Al Quddus Travels and Tour Limited

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Never say Never
In life, maintaining hope in God can provide strength during challenging times. It's essential to persevere, never giving up despite obstacles, trusting in the guidance and support that faith can offer.


Pls Listen with open Mind.

The Purpose of Fasting during Ramadan


Beautiful China

"Amazing Chongqing" refers to the city of Chongqing, China, known for its stunning scenery, rich history, and vibrant culture. Situated on the banks of the Yangtze River, Chongqing boasts a unique mountainous landscape, with skyscrapers nestled amidst lush greenery. The city is renowned for its spicy Sichuan cuisine, bustling night markets, and impressive landmarks such as the Hongya Cave and the Three Gorges Museum. With its blend of modernity and tradition, Chongqing offers visitors a truly unforgettable experience.


Significance of Fasting during Ramadan

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a fundamental pillar of Islam, obligatorily practiced by Muslims worldwide. It involves abstaining from food, drink, smoking, and other physical needs from dawn (Fajr) until sunset (Maghrib). The fast is broken with a meal called iftar, usually shared with family and friends. This act of worship is not merely about abstaining from physical desires but encompasses a spiritual journey aimed at achieving closeness to Allah and self-purification.


The history of Ramadan fasting is deeply rooted in Islamic tradition and dates back to the time of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The significance of Ramadan is closely associated with the revelation of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is believed that during the month of Ramadan, in the year 610 CE, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W in a cave near Mecca and began revealing the words of Allah, which would later form the Quran. This event marked the beginning of the prophethood of MUHAMMAD S.A.W and the establishment of Islam as a monotheistic religion.


1. **Spiritual Purification:** Fasting during Ramadan is a means of spiritual purification. In the Quran, Allah says, "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous" (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:183). Through fasting, Muslims aim to develop self-discipline, patience, and empathy for those less fortunate.

2. **Strengthening Faith:** Ramadan is a time for increased devotion, prayer, and reflection. Muslims engage in additional acts of worship, such as reading and reciting the Quran, attending nightly prayers (Taraweeh), and seeking forgiveness for past sins. The Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained" (Sahih al-Bukhari).

3. **Community and Solidarity:** Fasting fosters a sense of unity among Muslims. The shared experience of fasting creates bonds of empathy and solidarity, as individuals come together in worship and support one another in observing the fast. The Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W emphasized the importance of communal iftars, stating, "Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward" (Sunan Ibn Majah).

4. **Social Awareness:** Ramadan serves as a reminder of the blessings of sustenance and the plight of the less fortunate. Muslims are encouraged to practice acts of charity (Zakat) and compassion during this month. The Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W said, "The best charity is that given in Ramadan" (At-Tirmidhi).

5. **Revelation of the Quran:** The significance of Ramadan is further underscored by the belief that it was during this month that the Quran was first revealed. Muslims commemorate the Night of Decree (Laylat al-Qadr), which falls within the last ten nights of Ramadan, as the night when the Quran's revelation began. Allah says in the Quran, "Indeed, We sent the Quran down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months" (Surah Al-Qadr, 97:1-3).

In conclusion, fasting during the month of Ramadan holds profound spiritual, historical, and social significance for Muslims. It is a time of self-discipline, reflection, community, and devotion, during which Muslims strive to draw closer to Allah and embody the values of Islam.


Jumat Mubarak

Friday, known as Jumu'ah in Islam, holds significant importance and offers various opportunities for Muslims to come together in worship, reflection, and community engagement. Here's an extensive exploration of the opportunities, significance, and respect accorded to Friday and Jumu'ah services:

# # # 1. **Significance in Islam:**
- **Biblical Roots:** Friday is revered in Islam due to its association with the day of congregation and worship. In Islamic tradition, it is considered the holiest day of the week.
- **Narrations:** Prophet Muhammad emphasized the significance of Friday in numerous hadiths, highlighting its status as a day of blessings, forgiveness, and spiritual rejuvenation.

# # # 2. **Jumu'ah Prayer:**
- **Mandatory Congregational Prayer:** Jumu'ah prayer is obligatory for Muslim men, and recommended for women, provided they fulfill specific conditions.
- **Sermon (Khutbah):** The Jumu'ah sermon serves as a platform for religious instruction, guidance, and reminders about ethical, moral, and societal issues. It provides an opportunity for spiritual enrichment and communal reflection.

