This walking tour for tips includes 10 of the most common places that you should know !
1.Historical Center of Lima=> Centro histórico de Lima
2.church of san Francisco and its catacombs=> Iglesia de San Francisco y sus catacumbas.
3.Lima cathedral=> Catedral de Lima
4.Government Palace of Peru=> Palacio de Gobierno
5. San Martin plaza=> Plaza San Martin
6.Convent of Santo Domingo => convento de Santo Domingo
7.Archbishop's Palace of Lima=>Palacio Arzobispal de Lima
8.Torre Tagle Palace => Palacio de torre Tagle
9.Church of Santa Rosa de Lima=> Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima.
10. Chinatown=> barrio Chino
ASK FOR Magical Water Circuit tour that would be during the Night . If you need more details send us a message.