Svein Wik - Nature Photographer

Svein Wik - Nature Photographer Nature and Wildlife are my driving passion. We arrange wildlife expeditions to the high Arctic and N Feltlivet. Kjenne elementene på kroppen.

Information in Norwegian:
For meg blir naturfotograferingen mer og mer å gå tilbake til det jeg begynte med i naturen. Oppleve kulde, uvær og ikke minst stemningene og mystikken i naturen. Mystikken er der nemlig enda. Mitt samfunn har bare glemt det. Jeg må selv ut og finne tak i den. I vår materielt fokuserte verden er det få som prater om og formidler dette store som så sterkt knytter meg til n

aturen. Min bedrift satser spesielt på kurs i fotografering og workshops lokalt i Trøndelag. I tillegg arrangerer vi reiser til Svalbard og prøver å komme så nært svalbardnaturen ved å benytte hovedsaklig seilbåt på sommers tid og snøscootere på vinters tid og få med feltlivet Svalbard byr på. Lokalt i Trøndelag arrangerer vi utleie av fotoskjul til kongeørn ved en fantastisk plass i høyfjellet.

Due to health issues for one of our customers we suddenly have one spot available for this August expedition in 2024.

Due to health issues for one of our customers we suddenly have one spot available for this August expedition in 2024.

Arctic Wildlife Tours creates expeditions specifically made for photography of close encounters with Svalbard wildlife and nature

I am thinking about all the hundreds, maybe more than thousand, encounters I have had on Svalbard with polar bears :) Th...

I am thinking about all the hundreds, maybe more than thousand, encounters I have had on Svalbard with polar bears :) These powerful animals which so many people fear and say they are so dangerous. For me it has been the best experiences in my life. We have never disturbed them. Mostly they have been sleeping half of the time. We never ended up in any dangerous situations. Mostly because we never wanted to go on land risking meeting one there. Personally I have learned a lot about wildlife and polar bears by doing this. We have never seen any aggressive polar bears trying to come closer to us during all the years. None of the 1000 polar bears tried to climb onboard our ship(because that is impossible). And none of them hunted us.
I will not say I am an expert on polar bears but I have for sure observed many of them and felt their presence. I look at that as some important knowledge about the animal.
This bear was seen in late April on its walk up north on Svalbard.
We are continuing doing trips and we will be able to see polar bears also in the future.

We are looking forward to this expedition from Svalbard to North-East Greenland in August. We believe this will be a unf...

We are looking forward to this expedition from Svalbard to North-East Greenland in August. We believe this will be a unforgettable journey onboard a smaller expedition vessel with high ice class.
Send us an inquiry or an email for a chat about this expedition.

North East Greenland Ice Cap is home to some of the most scenically spectacular landscapes anywhere. The journey begin on Svalbard.


Røddesveien 88


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