# # # 3. **Community Engagement:**
- **Unity and Solidarity:** Jumu'ah prayer fosters unity and solidarity among Muslims, as they gather in mosques regardless of their ethnic, cultural, or social backgrounds.
- **Social Interaction:** It provides an avenue for Muslims to interact, exchange greetings, and strengthen bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within the community.

# # # 4. **Opportunities for Reflection:**
- **Pause and Contemplation:** Jumu'ah offers a weekly pause in the hustle and bustle of life, allowing Muslims to reflect on their faith, deeds, and aspirations.
- **Repentance and Forgiveness:** It's a time to seek forgiveness for past mistakes, repent sincerely, and renew one's commitment to righteousness and piety.

# # # 5. **Spiritual Renewal:**
- **Connection with Allah:** Jumu'ah prayers provide an opportunity to reconnect with Allah, renew one's faith, and seek His guidance and mercy.
- **Spiritual Upliftment:** The atmosphere of devotion, the recitation of Quranic verses, and supplications during Jumu'ah contribute to spiritual upliftment and inner peace.

# # # 6. **Charitable Acts and Good Deeds:**
- **Opportunity for Charity:** Fridays are considered auspicious for giving in charity, and many Muslims choose to contribute to charitable causes on this day.
- **Acts of Kindness:** Jumu'ah encourages Muslims to perform acts of kindness, extend help to those in need, and engage in charitable endeavors as part of their worship.

# # # 7. **Educational Opportunities:**
- **Learning and Knowledge:** Jumu'ah sermons often include educational elements, providing an opportunity for Muslims to deepen their understanding of Islamic teachings and values.
- **Youth Engagement:** Jumu'ah services offer platforms for youth engagement, leadership development, and active participation in community affairs.

# # # 8. **Civic Engagement:**
- **Social Responsibility:** Jumu'ah encourages Muslims to be actively engaged in societal issues, advocate for justice, and contribute positively to their communities.
- **Promotion of Values:** Jumu'ah sermons may address contemporary issues, promoting values such as justice, compassion, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence.

# # # 9. **Personal Development:**
- **Self-Reflection:** Jumu'ah provides an opportunity for introspection, self-evaluation, and setting personal goals for spiritual growth and self-improvement.
- **Empowerment:** It empowers individuals to take charge of their lives, make positive changes, and strive for excellence in both their religious and worldly pursuits.

# # # 10. **Legacy and Tradition:**
- **Preserving Heritage:** Jumu'ah services uphold the rich heritage and traditions of Islam, passed down through generations, and serve as a link between the past, present, and future.
- **Cultural Identity:** Jumu'ah prayers contribute to the cultural identity of Muslim communities worldwide, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity with Islamic traditions.

# # # Conclusion:
Friday, with its significance in Islam and the Jumu'ah service, offers Muslims a myriad of opportunities for spiritual growth, community engagement, and personal development. It serves as a weekly reminder of the values and principles that underpin Islamic faith and practice, fostering unity, compassion, and resilience within Muslim communities. As Muslims gather in mosques on Fridays, they come together not only to worship but also to strengthen bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, seek forgiveness and guidance, and actively contribute to the betterment of society. The reverence and respect accorded to Friday and Jumu'ah services highlight their central role in the lives of Muslims worldwide, shaping their identity, values, and aspirations.


Benefits of Ramadan Fasting to Mankind

Ramadan fasting carries various benefits for humanity, encompassing health, spiritual, and physical aspects, as highlighted in the Quran and Hadiths:

**Health Benefits:**
1. **Detoxification:** Fasting aids in detoxifying the body by giving the digestive system a break, allowing it to cleanse and reset.
2. **Weight Management:** Controlled eating during Ramadan can promote weight loss and improve metabolism.
3. **Improved Digestion:** Fasting can regulate digestion and promote healthier eating habits.
4. **Enhanced Mental Clarity:** Abstaining from food and drink can improve focus and mental clarity.

