Jacamar Lodge Expeditions

Jacamar Lodge Expeditions Our accommodation is located in the heart of the Peruvian jungle 120 km from the city of Iquitos down



IQUITOS es la capital del departamento de Loreto, la ciudad más grande la la amazonia peruana a orillas del imponente río Amazonas, en el que desembocan los ríos Nanay e Itaya. En el pasado, la región estuvo poblada por diversas etnias de cazadores y pescadores como, Boras, Yaguas, Cocamas, Iquitos, Huitotos, Orejones, entre otras. Sob

re la fundación de la ciudad de Iquitos, hay varias versiones: Una se le atribuye a los misioneros Jesuitas y otra se la vincula a los colonos de Borja, expulsados por los nativos Huambisas del Marañón. IQUITOS tuvo mucha importancia durante los años 1880 y 1912 con la explotación del caucho y la enorme riqueza que originó la extracción del látex. Fue una época de derroche y ostentación, considerada a inicios del siglo XX como el paraíso de los caza fortunas. EL RIO AMAZONAS, llamado el rey de los ríos, tiene una longitud de 6,762 km. considerado el más largo, ancho y caudaloso del mundo, superando al Nilo. En sus aguas se han registrado más de 900 clases de peces. ATRACTIVOS TURÍSTICOS, CIUDAD DE IQUITOS:
Una de las principales atracciones de Iquitos es la navegación por sus espectaculares ríos y paradisíacos lagos, así como disfrutar de sus límpidas y hermosas playas de arena blanca. LUGARES TRADICIONALES:
El malecón de Tarapacá: Paseo obligado para los visitantes a orillas del majestuoso río Amazonas. En las casonas y edificios de los alrededores se observa la fastuosa arquitectura que engalanó a la ciudad durante la época del caucho. BELEN:
Barrio flotante popular ubicado en la desembocadura del río Itaya en el Amazonas, construido sobre balsas y pilotes. Durante la estación de lluvias se inunda completamente y sus construcciones flotan según sube o baja el nivel del río. En esta época solo se puede llegar en canoas. Es una comunidad muy pobre. MONUMENTOS HISTORICOS:
Casa de Fierro o casa Eiffel: (Plaza de Armas) Diseñada por el célebre arquitecto francés Gustave Eiffel, el artífice de la gran Torre que lleva su nombre en París, traída integramente desde Europa y ensamblada en 1889. Casa de barro: (Plaza de Armas) Edificio de dos plantas con balcón de madera. Fue un almacén en el que se guardaba el caucho de Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald, quien se apellidaba realmente Fitzgerald, uno de los caucheros más prósperos del Perú. MUSEO AMAZÓNICO: Muestra una interesante colección de estatuas en fibra de vidrio de indígenas de las diferentes etnias de la región con sus respectivas vestimentas típicas. BIBLIOTECA AMAZONICA: Especializada en temas regionales. COMPLEJO TURISTICO QUISTOCOCHA: a 15 minutos de la ciudad, interesante zoológico y piscigranja con especies de la fauna nativa, cuenta con restaurantes, botes y un pequeño museo de sitio. Playas del Nanay, a 15 minutos de la ciudad, lugar ideal para disfrutar de un baño en el río y comprar artesanías. El acceso es por carretera asfaltada. ESPECIES AMAZONICAS:
El paiche, el delfín rosado y la tortuga charapa, el perezoso son símbolos de la región. UBICACIÓN:
Perú, se encuentra ubicado en Sud América. Iquitos se encuentra en el departamento de Loreto. IDIOMA:
El idioma es el Castellano. MONEDA:
La moneda oficial es el Nuevo Sol. RELIGIÓN:
La religión predominante es la católica.. Web site :www.jacamarlodgeexpeditions.com. mail: [email protected]
cell:964221486//+51 65- 23- 49-38

The best of our Amazon is that you can enjoy the landscape and the wild flora and fauna, the best for your next vacation...

The best of our Amazon is that you can enjoy the landscape and the wild flora and fauna, the best for your next vacation.

Discover these magical places in our jungle, the best for your stay on your next vacation.

Discover these magical places in our jungle, the best for your stay on your next vacation.


Magical places where you can disconnect from the daily routine and discover these wonderful places with us.

Thank you guys very much for your visit, we hope to see you again another time.

Thank you guys very much for your visit, we hope to see you again another time.

