Vandaag zag mijn tweede publicatie deze maand het daglicht. Na een eerdere bijdrage in het boek “Stability Policing: A toolkit for stability”, vandaag een artikel in de Militaire Spectator.
In de eerste bijdrage ga ik in op de toekomst van gendarmerie (The Future Role of Gendarmeries in National and International Contexts). In de tweede bijdrage besteed ik aandacht aan stability policing.
Today my second publication of this month saw the light of day. After an earlier contribution in the book "Stability Policing: A toolkit for stability", today an article in the Military Spectator.
In the first contribution I discuss the future of gendarmerie (The Future Role of Gendarmeries in National and International Contexts). In the second contribution I pay attention to stability policing.
zie ook/see also:
This chapter describes the future role(s) of gendarmeries in both the national and the international context, a possible future that can be characterised by an ever-growing interconnectedness an interdependence and complexity that go together with