**Spiritual Benefits:**
1. **Self-Discipline:** Fasting teaches self-discipline and self-control, crucial virtues in Islam.
2. **Empathy and Compassion:** Experiencing hunger and thirst fosters empathy towards the less fortunate and encourages acts of charity.
3. **Strengthening Faith:** The spiritual atmosphere during Ramadan, including increased prayers and recitation of the Quran, helps strengthen faith and connection with Allah.

**Physical Benefits:**
1. **Regulation of Blood Sugar:** Fasting can regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
2. **Heart Health:** Studies suggest that intermittent fasting, like Ramadan fasting, may improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
3. **Boosted Immunity:** Fasting may enhance the immune system's function and promote overall health.
4. **Increased Energy:** Contrary to common belief, many individuals report feeling more energetic and rejuvenated during Ramadan.

**References from Quran and Hadiths:**
- Quran 2:183-185 emphasizes the spiritual significance of fasting during Ramadan and mentions its benefits for believers.
- Hadiths such as Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim contain numerous narrations by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighting the virtues and benefits of fasting, including spiritual purification and physical well-being.

In summary, Ramadan fasting offers a holistic approach to human well-being, addressing physical, spiritual, and health aspects, as outlined in both Islamic scripture and traditions.


A Precise and Concise message to All Mankind

The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was delivered during his Farewell Pilgrimage in the year 632 AD, in the valley of Mount Arafat near Mecca. In the sermon, he emphasized principles of social justice, equality, and brotherhood among Muslims, and he also outlined key aspects of Islamic teachings. It's considered a cornerstone of Islamic guidance and ethics.

Below is the Summary of Sermon

The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a significant event in Islamic history. While I can't provide the full account verbatim, I can summarize its key points:

1. **Equality and Brotherhood:** The Prophet emphasized the equality of all Muslims, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or social status. He stressed that no Arab is superior to a non-Arab, nor is a non-Arab superior to an Arab. Similarly, no white person is superior to a black person, and vice versa.

2. **Rights of Women:** He addressed the rights of women, highlighting their importance and the need for men to treat them with kindness and fairness. He condemned the mistreatment of women and urged men to protect their rights.

3. **Social Justice:** The Prophet emphasized the importance of social justice and condemned oppression and injustice. He reminded people to fulfill their duties towards one another and to avoid harming others.

4. **Prohibition of Usury and Interest:** He declared the prohibition of usury (riba) and interest-based transactions, urging people to refrain from exploiting others for financial gain.

5. **Unity and Brotherhood:** The Prophet urged Muslims to remain united and to support one another. He emphasized the importance of brotherhood among Muslims and warned against divisions and conflicts.

6. **Respect for Life and Property:** He emphasized the sanctity of life and property, stating that Muslims must not harm or violate the rights of others.

7. **Final Reminder of Guidance:** The Prophet reminded his followers of the importance of adhering to the teachings of Islam and following the guidance of the Quran and his Sunnah (traditions).

This sermon encapsulates the core principles of Islam and serves as a timeless guide for Muslims in their personal and collective lives. It reflects the Prophet's concern for justice, compassion, and the welfare of humanity.


Ramadan Karim

Dear Beloved Muslim Brothers and Sisters,

As we embark on the sacred journey of Ramadan, Al Quddus Travels and Tours extends heartfelt congratulations to Muslims worldwide. Ramadan, a month of profound significance, marks the revelation of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), guiding humanity towards righteousness and spiritual enlightenment.

This blessed month encourages self-reflection, devotion, and communal harmony, fostering a deep connection with Allah. Through fasting, we emulate the empathy for the less fortunate, reinforcing the sense of compassion instilled in us by the teachings of the Quran and Hadiths.

The objectives of Ramadan are multi-faceted, encompassing spiritual purification, increased mindfulness, and the development of self-discipline. It is a time to strengthen our relationship with Allah, seek forgiveness, and strive for personal growth. The advantages of this sacred practice extend beyond the spiritual realm, impacting physical health positively.

Drawing inspiration from Quranic verses and Hadiths, let us remember the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "When one of you is fasting, he should abstain from indecent acts and unnecessary talk, and if someone begins an obscene conversation or tries to pick an argument, he should simply tell him, 'I am fasting.'"

