IPOCT - International Policing Consultancy & Training

IPOCT - International Policing Consultancy & Training IPOCT is a partner in the field of consulting and training in the security domain in particular in r

The increasing interdependence of local and international security is characterised by increasingly blurring boundaries between internal and external security, the public and private actors involved, and a strong commitment to a pluralistic approach in order to reduce threats to public safety. At the same time, the emphasis in addressing security threats is shifting to prevention, in which informa

tion gathering and monitoring play an important role. Parallel to these developments, a normative development can be observed, in which questions the demand for good governance, integrity and human rights call for attention. Especially where the security threat is at its biggest, this normative development will lead to a certain tension in the practice of the security professionals. Although her knowledge and experience can be called forth widely, IPOCT focuses on advising and training the professionals involved in security, as part of police reform abroad. IPOCT wants to play and can play a meaningful role by taking mutual trust with the professionals involved in security as starting point, emphasizing the importance of the local context, and paying attention to international developments in the security domain. By making use of its networks, using and combining its analytical capabilities, vision, ambition, creativity, and the search for practical solutions, IPOCT wants to grow into a respected, professional and reliable partner in the coming years.

Vandaag zag mijn tweede publicatie deze maand het daglicht. Na een eerdere bijdrage in het boek “Stability Policing: A t...

Vandaag zag mijn tweede publicatie deze maand het daglicht. Na een eerdere bijdrage in het boek “Stability Policing: A toolkit for stability”, vandaag een artikel in de Militaire Spectator.
In de eerste bijdrage ga ik in op de toekomst van gendarmerie (The Future Role of Gendarmeries in National and International Contexts). In de tweede bijdrage besteed ik aandacht aan stability policing.

Today my second publication of this month saw the light of day. After an earlier contribution in the book "Stability Policing: A toolkit for stability", today an article in the Military Spectator.
In the first contribution I discuss the future of gendarmerie (The Future Role of Gendarmeries in National and International Contexts). In the second contribution I pay attention to stability policing.


zie ook/see also:

This chapter describes the future role(s) of gendarmeries in both the national and the international context, a possible future that can be characterised by an ever-growing interconnectedness an interdependence and complexity that go together with


Helaas ligt mijn website al enige tijd plat. Ik zoek uit wat er aan de hand is en hoop snel weer in de lucht te zijn.
Unfortunately my website is down for some time. Looking to what must be wrong and hoping to go on air soon.

After my lecture on Leadership and Management in a Multinational Environment, I had the privilege to be present at the c...

After my lecture on Leadership and Management in a Multinational Environment, I had the privilege to be present at the closing ceremony of the first MP Senior Offcers Course in Bydgoszcz, Poland, in presence of NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, (SACT), General Denis Mercier.

“The 1st MP Senior Officer Course at MP COE completed!We were highly honored by the presence of SACT General Mercier”

Gisteren bij publieke verdediging proefschrift Michelle Schut aanwezig geweest. Haar onderzoek handelt over cross-cultur...

Gisteren bij publieke verdediging proefschrift Michelle Schut aanwezig geweest. Haar onderzoek handelt over cross-culturele interacties en de betekenis daarvan voor militairen tijdens missies in het buitenland. Relevant, boeiend en een 'mooi onderzoek'

In military missions, soldiers have regular contact with unfamiliar cultures. The thesis of Michelle Schut is the first study that links this confrontation of soldiers with another culture with moral dilemmas in modern military operations. On 1 June 2015 she earned her PhD in Nijmegen.

The aforementioned cross-cultural interactions are not limited to contact with the locals, but also with international coalition forces. In these intercultural interactions, soldiers may perceive the behaviour of ‘the other’ as strange and even as a violation of their own values or possibly as a violation of universal values. In other words, they perceive morally and culturally critical situations, such as corruption, and interaction with suspects, women and children. Michelle concludes that soldiers would prefer to change the - in their eyes - strange and unacceptable behaviour of the local population or the coalition partners in these situations.

This PhD research was conducted in collaboration between the Radboud University Nijmegen and the Netherlands Defence Academy.
It is recommended to those who are involved (one way or the other) with expeditionary (international) operations.


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Interested in what IPOCT can offer you?

Zie/ See www.IPOCT.eu

For my English speaking friends.

For my English speaking friends.

By the end of March 2015 I could officially present the first copy of the book 'Building Police Integrity' to the Commander of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. Satisfied with the result and happy with an inspiring project which ends now. Recently the conference proceedings of the 2014 conference…

Eind maart kon ik officieel het eerste exemplaar van het boek 'Building Police Integrity' aanbieden aan de commandant Ko...

Eind maart kon ik officieel het eerste exemplaar van het boek 'Building Police Integrity' aanbieden aan de commandant Koninklijke Marechaussee. Tevreden met het resultaat en een inspirerende ervaring rijker bij de afsluiting van dit project.

Building Police Integrity: A Post-Conflict Perspective

Onlangs verscheen het boek naar aanleiding van de in 2014 gehouden conferentie ‘Police Integrity Building’. Deze internationale conferentie, georganiseerd door de Koninklijke Marechaussee, werd bijgewoond door internationale wetenschappers, politie-experts en politiemensen van zo’n 25 landen en bood de gelegenheid om ideeën en ervaringen uit te wisselen over het werken aan politiële integriteit vanuit verschillende perspectieven.

Meer weten?


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