Come and enjoy your stay in the heart of our Amazon

Come and enjoy your stay in the heart of our Amazon

Come and visit our Peruvian jungle and explore magical places with professional guides so you can discover your own expe...

Come and visit our Peruvian jungle and explore magical places with professional guides so you can discover your own experience with us


Discover your own experience with us and come explore our Peruvian jungle Iquitos.

Come and enjoy Iquitos, a wonderful jungle paradise

Come and enjoy Iquitos, a wonderful jungle paradise

Visit our Peruvian jungle and discover these amazing places in Iquitos, your best option for your next vacation.

Visit our Peruvian jungle and discover these amazing places in Iquitos, your best option for your next vacation.

The best you can discover 100% Nature

The best you can discover 100% Nature

Let yourself be carried away by the tranquility of our Peruvian Amazon, the best for your stay

Let yourself be carried away by the tranquility of our Peruvian Amazon, the best for your stay

Let yourself be carried away by the tranquility of our nature

Let yourself be carried away by the tranquility of our nature


If you have a passion for birds, here you can discover many species of birds so you can learn with our professional guides the descriptions and feeding of all species of birds, visiting many places in the heart of the jungle.

Discover hidden places in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Discover hidden places in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Visit Iquitos and get to know the tourist places of our city so you can get to know our historic houses.

Visit Iquitos and get to know the tourist places of our city so you can get to know our historic houses.

Discover these magical places in our Amazon by exploring our jungle on your adventures and connecting with nature.

Discover these magical places in our Amazon by exploring our jungle on your adventures and connecting with nature.

Visit our accommodation and you will discover the gastronomy of our Peruvian jungle.

Visit our accommodation and you will discover the gastronomy of our Peruvian jungle.

Give yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself and renewing yourself with elegance. Create unforgettable memories.

Give yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself and renewing yourself with elegance. Create unforgettable memories.

Iquitos, our source of inspiration, find these dazzling colors on your next trip

Iquitos, our source of inspiration, find these dazzling colors on your next trip

You are a lover of photos and videos, we organize trips and tours in the heart of the Peruvian jungle

You are a lover of photos and videos, we organize trips and tours in the heart of the Peruvian jungle

You are a music lover and want to connect with nature, discover this landscape in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon Iquit...

You are a music lover and want to connect with nature, discover this landscape in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon Iquitos.

Discover your own adventure with us

Discover your own adventure with us

If you have already visited our accommodation, do not forget to give us a like, thank you

If you have already visited our accommodation, do not forget to give us a like, thank you

the jungle awaits you when you visit us

the jungle awaits you when you visit us

We continue for more every day giving the best for our visitors

We continue for more every day giving the best for our visitors

If you are a nature lover, do not forget to discover your own adventure, the best for your stay, magical places and land...

If you are a nature lover, do not forget to discover your own adventure, the best for your stay, magical places and landscapes.

Discover these magical places and fill yourself with pure energy exploring our Amazon

Discover these magical places and fill yourself with pure energy exploring our Amazon

Connect with nature and breathe fresh air in the heart of our Peruvian Amazon Iquitos_Peru.

Connect with nature and breathe fresh air in the heart of our Peruvian Amazon Iquitos_Peru.

Discover these landscapes and breathe pure air 100% Nature

Discover these landscapes and breathe pure air 100% Nature




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Our Story

Special offer of tourist packages throughout the year for groups of 10,20,30 people The Jacamar Lodge Expedition is located 120 km from the city of Iquitos north of the of Iquitos located on the right bank of the Amazon river surrounded by wildlife flora ,Our accommodatoions has water ,electricity ,24 hours a day rooms have bathrooms ,private shower ,some of our roors have a view of the river and others have a view of the jungle ,all our rooms are protected with insect nets where you will not have problems with insects .

The Jacamar Lodge Expedition is built with rustic materials of the jungle .Our accommadation organizes tours through the jungle we have programs of one day ,fullday, city tours ,tour 3,4,5,6 days in the jungle with all incluided food ,rooms, Guide ,excurtions,boots in our programs ,Our tour prices are according to the days that go to the jungle confidential prices ,prices for students more to contact phones :

Contacto : en calle # pevas 162 pagina : web site :www.jacamarlodgeexpedition.com. Reservas : [email protected]

whatsApp : + 51 9 86382016/ +51 964221486 Our office is located 2 blocks from the main square located at pevas street