To observe fasting in the best way possible, it is essential to prioritize Suhoor and Iftar with nutritious and balanced meals. Emphasizing acts of kindness, charity, and increased devotion during these blessed days enhances the overall spiritual experience.

May this Ramadan be a source of profound blessings, peace, and spiritual growth for you and your loved ones. Al Quddus Travels and Tours wishes you a joyous and spiritually enriching Ramadan.

In His Infinite Mercy,
Jim Larry CEO
Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited

WORK and LIVE in QATARAl Quddus Travels and Tours Limited would like to share with you the numerous benefits of working ...


Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited would like to share with you the numerous benefits of working and staying in Qatar. Qatar, located in the heart of the Arabian Gulf, offers a unique blend of rich cultural heritage, vibrant modernity, and exceptional opportunities for individuals seeking professional growth and a high standard of living.

Thriving Economy: Qatar boasts a robust and diversified economy driven by industries such as oil and gas, finance, transportation, and tourism. The country's commitment to economic diversification has resulted in a stable and prosperous business environment, providing abundant job opportunities across various sectors.

Competitive Salaries and Benefits: Qatar offers attractive salaries and comprehensive benefits packages to attract and retain top talent from around the world. Companies in Qatar prioritize employee well-being and offer benefits such as housing allowances, healthcare, education allowances, and generous annual leave.

World-Class Infrastructure: Qatar has invested heavily in developing world-class infrastructure, including modern transportation systems, state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, and exceptional educational institutions. The country's commitment to infrastructure development enhances the overall quality of life for residents and provides access to top-notch amenities and services.

Cultural Diversity and Experiences: Qatar embraces a multicultural society that welcomes individuals from different backgrounds. Living in Qatar allows you to immerse yourself in a vibrant mix of cultures, enjoy a wide range of international cuisines, and participate in various cultural events and festivals throughout the year.

Safety and Security: Qatar is renowned for its high level of safety and security, offering residents and visitors peace of mind. The country has a low crime rate and a well-established legal framework that ensures the safety and well-being of its residents.

Rich Cultural Heritage: Qatar takes pride in its rich cultural heritage and strives to preserve its traditions while embracing modernity. Residents have the opportunity to explore historical sites, visit museums and art galleries, and experience traditional Qatari hospitality.

Sporting Events and Entertainment: Qatar has become a hub for major international sporting events, hosting events such as the FIFA World Cup and various other tournaments. The country also offers a wide range of recreational activities, including luxury shopping, entertainment venues, and outdoor adventures in the beautiful desert landscapes.

Strategic Location: Qatar's strategic location in the Middle East makes it an excellent base for travel and business opportunities. With its world-class Hamad International Airport, Qatar provides easy access to destinations worldwide, connecting you to different cultures and enhancing your global exposure.

At Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we understand the importance of finding the right place to work and stay, and Qatar offers a plethora of advantages in both professional and personal aspects. We are dedicated to assisting you in making your journey to Qatar a seamless and memorable experience, providing comprehensive travel services tailored to your needs.

Thank you for considering Al Quddus Travels and Tours as your trusted travel partner. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and support you throughout your journey to Qatar.

Warm regards,

Management and Staff
Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited

WhatsApp +2348140635506

Dear Valued Clients,On behalf of Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we extend our warmest greetings to you from around the glo...

Dear Valued Clients,

On behalf of Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we extend our warmest greetings to you from around the globe. We hope this message finds you well and that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend filled with joy and relaxation.

As a prominent and highly respected organization specializing in comprehensive travel services, Al Quddus Travels and Tours is committed to providing exceptional experiences to our valued clients. We strive to ensure that each journey you embark upon becomes a remarkable memory.

Our extensive range of services caters to diverse travel requirements, and our team of dedicated professionals is here to assist you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on our core values of quality, reliability, customer satisfaction, and value for money [1]. By combining our experience, industry advancements, and a commitment to self-assessment, we have created a strong and dynamic company that remains responsive to the ever-changing travel landscape.

At Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we continuously strive to maintain a high standard of service, staying ahead of industry developments, and delivering exceptional travel experiences to our clients. Your trust and satisfaction are of paramount importance to us, and we always aim to exceed your expectations with every journey you undertake through our services.

