your destination's culture and history.

In this picture you can see a happy tour guide from Moldova in Maramureș region, in Romania.



While in Sighișoara☝️ Visit the fortress where people never stopped living☝️ Go upstairs through the Covered Stairways☝️...

While in Sighișoara

☝️ Visit the fortress where people never stopped living

☝️ Go upstairs through the Covered Stairways

☝️ See one of the oldest schools in Transilvania

☝️ See the Church on the Hill

☝️ Walk through the Cemetery

☝️Visit at least one museum. I started with the Museum of Middle Age Arms

☝️Buy something made by the locals

☝️Walk on the Middle Age streets of the most colorful city in Romania

☝️ Visit the Clock Tower Museum and see the Fortress from above

☝️ Find a face you know

✈️ Are you ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime? Look no further because I'm here to be your trusted guide to East...

✈️ Are you ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime? Look no further because I'm here to be your trusted guide to Eastern Europe! 🌍

👣 Let's make unforgettable memories together! 👣

🤙Contact me today to book your next adventure!

📧 [email protected]
📞 +37376005067

Let's turn your travel dreams into reality.


While in Bucharest1. The Romanian Athenaeum Located on Calea Victoriei, the Romanian   is an important   center and a mu...

While in Bucharest

1. The Romanian Athenaeum
Located on Calea Victoriei, the Romanian is an important center and a must see architectural gem, but is also defined by the fact that it is one of the oldest and most important cultural institutions in .

2. Revolution Square
The of Rebirth is a memorial in the Park that commemorates the struggles and victims of the Romanian Revolution of 1989, which overthrew .

3. The Church
The church was built between 1720 and 1722 and throughout its history it has seen numerous ups and downs. Although, far from being destroyed, it has come out the other end stronger than ever!

4. The of Carol I University
The present “Carol I” Central Library was founded in 1895 as the Carol I Library of the University Foundation. It was built on land bought by King Carol I of Romania for the "Carol I University Foundation" and designed by French architect Paul Gottereau.

5. The New Saint George Church
New St. George is a Romanian Orthodox church. It is dedicated to Saint George. The church is associated with Constantin : it was built during his reign and he is buried inside.

6. The Stavropoleos Monastery
The name is the genitive case of Stavropolis (Greek, "The city of the Cross"). One of the monastery's constant interests is Byzantine music, expressed through its choir and the largest collection of Byzantine music books in Romania.

7. Caru' cu bere restaurant

Caru' cu Bere (aka Carul cu Bere; "the beer wagon") was originally opened as a in 1879. In 1897 were made plans to open a restaurant there to expand the business operations.

8. Macca-Villacrosse gallery
Pasajul Macca-Vilacrosse is a magical spot in Bucharest, comprising of a gallery where it seems like time has stopped still, showing a more relaxed side to the city.

9. La Bohème hotel laboheme
Many of the décor elements have been preserved to this day. They offer an atmosphere
and retain a noble, air.

These places on the banks of the     have many stories to tell. This   has seen many changes but remains a living testim...

These places on the banks of the have many stories to tell. This has seen many changes but remains a living testimony of our rich past.


Here are a few things you should know about   as a   country. 🍇 First, wine is constitutionally recognized as  . In Marc...

Here are a few things you should know about as a country.

🍇 First, wine is constitutionally recognized as . In March 2017, the Parliament of Moldova declared wine as a food product. The new law allows wine to be sold in shops after 22:00; advertising wine products on the mass media is also permitted.

🍇 Second, there’s a public dedicated to wine. Along with the declared holiday comes an annual wine held in the capital city on the first weekend of .

🍇 Third, it is home to the largest wine and the largest wine collection in the world. The state-owned Mileștii Mici winery contains around 2,000,000 bottles of wine and boasts a 200 kilometer-long cellar, of which 55 kilometers are currently in use, while the state-owned boasts a 120 kilometer-long cellar, of which 85 kilometers are currently full with wine.

🍇 Fourth, Moldova has the greatest density of in the world: 3.8% of the country’s territory and 7% of the arable land.

🍇 Fifth, the wine sector accounts for nearly 10% of Moldova’s labor force.

📸 photo by

Traditional decorative metal roof above a water well. This kind of ornaments were also used on the roof of the houses in...

Traditional decorative metal roof above a water well.

This kind of ornaments were also used on the roof of the houses in the North of Moldova.

Famous for this handcraft are gypsy artists.

What do you know about these metal roof artworks?

Mircești Winery is located in the village with the same name in   district. Although it has only been around for a few y...

Mircești Winery is located in the village with the same name in district. Although it has only been around for a few years, the winery has become an emblem of small wineries in , thanks to the modern approach to production. This region, especially the village of , has a historical importance and has a great for wines with a strong character. Therefore, Arcadie Foșnea, the owner of the , laid the foundations of a winery and began the renovation of the neighboring , keeping its specific architectural features.

Recently, Mircești Winery was equipped with a meteorological data generation station, and the employees apply modern strategies for cutting vines and detect diseases, using drones. Mircești Winery is also the host of experiments and wine demonstrations within the project "The best grapes", which aims to identify optimal practices for growing in the national context.

Most local grape varieties in Moldova have girlish names, like: 🍇 Viorica🍇 Legenda 🍇 Feteasca Regală🍇 Feteasca Albă 🍇 Ra...

Most local grape varieties in Moldova have girlish names, like:

🍇 Viorica
🍇 Legenda
🍇 Feteasca Regală
🍇 Feteasca Albă
🍇 Rară Neagră
🍇 Feteasca Neagră

Which one is your favorite?


Two destinations from the Republic of Moldova won awards at the Global Culinary Travel Awards 2023, organized by the Wor...

Two destinations from the Republic of Moldova won awards at the Global Culinary Travel Awards 2023, organized by the World Food Travel Association ( ).

One of them is Berd's Restaurant (.restaurant ), which stood out for its rich range of liquors, receiving the award for the best beverage experience for culinary journeys.

Berd's Restaurant is an elegant and authentic place where you can discover local flavors reinterpreted in innovative gastronomic creations. This is also the ideal place to enjoy the best drinks in town.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit this destination, internationally recognized for its exceptional culinary experiences!







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