Thank you for considering Al Quddus Travels and Tours as your travel partner. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and be a part of your memorable travel experiences. If you have any inquiries or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated management and staff.

Wishing you a truly magnificent weekend filled with adventure, relaxation, and delightful moments!

Enjoy your weekends.

Warm regards,
WhatsApp +2348140635506

Management and Staff
Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited

"Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you)!On this blessed Friday, we, Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited, extend our warmes...

"Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you)!

On this blessed Friday, we, Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited, extend our warmest greetings and prayers to people around the globe. May this Jumat bring you serenity, blessings, and divine guidance in all your endeavors.

Friday is a special day for the Muslim community, a day of congregational prayer and reflection. It reminds us of the importance of faith, unity, and seeking the pleasure of Allah (God). Let us come together in gratitude, seeking forgiveness, and spreading kindness to one another.

We pray that your journey through life is filled with joy, prosperity, and contentment. May the Almighty shower His mercy upon you and your loved ones, protecting you from any harm and granting you success in all your endeavors.

During these challenging times, let us remember to show compassion and support to those in need. May our actions reflect the teachings of Islam, promoting peace, harmony, and understanding among all people.

As Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited, we are committed to serving you with excellence, offering exceptional travel experiences that align with your spiritual and worldly aspirations. We strive to provide services that cater to your needs and preferences, ensuring a memorable journey.

May this Friday and every day that follows be filled with blessings, tranquility, and spiritual growth. Remember, Allah is the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. Seek His guidance, and He will illuminate your path.

Jumu'ah Mubarak! (Blessed Friday)

Warm regards,
Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited"

What to KNOW about STUDY in CANADAAl Quddus Travels and Tours understand the importance of pursuing education, exploring...

What to KNOW about STUDY in CANADA
Al Quddus Travels and Tours understand the importance of pursuing education, exploring new horizons, and gaining valuable work experience. Today, we want to provide you with some essential information about studying, living, and working in Canada, a country known for its outstanding educational opportunities, diverse culture, and thriving job market.

Canada offers a welcoming environment for international students, providing a world-class education system and a multicultural society that embraces diversity. As an international student in Canada, you have the chance to experience the country's rich heritage while immersing yourself in a vibrant academic community.

When it comes to studying in Canada, you can choose from a wide range of esteemed universities, colleges, and educational institutions that offer various programs tailored to meet your academic interests and career goals. Whether you aspire to study engineering, business, healthcare, arts, or any other field, Canada provides an array of options to help you shape your future.

Living in Canada as an international student is an enriching experience. The country boasts a high standard of living, safety, and a welcoming atmosphere that embraces diversity. From bustling metropolitan cities to serene natural landscapes, Canada offers a blend of urban excitement and breathtaking outdoor adventures. You can explore iconic landmarks, enjoy vibrant cultural festivals, and engage in various recreational activities throughout the year.

Moreover, as an international student in Canada, you have the opportunity to work part-time while pursuing your studies. This allows you to gain practical experience, supplement your income, and develop valuable skills that can boost your future career prospects. The Canadian government offers programs that enable international students to work on and off-campus during their studies, providing you with a chance to integrate into the local workforce and gain a deeper understanding of the Canadian professional environment.

Once you complete your studies in Canada, you may even decide to stay and build your life and career in this wonderful country. Canada offers numerous pathways for international students to transition from temporary status to permanent residence, allowing you to leverage the skills and knowledge you acquired during your studies and contribute to the Canadian economy and society.

At Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we are here to support you throughout your journey of studying, living, and working in Canada. Our dedicated team can assist you with visa processes, finding suitable accommodations, and ensuring a smooth transition into your new academic and professional life. We are committed to making your Canadian adventure unforgettable and helping you achieve your dreams.

If you are ready to embark on this exciting chapter of your life, contact us at Al Quddus Travels and Tours. We will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with personalized assistance to make your study, living, and working experience in Canada a resounding success.

Best regards,
Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited

WhatsApp +2348140635506


"Good morning to all our valued clients at Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited! We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits as you embark on your journeys today. May this morning bring you new opportunities, exciting adventures, and unforgettable experiences. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your travel plans are seamless and enjoyable. Thank you for choosing Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited as your trusted travel partner. Have a fantastic morning!"

"Good morning to all our valued clients at Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited! We hope this message finds you in good h...

"Good morning to all our valued clients at Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited! We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits as you embark on your journeys today. May this morning bring you new opportunities, exciting adventures, and unforgettable experiences. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your travel plans are seamless and enjoyable. Thank you for choosing Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited as your trusted travel partner. Have a fantastic morning!"

Good day, dear friends and valued clients across the globe,On behalf of Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited, we extend o...

Good day, dear friends and valued clients across the globe,

On behalf of Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited, we extend our warmest greetings and heartfelt wishes for a beautiful day ahead. As the world turns, we hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

At Al Quddus Travels and Tours, we are committed to providing exceptional travel experiences that create lasting memories. Our dedicated team continues to strive for excellence in delivering personalized services and tailor-made itineraries that cater to your unique preferences.

As we navigate through the ever-changing landscape of travel, we remain steadfast in our commitment to your safety and well-being. We stay updated with the latest travel advisories and guidelines to ensure your journeys are secure and worry-free.

Today, we pause to express our gratitude for your unwavering support and trust in our services. Your patronage fuels our passion and inspires us to go above and beyond to exceed your expectations.

May this day bring you joy, success, and countless blessings. We pray that your endeavors bear fruit, your dreams take flight, and your adventures be filled with wonder. May the road rise up to meet you, and may your travels be accompanied by serenity and divine protection.

Once again, we extend our warmest greetings and sincere appreciation to each and every one of you. Thank you for choosing Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited as your preferred travel companion.

Wishing you a truly remarkable day filled with joy, discovery, and cherished moments.

With prayers and best wishes,

Al Quddus Travels and Tours Limited

Shoutout to Erinites'(Órikí Erin-Òsun - Praise for Erin Osun in Yoruba)Ẹ̀rìn mojẹ ọmọ saaja,Ọmọ eléwé ladogba òróró maro...

Shoutout to Erinites'

(Órikí Erin-Òsun - Praise for Erin Osun in Yoruba)

Ẹ̀rìn mojẹ ọmọ saaja,
Ọmọ eléwé ladogba òróró maro,
Ẹ̀rìn wagunwagun
Ewá w’Ẹ̀rìn logun eniti yíò wá
Ẹ̀rìn logun kowa àpò ide kolowa ọfà,
Bàbá kòníbon ajíperin nílé,
Káro ń lè mọ wọn lójú ogun ẹni.


Erin Osun, a town of brave warriors,
Home to enlightened and principled individuals,
Erin, adorned with colorful garments,
Beauty of Erin that attracts people from far and wide,
Erin, a land known for unity and strength,
Where valor and bravery flow like the river.

Olowe wọn ní kí wọn wá,
Abuké méje, Arọ méje, Adití méje,
Abuké ngegi lọ apá kan ń dùn karara,
Apá kan ń dùn kororo, kinni kan ndun winrinwinrin níkùn igi,
Oro naa ja nipopo olowe arara,
Ngegi lọ apá kan ń dùn karara,
Apá kan ń dùn kororo, kinni kan ndun winrinwinrin níkùn igi.


Their prowess calls for their arrival,
Seven leaps, seven triumphs,
Seven leaps resound with echoes of victory,
The resounding echo, the melodious sound through the trees,
Words that uplift the spirit,
Echoing through the branches,
Resonating with joy and celebration.

Erin Osun, a town blessed with illustrious sons and daughters,
A beacon of excellence and achievement,
From the first Captain General of the Nigerian Navy,
To distinguished professionals and leaders,
Erin Osun shines with brilliance and distinction,
A testament to the greatness of its people.

Èdùmàrè jọ̀wọ́ jẹ́ kí ìlú Ẹ̀rìn Òsun pé oooo


Oh, Supreme Being, please continue to bless Erin Osun town.

With these words, I extend my praise and admiration to Erin Osun, a town rooted in honor and tradition. May its people continue to thrive and preserve the rich heritage that defines them. Awa Yin o! (We give praise!)


No 4 Ajibade Street

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00




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